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Author Topic: The friendly and polite Europe related terrible jokes thread  (Read 1060939 times)

Loud Whispers

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Re: The friendly and polite EU-related news thread
« Reply #690 on: February 14, 2016, 11:32:54 am »

Well I don't watch or read RT. Why would I care about what they do?
RT is useful for seeing what Russian wants to influence UK and USA public opinion with, you at the very least get a grasp of who Kremlin is pushing

Also lol, remember how someone suggested before that Germany just train all the Syrians and send them back?
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Do you know what, this isn't actually a bad concept. You just don't do it on your front doorstep, let alone inside your house :P
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Germans no longer have a choice in the matter

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Anyways it is interesting to note today that Germany pursues its politics irregardless of its own public opinion, of alienating itself from France, Italy, Greece and Eastern Europe, whilst the UK has taken a disregard to the public opinion of the EU, USA, yet made its own public opinion and of the rest of the world from Bangalore to Brunei of much greater importance. I find it notable that David Cameron in his attempts to keep the UK within the Union is still very cautious to try and court public opinion, whilst Merkel would have just denied the referendum.

Also lol the German Federal Agency for Political Education (god that is fucking creepy, the fact that it is inherited from the Nazis is just bants on the icing bunt) released a video teaching peeps in Germany how to jihad like a pro. They also teach that there are double jihads, one translated literally to German as mein kampfy struggle of struggling, and jihad 2 (or jihad 1) which involves military conflict to defend or expand the Muslim world. Top kek, Germany wants to die, I am long gone past the point of seeing it as one big Poe's law, this is a nation that just wants to die.

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REMOVE POTATO GERMANS (Potato Germans? Does that mean something in Germany?)

Newcomers with experience or training teachers and preschool teachers get a fast track to be able to teach in Sweden. The fastest to become a teacher in Sweden after a year in the groove, and parts of the training to be given in Arabic. National Union of Teachers fear, however, increased burden on teachers when the newcomers will practice. I don't know what the National Union of Teachers are fearing, unless they're racist shitlords or something, because Swedish children don't matter in any significant capacity. I'm not even being sarcastic or anything, it's actually wise to start teaching newly arrived children in their own language than to have them grow up in Sweden behind the curve.
Hopefully the next generation of immigrant Swedes does not adopt Swedish insanity too. If they preserve Swedish food tradition as well that would be nice, I'm at this point too jaded (and jihaded), I'm all right with progresiv destroying Swedes (not like I can stop them or if Swedes want anything but death) just leave their bread alone, their bread has done nothing to deserve this. I mean look at this, all the Swedes look like horrible hipsters ready to get in the bin. But the buns, pastries and breads - top don treasures. The thing about peaceful Shangri La paradise societies is that they only survive because they are isolated from the rest of the world that carries both strength and hunger in equal measure.
Sweden is no lost Tibetan valley town :P

Germany, Sweden and Austria threaten Greece with Schengen expulsion unless they stop refugee influx. Oh that's a great fucking dick move, stop the Greeks from stopping the flow back when it was manageable, bankrupt them and then give them a loan with interest to pay back your loan and then blame the Greeks for not doing more to stop the immigration flows when they can't even afford medicine or food for their own people :D
This makes about as much sense as telling starving North Koreans to just eat food. I don't think the issue is a lack of will. Greece at this point is fucked for the time being and has no future, if I was them I'd just give the middle finger to everyone else who screwed me and call it a day. Speaking of which, Erdogan threatening to open the gates and send everyone to Europe.
So open the gates of Constantinople, so open the gates of Vienna:
"Recep Tayyip Erdogan goaded EU leaders, saying they had not delivered the €3 billion (£2.3 billion) in aid his government was promised in exchange for halting the tide of refugees.
In a combative address in Ankara, he said the Turkish government was being taken for “idiots” by Brussels and insisted he was “proud” of leak minutes of a high-level meeting with EU leaders, in which he had threatened to flood Europe with refugees. "

You took Erdogan for a fool, now Erdogan will make fools of you! Can't ban Erdogan! GIVE HIS PAYMENT OR HE WILL MAKE YOU PAY (for his elite cataphract retinue)

So here we have Greece unable to stop any flows without money they have not been given and Turkey threatening to open the gates after the aid they were promised was not given. This will be interesting.

