No money? Looks like it's time to go to the market and look for sssomeone to rob!
It's kinda quiet at the market today. perhaps the smell of the toxic sludge is keeping people away. There are still several stalls open, selling farming produce and some simple clothing. A few old ladies stand around haggling, gossiping, or complaining. Several pairs of eyes turn in your direction, with a mix of apparent reactions.
Reggie team 2
hello?! Anyone here....never seen anything like this place before wonder what it is?
if no one shows up Reggie descends into the Quarry looking for anyone and examing items greet anyone i may find with kindness.
Yo clank your way down, and find some activity below. there are miners digging in the wall, shoveling stuff into carts, standing around talking, and so forth. many of those you meet turn to stare at you as you bound around, peeking into carts and sheds. A few of them respond with quiet hellos to your greetings. One or two wave slowly as you pass by. One guy grips his shovel a bit more tightly than he had been, but no one assaults you.
=="Terrence", team II==
Visit the alchemist's lab. First see if there's anybody home, but if there isn't, sneak in anyway.
the alchemist's lab is out in the goop out there. Jsut going to wade on in?
((I want to avoid the shore for now, it's highly unlikely that he went back into the water and if he did it'll be nearly impossible to find him anyway. so I'll start going away from the shoreline.))
You search along the west side of the village for sign of your friend. there seems to be no sign of him leaving the village this way. The going is slowed a bit by tall grass. Apparently the cows haven't been by this edge of town in a while to eat the grass down. You get up far enough to spot the north trail out of the village in the distance. You also see several farm huts in the west, and one or two that look like more substantial houses. off in the distance to the north, you spy the telltale sign of smoke drifting lazily skyward from more than one source all clumped in one location.
==Durmokh Dumrhysson==
I have some salt! Probably not enough, but I have some!
((Salt is used in cheesemaking.))
You have about a cup worth, you give it to Clunkers
==Durmokh Dumrhysson==
I have some salt! Probably not enough, but I have some!
((Salt is used in cheesemaking.))
Still not letting of go of the alchemist, Clunkers thinks over the options.
"Yes, good. We have salt, so we shall try the alchemic ritual of cleansing. You, Alchemist, will assist us in cleaning up your mess. Let us hope this works."
Check if Durmokh's salt is going is going to be enough. If it is, do the alchemic ritual of cleansing with the help of the alchemist. If it isn't, ask the alchemist where we could find more salt around here.
The alchemist looks at the salt skeptically. "it'll be enough to test the idea, but it'll take about a wagon load of salt to clear this up. We'd need to raid the Salt Mines of Gorowich to get enough. that's about two hundred miles from here, though. And the Queen might not take too kindly to it. Ah!" the Alchemist looks excited suddenly, smacking his fist into his hand. "DO any of you know sympathetic magic? We could use that on the sample we cleanse with the salt, and link it to the rest! brilliant! that should clear it all up in ... oh an hour or five. Yes, I bet that would take care of it nicely, given a skill of journeyman with that magic!" he frowns again as a bubble settles on his nose and pops. He cranes his neck looking around at the bubbles, which, I remind you, are pretty thick in this area.