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Author Topic: Mostly Mythical Monsters Modular Mod [1.2.1: A few minor fixes]  (Read 70163 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mostly Mythical Monsters Modular Mod [0.9: Yet more monsters]
« Reply #75 on: May 03, 2016, 04:36:13 am »

Niiice.  I take it this works by modifying which files are used?  If so, it should work fine.

I do plan on adding some more content (and improving some old content, like the bogeyhunt), though I have been rather busy as of late.
Yes, I just finished the UI backend for this. It add/removes the necessary creature and interaction files. I split the mod into these 7 parts, they felt very different from each other. It wouldnt do the wild hunt or the deep ones justice to just add them as "one more monster" into a myth-monster pack.

Only thing missing is a bit more info. I read through this thread, but couldnt find much on how the deep ones/cult work, nor how players actually advance through the bogeymen. I mean, I read the raws, but most players cant do that.

Btw, maybe, probably, most likely, bad news for you: I'm going to take the gnomes out of MDF for now. Its all dfhack, I dont know what works on 42.06 and cant check/update them myself. I hope to rescue some of the content and distribute it to dwarves (tech) and elves (nature), but people were just not playing the Gnomes enough to warrant the work I'd have to put in to maintain them. Sorry.
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Re: Mostly Mythical Monsters Modular Mod [0.9: Yet more monsters]
« Reply #76 on: May 03, 2016, 04:54:03 am »

I could see the reasoning in that.

You might want to ask Milo, the creator of Rubble.  He made a rebuild of the machina code, but I'm not sure if it will clash with the other systems in Masterwork.  At any rate, I did start updating the tinkering to make use of the new menu system.  Let's see what you have for the other races and I'll see if I can come up with something that makes the gnomes worth playing.

As for the bogeymen, you basically get the power to transform basic bogeymen into stronger types, with each type giving you the power to create a bogeyman of the next tier.  You get special abilities for advancing to higher tiers but you still have to survive the night.  It's still incomplete at this point though, since all the tiers are basically the same.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mostly Mythical Monsters Modular Mod [0.9: Yet more monsters]
« Reply #77 on: May 03, 2016, 06:14:32 am »

Ah, so the adv-mode player gets interactions that his character can do. That is the information that players need.

I'll talk to Milo :)
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Re: Mostly Mythical Monsters Modular Mod [0.9: Yet more monsters]
« Reply #78 on: May 07, 2016, 06:00:35 am »

Gotta say, I absolutely love the attention to detail you're doing here Indigo; however, one point of contention regarding the preta...


The current fort I'm running has gone into a tailspin thanks to these things, it all started with a random werellama showing up, a few preta, then a FB from the caverns, and then suddenly EVERYONE decided that being possessed by a preta was in vogue.

Now half of my fort is in a 'Berserk' state caused by the possession, the other half's barely holding it together, and I have a werellama noble locked in the hospital where it had torn asunder the poor surgeon that was cleaning their wounds.

If you ask me, you may want to add the traditional appeasement method for the preta to cure / dispel the current effects or prevent them from spawning for a short period of time (leaving food out at a shrine) because right now, my fort went from a solid 60 down to 20 and most of my animals have been possessed and become tame murderous monsters.


  • Bay Watcher
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    • worldbicyclist
Re: Mostly Mythical Monsters Modular Mod [0.9: Yet more monsters]
« Reply #79 on: May 07, 2016, 02:47:49 pm »

Same question. Pretas are destroying forts, even forts that just embarked. Endless spiral of possession till everyone is dead.
::: ☼Meph Tileset☼☼Map Tileset☼- 32x graphic sets with TWBT :::
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Re: Mostly Mythical Monsters Modular Mod [0.9: Yet more monsters]
« Reply #80 on: May 07, 2016, 11:35:49 pm »


I guess I made them a little too common.
They are supposed to become more common as you open more caverns but not to fortress destroying levels.  My short tests are sometimes a poor judge for how much trouble a particular element will be in the long run.

Maybe lower their frequency to, say, 1 or 2.  Or lower their biting frequency to make possessions less common.


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Re: Mostly Mythical Monsters Modular Mod [0.9: Yet more monsters]
« Reply #81 on: May 08, 2016, 03:02:25 am »

FYI they were also possessing people away from the food stockpiles (as I said, they were possessing pastured animals, people in a stairwell from the caverns up to the food supply, etc.) and there's no visibility to them (at least while using Masterwork.) so you can't dodge the blighters.

I'd still suggest some kind of management method (Priests, offerings, hunters, etc.) for a lot of these supernaturals, whether it's Urist has been possessed, or a pariah dog has begun stalking your fortress there should be something no matter how convoluted to abolish these threats.

The benefit of the supernaturals is that you can't clam up your fort and be 100% safe from the terrors of the world, but without a mechanism to cleanse / eradicate the threat, it becomes a lot more like being punished arbitrarily than an additional challenge / dynamic.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mostly Mythical Monsters Modular Mod [0.9: Yet more monsters]
« Reply #82 on: May 08, 2016, 03:09:06 am »

Ok, I'll have a look.