19 hours ago: Is Turkey preparing to invade Syria?
18 hours ago: Turkey shells Kurds in Aleppo province
IT HAS BEGUN, PREPARE YOUR RECTUM FOR DUBYA DUBYA THREE (or just large regional nondescript conflict one).

Alternative headlines: End of the World begins, Europe most affected.

USA trying to deescalate things. Thanks Obama


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Re: The friendly and polite EU-related news thread
« Reply #691 on: February 14, 2016, 11:39:54 am »

Oh good grief.

World ?= screwed.

It has been determined that Trump is an average unladen swallow travelling northbound at his maximum sustainable speed of -3 Obama-cubits per second in the middle of a class 3 hurricane.

Loud Whispers

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Re: The friendly and polite EU-related news thread
« Reply #692 on: February 14, 2016, 11:41:13 am »

No Obama will save us


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Re: The friendly and polite EU-related news thread
« Reply #693 on: February 14, 2016, 11:46:59 am »

Is there actually a coherent point to your posts, or are you just posting random shits for fun and giggles?

Quote from: Paul-Henry Spaak
Europe consists only of small countries, some of which know it and some of which don’t yet.


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Re: The friendly and polite EU-related news thread
« Reply #694 on: February 14, 2016, 12:06:35 pm »

Is there actually a coherent point to your posts, or are you just posting random shits for fun and giggles?
His point is actually very coherent, and he has explained it multiple times, that he doesn't agree with most of the modern European policies.

Loud Whispers

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Re: The friendly and polite EU-related news thread
« Reply #695 on: February 14, 2016, 12:30:45 pm »

Is there actually a coherent point to your posts, or are you just posting random shits for fun and giggles?
His point is actually very coherent, and he has explained it multiple times, that he doesn't agree with most of the modern European policies.
Pretty much

I said these things would happen threads ago because of these policies, today they happen, I post about it and make some jokes and then I consider that thread (no pun intended) of thought finished unless something spectacular or new information provides a new perspective. My stance has pretty much stayed the same that current European politics do not work on any level except for the purpose of destruction, with the addendum that such destruction was supposed to build a greater European state from the ashes. As one opposed to both the destruction of European nations and of Europe and as one who recognized the construction effort was more doomed than the tower of babylon if it was being melted by jet fuel, I am vested in seeing whether my bold portents were justified, and I am dismayed to find I consistently undersold just how much damage is achieved in such short time. But at the same time, also joy! I got it right. Since then my stance has changed from this being accidental incompetence with people with obvious agendas taking advantage to this being everyone with the agenda of suicide getting what they wished for and people with obvious agendas just taking advantage of them, and I don't mean that metaphorically or whatever, whole generations of kids were taught to attack themselves as oppressors and now is time to eat glorious popcorn and see the soft ones melt like butter in jet... Wait no, used that one. Melt like butter in krokodil cooking pot

In fact, I would go so far as to say I disagree with every single policy put forth by the European Union except for the self destruction of certain problematic nation states that trigger me timbers with their rampant xenophobia, and a common energy grid, which the EU sadly is not at all interested in despite being formed from the ashes of coal. Oh yeah, and I suppose I also share their appreciation of bureaucrats, though I do not share their opinion in making them the unaccountable overlords of the world's power, least of all if they all come from academic elite. Makes my Gokturk yoghurt shudder and tremble in its yurt, it does!

