Spring, 103I forgot how difficult, if fun it is to be an Overseer. Although, the first few months are always the same; begin mining, set up farms, build a trade depot, etc. Luckily, we also had the goal of building a Tavern, as this is going to be The Strip; a place for all to come and relax, drink a pint, maybe stay for a few nights. Those elves can even read, if they want. Of course, that's all in the future. First, we mine and get food and defenses for ourselves;
then we worry about the taverns.
Summer, 103The last few months have been mostly un-eventful. We've started digging down toward the more precious ore, although it's been slow. We also realized the surveyors were lying when they said there are multiple metals close to the surface; all we found was gold! We don't need gold yet; we need iron, and steel. There was also a small pocket of Galena, but it's not enough to do anything with.
Anyway, I've started drafting plans for bedrooms. I'm going to base them off of something I saw in another Dwarven fort; I called them the Bedroom Piles, but someone told me they're actually called "Windmill Bedrooms" or something like that. Pah! Windmill Bedrooms. I like Bedroom Piles better!
Autumn, 103The caravan from the Mountainhome left a few days ago. They didn't do much, and we didn't have much to trade, but we still got some stuff from them. Otherwise, very little of note happened in the past few months.
Winter, 103We broke into the Caverns today. I was told it's the second story based on the number of funguses. I like fungus. We should grow plump helmets. They taste good. They grow fast too. They're purple. I like purple. Maybe I could grow them in the corpses of the others. I bet they would like that. They die, and then they're turned into purple mushrooms! Who wouldn't like that! Ireallythinkthisisagoodideaimgoingtogotelleveryone. Maybeishoujldntthuymightnolikmeforcomengupwethit. I like plump helmets. They taste good. They grow fast too. They're purple. I like purple...
*The journal continues in this manner for several pages, repeating the same thing over and over again, getting squished together occasionally, as if the writer is excited.*
Spring. 104The other dwarves got angry at me today. They told me to figure out something to do for food. I didn't know what they were talking about; I had everyone go out and gather mushrooms from the Cavern. They told me they were tired of mushrooms. So, I had them plant Plump Helmets. They're not mushrooms. They're fungus. And once they eat the plump helmets, I can kill them! And turn them into houses for all the little plump helmets!
*The journal gets progressively more insane, eventually turning into the words "Plump Helmets" Scrawled in any available space*
AutumnSummer, 104I'm so glad I had the dwarfs access the top of the volcano! Now we might get some magma forges up and running! I might even be able to make a sacrifice chamber, too! We can put dwarves and prisoners in it, and just drop them into lava! Who knows? Maybe dwarven skeletons float in lava!
The human came! I tried to buy all their stuff in exchange for a wooden chair, but they wouldn't let me. So, I broke the trading post! And then, then they dropped all their stuff and left! Just like that, we got all their items! I knew I was good at getting stuff from people, even if the "Broker" said I shouldn't try to talk to the traders! Oh well! Maybe HE'll be the FIrst to TuRN into a PLUmp HELMEt!
Autumn. 104The caravan from the Mountainhome came today! I didn't talk to the Liason, but I told the mayor to ask about plump helmets, and other stuff! Mainly the Plump Helmets, though. I also said under my breathe I would kill him if he didn't. At least I told him, right? Now I won't feel bad and go back to the bad place! With my brother! He died fighting a goblin. IT waSn'T vERy FuN to WatCH. MOm sAW it, anD tHen she DiEd loCKed In HEr rOOM. I wonder wHy!
Winter, 104My time as overseer is almost up! All the other dwarves looked REALLY SAD to see me leave, BUt it's OkaY. I'lL stiLL be Here foR a WHile. I Might EVEn haVE a STRange MooD like the other dwarves! I Hopes it happens soon. My WRists huRT. I Don'T KnOW WHy. I Got over HURting mysELF a few YEARs Ago. UNLess JIMMy has STARTED TO COME BACK. i HOPE HE HASN'T COMEBACK. HE MAKES ME HURT MYSELF. PLEASE HELP ME. I DON'T LIKE HIM. HE'S SCARY.
*The handwriting changes suddenly, after a series of loops and straight lines, as if someone is remembering how to write after not writing for a few years. The color of the ink has turned into a disturbingly blood-like color, as opposed to the graphite from before.*
Yes, I am back. Don't fear me. I want to help you. You know I'm the only one who can. Don't worry. I wont tell the others our, or should I say, your little secret. Of how you actually killed them. Of how the only reasons I exist is because you can't deal with the guilt. We both know it. Why won't you tell them? They deserve to know. I just hope you don't hurt anyone else. They do care about you, you know. You helped create this fort, and I made sure you didn't get too out of hand, even if you didn't realize it. I've never been gone, I've just gotten better at hiding.
Here's the save
What do you guys think of that? Did I mess anything up? Take something a bit too far? Feel free to yell at me for every single word of it
Also, it is now
Deus Asmoth's turn. You have 24 hours starting now to respond. I will then message you. If you do not respond 72 hours after being messaged, you're being skipped. Sorry.