Yes, let us build a wall under the Mediterranean and block of the sea access - it will surely make a difference!
Shit use of resources, didn't stop the allies, what does stop boats are naval patrols which we already did, then the EU went full retard and disabled everything, then when things went to shit said we need naval patrols... Under the EU flag. At any rate you use fences and walls for the land, and most people ignore the whole element of guarding the borders within Africa and Asia. How funny would it be if Libyan jihadists on their way to Nigeria or Central Africa hit a Trump
tm wall and had to pay for it? I suppose in this case it'd probably be more of a good luck Ebele wall or something.
On a serious note, EU sucks as a border control force. Let each state worry about its own borders, to the full extent of the law and beyond, if that's what it takes to protect order in the country.
It would be funny to see something like the Italian temporary administration intercepting every single boat they could and bringing them all to Italy to fuck Germany and Sweden over doubly instead fucking themselves over doubly when they can't wander off north. Still sucks for the Italians though, they didn't even vote for that government hahahaha
Though to be fair the ones they vote for are hardly corruption-free paragons of public service either, you lose or you lose the ruse is too loose
Schengen failed and unless someone comes up with a good replacement, EU shot itself in the foot by destroying one of its own pillars through ineffective handing of the situation.
National democracy sounds like a pretty good replacement here.