((ATH, the system is designed to be remarkably confusing, so I'll try and walk you through this. I suggest you go to the first post of the main thread, and copy your sheet into a text file. Try to edit it as you read my post.
Five points are equivalent to one levelup. You'll essentially have -20 points in constitution, however, this is equivalent to -2 levels. It would require fifteen points to go up one level, to -1.
You don't have fifteen points, however, you can also remove penalties. If you lower any of the stats (NOT skills) that you have a +1 in, by one level, you can remove three negative levels. You could remove two negative levels from CON, which should remove the equivalent of fifteen points. You would still have negative five points, or the equivalent of -1 level, due to your tempdeath. You would have to spend your five levelup points to put that up to +0, and I recommend doing so.
This would leave you with one negative level to remove in stats. That means you could either put will to -1, or cha to -1, but not both (yet). Alternatively, you could put intelligence up to +0.
Now, if this leaves you with stats you still don't like, Ozark is being super nice and letting you choose another +1 stat to lower to +0. That would let you choose two negative levels to remove. So, you could raise any stat that still has -2, up to +0, or if you could raise a -1 stat to +0 and a -2 stat to -1.
Now for skills. Currently, they should be completely unchanged from when they were copied from the first post. Unless Ozark is being super double mega awesome nice, and I somewhat doubt he is, you can only put five points into a single skill. The only skill that would immediately have its level changed if you do so is ranged weapons, and it would go up to +0. If you'd prefer a different skill be improved, write [5P] after to bonus. That is all you can do.
Here's some advice for long term planning: skill with -2 require two missions worth of points to go up to -1. So, if you put the [5P] after a -2 skill, next mission you could put your five skill pointa in the same skill, remove the [5P], and change the bonus to -1. All of the other skills you could improve are +1 skills. If you put the [5P] after a +1 skill, next mission you could put your five skill points in tje same skill, and then you could remove the [5P] and change the bonus to +2.
Lastly, if next mission you changed your mind and wanted to raise a different skill, you'd have to put a [5P] after it too, and nothing would change--you'd just have two [5P]s after different skills.
Got all that? If not, please describe in as much detail as possible what you're having trouble with, and I'll try to help.))