Oh, and I do want to know what potato Germans are, that one still makes little sense to me


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Re: The friendly and polite EU-related news thread
« Reply #696 on: February 14, 2016, 12:34:17 pm »

the Kartoffel type potato. Filling, but with a Sauerkraut aftertaste.
Friendly and polite reminder for optimists: Hope is a finite resource

We can ­disagree and still love each other, ­unless your disagreement is rooted in my oppression and denial of my humanity and right to exist - James Baldwin

Loud Whispers

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Re: The friendly and polite EU-related news thread
« Reply #697 on: February 14, 2016, 12:36:26 pm »

Oh, it's like baguette or kraut or kebab

Quite saddened, I thought I was gonna learn some ebin insult like the Chinese one where they tell your ancestors to get fucked to the 18th generation (brutality)


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Re: The friendly and polite EU-related news thread
« Reply #698 on: February 14, 2016, 01:36:39 pm »

Is there actually a coherent point to your posts, or are you just posting random shits for fun and giggles?
His point is actually very coherent, and he has explained it multiple times, that he doesn't agree with most of the modern European policies.
Pretty much

I said these things would happen threads ago because of these policies,

What European policies? There was no European policy. Merkel made a bet that by taking the lead she could get the rest of the EU to establish a coherent asylum policy. She failed due to the opposition of mostly Eastern Europeans, that were glad to let the rich county deal with the problem on their own. What we've seen is that countries on their own can or won't deal with that kind of shit, because it's easier to yell on whoever is downstream to solve it, or to let the refugees through so you don't have to deal with them.

I guess you could be meaning the open internal border policy, but even that is doubtful. The Balkans countries maintain border forces, and they didn't do much to stop the flow of refugees. And please don't city the UK as a counterexemple unless you are seriously advocating a policy of digging a channel around germany.

Quote from: Paul-Henry Spaak
Europe consists only of small countries, some of which know it and some of which don’t yet.


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Re: The friendly and polite EU-related news thread
« Reply #699 on: February 14, 2016, 01:45:01 pm »

Is there actually a coherent point to your posts, or are you just posting random shits for fun and giggles?
His point is to impart objectively correct and unbiased information, such as the important news that 9 million enriched Swedecucks have recently committed suicide by eating nandos and drinking Kultur-Aid – just like Jonestown, but with less drugs and more diversity.

We'd be completely in the dark if it weren't for LW.

Loud Whispers

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Re: The friendly and polite EU-related news thread
« Reply #700 on: February 14, 2016, 07:43:53 pm »

His point is to impart objectively correct and unbiased information, such as the important news that 9 million enriched Swedecucks have recently committed suicide by eating nandos and drinking Kultur-Aid – just like Jonestown, but with less drugs and more diversity.
We'd be completely in the dark if it weren't for LW.
Truly, if ever I failed in this mission to expose the Swedecuck every time it comedically covers up another gang rape, there would be only one fate for me

What European policies? There was no European policy.
Substitute with German it means the same thing :^)
The policy was simple, turn no refugees back, bring more refugees here, back when it was still just 60,000 refugees a year all attempts to reinforce the Balkans were blocked by Merkel, at 200,000 refugees a year for the entirety of Europe Germany was even making plans to create official channels to bring refugees from Africa and the ME straight to Germany. Have you forgotten so quickly already that in Europol thread we talked not about reinstating national borders, but creating processing centres on Libya and Algeria to increase rate of immigration safely? And then the number soared to the yearly millions and taharrush was all the bants. I don't like how people have such short memories on these things, it's like before how Merkel switches track from immigration as a multicultural experiment having been a failure then immediately segues into refugee bants. And that's not a point I haven't already made before.

Merkel made a bet that by taking the lead she could get the rest of the EU to establish a coherent asylum policy. She failed due to the opposition of mostly Eastern Europeans, that were glad to let the rich county deal with the problem on their own. What we've seen is that countries on their own can or won't deal with that kind of shit, because it's easier to yell on whoever is downstream to solve it, or to let the refugees through so you don't have to deal with them.
That's not what we've seen. That's not what we've seen at all :P

Also lol, even in failure Polan and frens is being blamed for Germany fucking up Europe, utterly priceless

I guess you could be meaning the open internal border policy, but even that is doubtful.
You don't need to guess, I've made my voice clear on how the schengen area fucked up the Med boat phase of the crisis and made the whole fiasco thereafter impossible to manage, even with Germany's pitiful "totally not borders gais", and how it allowed traffickers of people and arms and jihad bants to have such an easy life once they set foot in Spain/Italy/pass Balkans. Open borders + economic incentives, it was clear from the start that the rate of immigration to Europe would increase, one just could not fathom it would be in the annual millions.

