Eh, in Judeo-Christian thought it's neither ignorance nor malice. It's basically an imposed check due to humanity trying to usurp God. Malice isn't in the effect itself, it's in the intent. Consider: you can lock someone up out of malice, or out of an actual legitimate pure sense of trying to protect others. So physical hardships of life do not necessarily imply malice or ignorance.
Consider for a moment the person that would try to teach their child a lesson by viciously maiming and torturing them. Consider further that, just like many things, vicious, chronic torture is really,
really shit at teaching humans anything other than
specifically the avoidance of that torture.
You can't viciously torture someone (millions upon millions of someones, even!) out of anything
except malice or incredibly brutal ignorance, especially when other, better options both exist and are within your capability. If you were talking something other than human biology, which goes so screamingly far beyond just physical hardship human language fails to adequately describe it, maybe. "Physical hardships" don't necessarily imply malice or ignorance, no.
Human biology sure as hell
does. You don't get out of "didn't know what the hell they were doing" or "staggeringly evil sadistic monster" without trying to get into the weeds of religious language and redefining words until they no longer mean anything even remotely resembling the common usage. Not when looking at the incredibly broad list of failure states involved with the physical form.
Greatest. Character assassination.
In human history. One of, anyway. It's hard to top pinning something with the blame for what biology does to things. Murders tri-omni theology faster than SIDS offs a toddler