There's a political convention coming in August up where a bunch of political parties will put up stands and have speeches and basically just try to puff themselves up and get some more voters.
Two minority parties were
trying to get stands set up, and they'd received initial confirmation that they'd be allowed to do so, but some of the majority party leaders balked at having to share a convention center with these loons and said that they'd boycott the whole affair if they were allowed to present themselves alongside everyone else. So the stands got repealed.
The two parties in question were The Alliance (who have no intentions of allying with anyone, ever), and SIAN (an acronym, for "Stop the Islamification Of Norway").
To give you an idea of what the political mettle of these parties is like, the leader of The Alliance has previously taken to labeling the Holocaust "A propaganda maneuver", and has spoken out about this goddamn liberal-progressive (((modern science))) and (((studies show that))), and how these people are just lost causes that can't be argued out of their fake meta-narratives.
SIAN, meanwhile, riled up a social media outrage about empty bus seats.
Yes, they thought that picture was of... Something else. And they were
fucking angry about it.The Alliance was allowed to attend this convention last year, and I guess people have decided that they didn't want a repeat of him ranting about how stealthy Ninjews have infiltrated all levels of society in order to secretly advance the kosher agenda. SIAN just... Fuck, dude, SIAN is really just that dumb.