The Balkans countries maintain border forces, and they didn't do much to stop the flow of refugees.
Lol don't try to misrepresent this, the border forces were not maintained and haven't even fully restarted even after the massive influx already crossed:
Amongst those now ensuring this border is fully controlled are teams of foreign police officers from Slovenia, Hungary, Croatia, Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Serbia.
More European Union member states are expected to join the mission soon, working alongside their Macedonian counterparts patrolling the border and providing surveillance equipment, as well as helping to register the migrants.
Media captionRichard Galpin reports on a second fence being constructed on the Greece-Macedonia border
"The idea is that our effort in decreasing illegal migration is made in an efficient manner with assistance from these countries," says Macedonia's Foreign Minister, Nikola Poposki.
"And we have estimated we can have 350 to 400 foreign police officers operating on our soil."
Mr Poposki added his government would even consider having foreign troops stationed on the border with Greece if any European countries were to offer this, but apparently this has not been discussed so far.
Dated February 12th, 2016. Not dated 2010.
Likewise all the wealthy nations that could have enforced their borders had governments that wanted to use that wealth to attract as many immigrants as possible. And those that did not want to act so, did not act the opposite, being complacent or indecisive. One has only to see Italy where they intercepted every single boat they could find and brought everyone to Italy, this was during an interim progresiv government none of the Italians had elected mind you, with not a single boat returned to Africa. Then once they reached Italy they were given all they needed if they applied asylum there, and if they didn't wish to they were free to move on to France and Germany. And again with the short memory, have we already forgotten how people were calling for a "regime change" when Orban actually defended his nation's borders?

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Italy - no borders, no maritime patrols that do not return immigrants. France - no borders, no maritime patrols that do not return immigrants. Greece - no ability to control borders as they are too yuropoor. Macedonia - border control under construction. Serbia - too poor to fully enforce their border, they just enforce the border that keeps the immigrants away from minefields and Croatia and try to process them, remove Jihadis and move them on. Croatia - ditto. Slovenia - ditto. Austria - they only built their fence last year and it has hundreds of yards of gaps due to vineyard owners refusing to let the Austrian gov complete the fence out of political protest. Hungary - only built their fence last year, since then though they've only had 1,000 people try to cross the fence last year and this year it'll probably be around 3,000 given the rate has increased to 60-70 per week just as illegal immigration to Europe as a whole tripled, with those 1,000 detained, sentenced and returned to their countries. That was last year mind you, and countries are only beginning to emulate Austria after 1.5 million already made it through last year with no opposition, and indeed encouragement. Hungary right now is going to extend their fence to their Romanian border, and learning from Calais they realize it is not sufficient, so I hope they will reinforce it with more manpower.

All the border controls that were abandoned after the Schengen treaty were not even brought back, and their substitutes were not brought back in sufficient power. Whilst some nations took part in destroying trafficking rings and smuggling boats (Frogs, Burgers and Chips), significantly Germany did not. For as long as Merkel made it clear that immigrants could always make it to the wealth and benefits of Germany without even having to apply beforehand, more and more kept coming. They're not coming to Europe to live in Finland or Poland, because they're poor and cold. They're coming for Germany and Germany has every step of the way attacked any nation within the Schengen area for putting up border controls at risk of causing an EU collapse, that is also why they had Frontex attempt to supercede the nation state's control of their own borders without even having to ask permission from those nations. That is also why Orban told Germany to very politely fuck off and not sabotage Hungary's borders.
Free housing, free money, free cellphones, free food, easy women (bloody hell if you come from an area of the world where you might spend your entire life having only had sex with one woman, coming to Germany where it's all about sex positivism and girls walk around looking to be culturally enriched is one hell of a draw for millions of young men who have low prospects of getting laid at home), adventure in exotic lands (or a safe base to hide from jihadist adventures in exotic lands), no obstacles, Germany is a candle in the night, drawing everyone to it. Such a dream that sexy is worth fighting, paying and dying for, and only a few thousand died out of the million and a half that made it so odds are you'd make it good.

