Oh, pissflaps, I was about to start arranging my dinner. It will be a while before I can give anything particularly in-depth. For now, I can reveal that I have not heard of it until now, no. I have heard of the threats and the odd attack on the emergency service crews, however. I am not particularly surprised. It sounds like a very reasonable request. Indeed, I thought they already had at least some helmets and riot-shields available.
The translation in the video provided checks out very well, so it is a good source. I do not know much of DGS TV as a whole, but it appears perfectly harmless; an opinion blog and Youtube series that goes somewhat outside the fold, but does so quite well. It is not particularly political, other than in its scepticism to some established orthodoxies that they believe need probing.
I can confirm Dorsidwarf's translations above. That is effectively what they are trying to do; be a journalistic counter-force to value-journalism and current identity politics. It is harmless; it is certainly no Breitbart-esque, as it where.
It is rather interesting. I shall pick it through and see what more I can find. It is a very small site, with a small footprint, hence the lack of general dirt, I imagine. It is more of an archive of opinion pieces that up until recently would not be particularly well-seen in most papers.
This is why when you accept a bunch of immigrants/refugees, cordoning them off into their own little communities is the worst way to handle integration.
That has, more or less, happened by itself. The immigration and integration is in the hopeless state it is because of in-action, I would say. It has been a very hands-off affair; it has been far less interesting than recieving and cashing the prestige and the feelings of generousity of having a 'humane migration policy'. It has all been dreadfully irresponsible. I urge you, do not try this at home.
This has been Meatball News
TM, we will return shortly with more coverage on this story later. [Jingle, fade-out]