*pulls hair very hard*
Out of ... STRAINED... occupational interest, does anyone know how prevalent the incidence rate is for elderly women with pronounced dementia, for *FUCKING FIXATING* on what imaginary children are doing at all hours of the goddamn night, when they SHOULD be trying to get some sleep?
I think I am experiencing caregiver burnout, because right now, I really want nothing more than for a single old lady, who shall remain nameless, to go to god damn sleep, and to stop trying to crawl out of the bed to go mess with imaginary children that do not exist, when she very much cannot walk, and certainly will hurt herself trying. (Not to mention, the
very pronounced need that dementia patients have for quality sleep, which she is denying herself, with her absurd fixations about said imaginary children.)
I swear, this woman has tried to get up 6 times in 10 minutes, each time it has been about these goddamn children.
THERE ARE NONE. GO TO SLEEP. There are other people, besides you, that I need to take care of, and imaginary children are incapable of hurting themselves.
*pulls hair*
I hate it when they assign me back here. (and they do it because the "bopsy twins" can't handle being split up.)
That's it. She's gonna sit the night in the wheelchair. I am not stopping every 2 minutes (literally!) to assure her that the kids are fine, and that she does not need to mind them. She can go chase imaginary kids in her wheelchair, and have increased dementia because of her self-imposed sleep deprivation all she fucking wants.