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That's without even taking into considering that we have systematically destroyed every single government in the Med that wasn't an EU country that had its borders destroyed from within - we destroyed those governments one by one until only Morocco, Algeria, Egypt (close call), Lebanon, Israel and Tunis remained (and you can bet your butt their days are probably numbered lel) and on every single European country in the Mediterranean bar Albania and Greece, once you set foot on soil or you're brought onto European soil by the coast guard, you're sorted and you can head on your way to Berlin or just stay where you are, because open magnet borders are fun. Notably there is a maritime route that bypasses the closer Greece from the levant/Egypt to go straight to Italy where travel to Berlin is unimpeded by such silly things as border controls. Also whilst France, USA and the UK are busy trying to stabilize Sudan, Nigeria and CA, West Africa and East Africa from Islamist bandits, the richest nation in Europe isn't doing fuck all except to make things worse to try and preserve their preeminence within the EU :|

And please don't city the UK as a counterexemple unless you are seriously advocating a policy of digging a channel around germany.
I do believe my policy in regards to Germany was to turn it into a giant reef to allow it to commit suicide in a fashion that would at the very least provide one of the most biodiverse and ecologically vibrant historical ruins that would ever be known to mankind for generations to come and go. It would make some sick diving spots for sure, and could save all the fish stocks that the UK lost to EU fishermen overfishing our formerly protected waters :(

In all seriousness though, I have covered what my preferred policies are and I believe they are in this thread, allow me to repost them:
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I'd add something about deportation that I didn't add before but honestly for countries like Germany and Sweden the numbers are so high and the political will for it so low I think they alone are better off just replacing themselves correctly with assimilation, and failing that, some sort of Londonobrazilioamericano evolution and appeasement of its newcomers to minimize damage and ease transition into the next year
I mean hey, maybe Merkel will be able to convert all the immigrants to progressivism, who knows

Loud Whispers

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Re: The friendly and polite EU-related news thread
« Reply #701 on: February 15, 2016, 04:30:03 pm »