I also got this report, a person embarked near 4 towers, 1 necro, 1 wine, 1 ice, 1 unknown so far... he got sieged, but:
except winemen and icemen drop all gear the moment they walk onto the map and physically the winemen die from a push,
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Re: Mostly Mythical Monsters Modular Mod [0.9: Yet more monsters]
« Reply #83 on: May 08, 2016, 03:58:35 am »

Well, the liquid minions are pushovers, being made of liquid and all.  Most of the liquid summoners have another spell to fight with; oinomancers have a drunkenness beam for instance.

I'll check out why they are dropping their equipment.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mostly Mythical Monsters Modular Mod [0.9: Yet more monsters]
« Reply #84 on: May 08, 2016, 05:29:55 am »

Either lacking bodyparts to wear them on, or no EQUIPS token.
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Re: Mostly Mythical Monsters Modular Mod [0.91: Preta fix]
« Reply #85 on: May 11, 2016, 06:29:47 am »

So people have been complaining about the pretas, so I reduced their frequency by a factor of 10.

That's literally the only change.

They weren't supposed to be common, they are basically intended to be an occasional threat that can attack you even if you've sealed off the fort.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mostly Mythical Monsters Modular Mod [0.91: Preta fix]
« Reply #86 on: May 14, 2016, 01:49:57 am »

Hey, I got another one from Reddit: Ferromancers freeze to death?

The -mancy secrets seem to behave oddly for me. I found a ferromancer's tower with 3 ferromancers in it, but when I arrived nobody was hostile, the ferromancers were all in the process of dying due to frozen internal organs, and I was unable to learn anything from the slab.

Some more information in case it helps diagnose the problem:
I noticed that the ferromancers' clothing was all in tatters, and after exiting the tower I noticed that my own leather cloak was also slightly damaged, as was the meat I was carrying in my backpack. My armor, leather shield, leather backpack, metal clothing, and bone crutch were all unaffected. A number of bone tools (including a dagger and needle) were destroyed outright (I can confirm that they were destroyed rather than misplaced, because I got a negative thought under "express your feelings"). So whatever killed the ferromancers, I suspect it may have something to do with the airborne effects of killing iron men (note that I did not kill any while I was there).
Regarding the problems learning the secret of iron, I noticed an inconsistency after exiting the tower. I did not gain any acquired abilities, nor did I notice any changes to attributes or needs that would accompany necromancy (I don't know if those are supposed to occur when learning ferromancy), and the alert was slightly different than the one you get when successfully learning a secret, but I did get a positive thought for learning the secrets of metal and legends mode claims that I learned those secrets.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2016, 10:18:47 am by Meph »
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Re: Mostly Mythical Monsters Modular Mod [0.91: Preta fix]
« Reply #87 on: May 22, 2016, 12:50:31 am »

Just wandered over from the MW realm with a few comments about Preta and *mancers.

On Preta, even with frequency dialed down, they still kill forts, just a little slower. I was totally safe for the first 3 or so years of the fort, but after opening the 2nd cavern, I started getting a death a week or so. I would get a So-and-So possessed, and then they would either berserk and be put down, or suffocate. So far just those 2 things, but its literally one guy a week, and there is no way to block or protect against them that I can see.

Unstopable random killers are kinda awful. The idea is neat, but there has to be some way to block or kill them, or they just hop from guy to guy, systematically wiping everyone out.

On the *mancers...

I was the dropping stuff report person. The dead walk events are constant, the whatevers they are arrive, promply drop all of their gear, and they are freaking loaded up when they arrive, and then get slaughtered by any old random wildlife. It is understandable that animate enchanted wine may not be physically threatening, but its to the point where I watched a passing family of camels slaughter 20+ mudmen with only a few losses.

Also, after killing them, each of their corpses, or what functions as corpses, gets up and starts moving around, but is friendly. Eventually your fort gets completely swarmed in friendly "undead Mudmen left hand" and other such things. You can order your military to kill them and weapon traps will keep them out of the fort proper, but even so, they probably shouldn't be doing this.


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Re: Mostly Mythical Monsters Modular Mod [0.91: Preta fix]
« Reply #88 on: May 22, 2016, 04:34:07 am »

Unless they were updated for .43 or changed when brought over from MW (only have the 42.06 MF RAWs atm), the "mancer" minions lack both the [EQUIPS] and [OPPOSED_TO_LIFE] tags, since they are basically just vanilla Fire men with some minor tissue/flavor changes and an interaction. Which explains why they drop everything, and become friendly after the secondary "blob" animate interaction is spammed on every dissected body part.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2016, 04:37:08 am by Repseki »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mostly Mythical Monsters Modular Mod [0.91: Preta fix]
« Reply #89 on: May 22, 2016, 08:34:10 am »

Wait, zombies are now friendly if you don't explicitly give them OPPOSED_TO_LIFE?  This is good news!  Obviously it needs to be fixed for this, but that opens up a whole bunch of new possibilities.
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