Having dispelled the three myths that I have no coherent point, I am nothing less than an inglorious shitposter of information and that the EU's failure has been born out of deliberate malevolence taking advantage of dogmatic wishful suicide I was greeted by a most unpleasant sight this evening from one of my papers, the Metro. They are pro-EU but it seems this was even too much for them.
Brexit: EU 'will punish Britain'
BRITAIN will be punished by spurned allies if it quits the EU, foreign secretary Philip Hammond warned yesterday. The minister was accused of 'blackmailing' voters after claiming Europe might put up trade barriers to stop us succeeding alone. He said EU leaders were worried that, if Britain left, the 'contagion' would spread and more countries would drop out.
Note on who Philip Hammond is, he is a on the side of our Prime Minister with a unique twist, whilst he is like our Prime Minister pro-EU, he was formerly eurosceptic. Interestingly in 2015 he was the one to introduce the European referendum bill to Parliament. One wonders what meetings he has had that has changed his mind so abruptly in 2016. He changed his mind on almost everything that there the Philip Hammonds of yesteryear and the current year are two entirely different Philips. I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt and assuming he has not accepted any gifts, this is not exactly Italy, so the most logical explanation is that he's waiting to see how Cameron's negotiations with Merkel turn out and does not want to undermine his chances of success if the deal is good.
Also perhaps the EU have forgotten that this contagion is called democracy and it spreads like Spanish venereal diseases :P
'they will not have an interest in demonstrating that we can succeed outside the EU.' he told the BBC's Andrew Marr Show.
The responses to this are surprising coming from a pro-EU newspaper, after one of our MPs leaked a delightful conversation with Germany's EU Affairs Chairman Gunther Krichbaum where Gunther Krichbaum threatened the UK with trade war and economic collapse during a meeting. Understanding that Gunther Krichbaum was just probably trying to intimidate him personally, our good ol' MP decided to make this statement public.
'It is impossible for the EU to launch a trade war against a departing member under World Trade Organization rules, (...) not that French wine producers or German car manufacturers would allow their governments to threaten access to a market as important as the UK anyway.'
This one I would not wholly agree with, as I would love to see Germany try to enact a continental blockade upon the UK, worked well for Napoleon xD! And to play devil's advocate here, that argument would apply in reverse. Less than half of our exports go to the EU but that's still a good share, so who would be willing to back down first? With Germany's spending having already created a debt timebomb and their immigration expenditure having risen to 50B Euroshekels, I am comfortable in saying the answer is set.
Currently the EU is more dependent upon the UK than the UK to the EU, simply for the reason that the UK imports more from the rest of the world (with the EU's share in the UK having fallen 10% due to inability to compete with BRICS and the Commonwealth) and the UK is not an industrial economy like Germany, it is a post-industrial financial economy. Would the rest of the EU be willing to side with Germany against the UK when it comes to making less money in favour of Berlin? I would bet no, as money is more powerful an allure than unpopular politics, and Germany has already isolated itself from Portugal and Spain, France, Italy and the Visegrad group. Belgium, the Netherlands and Sweden seem to still be more or less with Berlin... For now. Not to give the Germans ideas or anything, but a trade war would destroy Germany not the UK, to kill the UK you'd want to blow up London stocks with V2 rockets or something. NO HELGO, NO, I THOUGHT WE WERE ALLIES D:
Though actually, one of the funnier things they said:
With friends like this, who needs enemies?
Gunther Krichbaum you delightful scrunch, you have exposed quite clearly that Germany is not just willing to sacrifice themselves for the Commission project, they are willing to sacrifice others unwillingly too. So far Russia has been non-stop probing UK defences to find weakness and they've treated us with more respect and cooperation than Germany. Gunther Krichbaum is also the nitwit that threatened our Prime Minister with dire consequences if he limited immigration to the UK, like I said Germany has been at the centre of this trying to sabotage anyone's effort at stopping the crisis from day 1 till Kingdom come.
I will extend one bit of understanding in that Gunther Krichbaum probably was not trying to make a statement to the UK and just let his ambition out in a Freudian slip, and that he probably does not represent a good load of Germans who just want to be culturally enriched in peace. But I always love the irony that Germany is led by people who desire more sanctions to be placed on the United Kingdoms than on the Russian Federation.
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We already have our own booming car industries so giving them the Alibaba treatment would do wonders for the UK's car manufacturing industries and I'm quite surprised that Germany buys none of our nuclear engines because they hate nuclear power for some reason (chernobylphobia?). I think if the USA imploded for some reasons things would be different as that'd remove our export and financial waifu but we're good, China is muscling into Europe for the power of free markets and you can't put a ban on services in a country you can't control! :D
Haha, it's like we don't even pretend we're allies anymore. I'd rather be in the company of friends like the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, India, Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, China and Japan. Those countries don't try to destroy the UK, they give us money, cultural enrichment and good exports, and when it comes to defence we actually defend one another instead of trying to destroy one another. Nothing gets me more salty than liars who clap you in the hand and stab you in the back :P
Also Germany is still dependent upon the UK, Norway and Netherlands for its alternative gas imports, the rest it is getting from Russia. If the Germans want to shoot off their legs more then that's fine by me, UK gas production is slowing down anyways so it'd really just be speeding up the inevitable and just handing the keys to Russia faster.
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SUPER SALTO, Sergarr you must love the German leadership for being such good sports!



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Re: The friendly and polite EU-related news thread
« Reply #702 on: February 15, 2016, 05:03:12 pm »

So, EU represent about 50% of UK trade, UK represent about 8% or rEU trade, so the rEU is going to bow backward to Westminster because we need them so much? Welcome to the wonderful world of LW logic.

Also, I love how you're spinning that as a trade war. The thing is that if the UK leaves the EU, it leaves the common market. Spoiler alert, when you leave the EU, you leave the benefits associated with the EU. The Eurosceptic fantasy that they can leave the EU but still keep all the parts they like is just a fantasy. It's be hilarious if the Brits ended up paying more to the EU budget when outside than in, like the Norwegians. :p

Quote from: Paul-Henry Spaak
Europe consists only of small countries, some of which know it and some of which don’t yet.


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Re: The friendly and polite EU-related news thread
« Reply #703 on: February 15, 2016, 05:24:44 pm »

LW's last post contained some really interesting stuff, so to encourage it to be actually read by his vociferal opponents, I've done my best to extract the meaning and thought-provoking stuff while removing the : D and shekelphobia

the Metro. pro-EU paper posts headline:
Brexit: EU 'will punish Britain'
BRITAIN will be punished by spurned allies if it quits the EU, foreign secretary Philip Hammond warned yesterday. The minister was accused of 'blackmailing' voters after claiming Europe might put up trade barriers to stop us succeeding alone. He said EU leaders were worried that, if Britain left, the 'contagion' would spread and more countries would drop out.
Philip Hammond is a UK MP, he is likeminded with our Prime Minister, pro-EU,but was formerly eurosceptic. In 2015 he was the one to introduce the European referendum bill to Parliament.
 He might be taking bribes, but the most logical explanation is that he's waiting to see how Cameron's negotiations with Merkel turn out while retaining a political safety-net if they do work.

'they will not have an interest in demonstrating that we can succeed outside the EU.' he told the BBC's Andrew Marr Show.

An MP leaked a delightful conversation with Germany's EU Affairs Chairman Gunther Krichbaum where Gunther Krichbaum threatened the UK with trade war and economic collapse during a meeting.
'It is impossible for the EU to launch a trade war against a departing member under World Trade Organization rules, (...) not that French wine producers or German car manufacturers would allow their governments to threaten access to a market as important as the UK anyway.'
I would love to see Germany try to enact a continental blockade upon the UK, but that argument would apply in reverse. Less than half of our exports go to the EU but that's still a good share, so who would be willing to back down first? With Germany's spending having already created a debt timebomb and their immigration expenditure having risen to 50 Billion Euroa, I am comfortable in saying the answer is set.
Currently the EU is more dependent upon the UK than the UK to the EU, because the UK imports more from the rest of the world (the EU's share in the UK having fallen 10% lately) and the UK is not an industrial economy like Germany, it is a post-industrial financial economy. I think that most countries and economic groups within the EU wouldn't join any blockade. Belgium, the Netherlands and Sweden seem to still be more or less with Berlin. A trade war would destroy Germany not the UK.

Also from the article:
With friends like this, who needs enemies?
Germany is not just willing to sacrifice themselves for the Commission project, they are willing to sacrifice others unwillingly too. So far Russia has been non-stop probing UK defences to find weakness and they've treated us with more respect and cooperation than Germany. Gunther Krichbaum also threatened our Prime Minister with dire consequences if he limited immigration to the UK, like I said Germany has been at the centre of this trying to sabotage anyone's effort at stopping the crisis from day 1 till Kingdom come.
Gunther Krichbaum probably was not trying to make a statement to the UK and just let his ambition out in a Freudian slip, and that he probably does not represent a good load of Germans who just want to be culturally enriched in peace. But I always love the irony that Germany is led by people who desire more sanctions to be placed on the United Kingdoms than on the Russian Federation.
Spoiler: UK exports/imports (click to show/hide)
The UK has a powerful car industry, and Germany is uninterested in nuclear power recently. I think if the USA imploded for some reasons things would be different. China would not be subject to a ban and would swoop in.
I'd rather be in the company of friends like the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, India, Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, China and Japan. Those countries don't try to destroy the UK, they give us money, cultural enrichment and good exports, and when it comes to defence we actually defend one another instead of trying to destroy one another.
Germany is still dependent upon the UK, Norway and Netherlands for its alternative gas imports, the rest it is getting from Russia. If the Germans want to shoot off their legs more then that's fine by me, UK gas production is slowing down anyways so it'd really just be speeding up the inevitable and just handing the keys to Russia faster.

« Last Edit: February 15, 2016, 05:26:39 pm by Dorsidwarf »
Quote from: Rodney Ootkins
Everything is going to be alright


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Re: The friendly and polite EU-related news thread
« Reply #704 on: February 15, 2016, 05:42:33 pm »

Please don't, Dorsidwarf? If somebody is ignoring somebody, trust that it's for a good reason.
I've played some mafia.

Most of the time when someone is described as politically correct they are simply correct.
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