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Author Topic: The Mines of Kubukgigin[Community Fortress]  (Read 2160 times)


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The Mines of Kubukgigin[Community Fortress]
« on: December 27, 2015, 03:36:07 pm »

This a community fortress about The Glowing Pick and their quest to become the largest refined metal exporters in the world. To keep things interesting I'll also switch viewpoints as I tell the story (priority goes to dorfed dwarves)

The rules are these:
1. All food/drink must be imported
2. All work must be related to the metal industry (or the protection of its interests)
3. Only metal and its derivatives may be exported

If you wished to be dorfed, let me know the dwarf's name and I'll replace it accordingly. Without further ado, we begin!

Spoiler: Nazushinod has fallen (click to show/hide)

The new Mines of Kubukgigin
« Last Edit: January 04, 2016, 10:53:51 pm by bahihs »


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Re: The Mines of Nazushinod [Community Fortress]
« Reply #1 on: December 27, 2015, 04:00:20 pm »

PTW, I'd like to be dorfed as Rupdeus, preferably a male. Good luck!
In adventure mode, dwarf drinks vampire!


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Re: The Mines of Nazushinod [Community Fortress]
« Reply #2 on: December 27, 2015, 04:12:40 pm »

PTW, I'd like to be dorfed as Rupdeus, preferably a male. Good luck!

Done! You are Rupdeus, chief Miner.


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Re: The Mines of Nazushinod [Community Fortress]
« Reply #3 on: December 27, 2015, 04:32:45 pm »

Sounds like an interesting idea for a fort, I would love to be dorfed as Melbil.

Can we get a sight of the embark?


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Re: The Mines of Nazushinod [Community Fortress]
« Reply #4 on: December 27, 2015, 06:44:13 pm »

I would enjoy being a part of this industrious endeavor.

Sign me up as Comito, if you'd be so kind.


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Re: The Mines of Nazushinod [Community Fortress]
« Reply #5 on: December 27, 2015, 07:04:19 pm »

Sounds like an interesting idea for a fort, I would love to be dorfed as Melbil.

Can we get a sight of the embark?

Sure. Here are you are:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

(Unless of course you meant the site in the world map screen, in which case no, since I've already started the game, sorry.)

Letter Home, Rupdeus

25th Fel, 250

Dear Ma,

There's work here and I guess that's enough. But this place here's a fucking tomb. Barely two days in and what do we see? Dead. Fucking. Ravens. Nearly got my arm. Got our blacksmith's leg. We were hauling the beer underground (before it froze I mean; did I mention the bone-shattering fucking cold? Yeah, its fucking paradise here.) and someone starts screaming "Fuck! Save me!". Next thing you know claws are coming for my face. Scariest shit I've ever seen Ma. That smell. Fuck.

Anyway, don't worry. I'm alright. Olon (that's our expedition leader) punched two of 'em (the ravens I mean) in the fucking face and they exploded. Then she ordered everyone inside and had the entrance we dug out, walled off. Of course that was fucking horseshit because the blacksmith was still out right? So I went right up to her and said, what about Tehsapper? (that's the blacksmith). And she says -- you won't fucking believe this -- she says "We have no choice." Just like that! Just leaving Tehsapper to die out there. I mean yeah, the guy's a real elfbrain (more on that later) but still, we made it all the way here. Can't just let a dwarf die after sharing a drink!

So I hauled ass, grabbed him and went back down quicker than a freshly brewed mug of ale. And 'course, Olon has to flip her shit, talking about how "Disobeyed direct orders" and "Set a bad example" blah blah blah. Fucking wood-for-brains the lot of 'em. She couldn't do anything of course. I'm the chief fucking miner; she needs me. Still. I didn't want to get on her bad side, we got enough enemies out there and Zukhist knows we need the money when it comes. I just took the yelling and left. You know me Ma, cool as a Yeti's...well you know.

Anyways, we sealed ourselves in. Olon "directed" us (which means pointed in a general direction) to dig through till we hit water. Tehsapper was getting thirsty. So we go down. We hit water. Then all of sudden Tehsapper is completely fucking fine. So we come back up.  I see him drinking some ale-- decide I join him. Why not, you know? Saved his life and everything. I mean I wasn't expecting much. A "Thanks", an "Appreciate it", even a fucking nod of recognition! No! No! This fucker sees me and asks why he didn't get water when he was injured. Like it was my fucking fault! I didn't say much. Honest. I kept my cool Ma, you would've been proud.

Anyway, since we don't need the water right now, we're working on cutting through the frozen river underground and making a path for the caravan to come. Part of the river thawed out so I honestly don't know how this gonna go. But we should be alright, if anything we'll wall it out to be safe.

Oh and we hit some metal! Looks like Olon at least knows her shit when it comes to prospecting. Iron and Copper Ma! We hit it big! Hopefully I can get some money out to you by next spring, if all goes well. 'Course we go no wood or fuel. Or beds. Or even rooms. But you know me Ma, never complain. S'long as the liquor's flowing, I'm good to go.



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Re: The Mines of Nazushinod [Community Fortress]
« Reply #6 on: December 27, 2015, 07:04:56 pm »

I would enjoy being a part of this industrious endeavor.

Sign me up as Comito, if you'd be so kind.

Any preference for a character?


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Re: The Mines of Nazushinod [Community Fortress]
« Reply #7 on: December 27, 2015, 07:07:34 pm »

Perhaps Edėm if he hasn't already been taken?


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Re: The Mines of Nazushinod [Community Fortress]
« Reply #8 on: December 27, 2015, 07:08:12 pm »

Perhaps Edėm if he hasn't already been taken?

He hasn't, Edem, it is!


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Re: The Mines of Nazushinod [Community Fortress]
« Reply #9 on: December 28, 2015, 12:37:18 am »

From the desk of Olon Likotrovod
Official transcript #39
Party: Tehsapper
Subject: General SITREP and Reprimand
Date: 21st Timber, 250

"Do you know why I've called you in Tehsapper?"
"I see. Would you like some sweetbread?"
"If you're offerin'"
"Now then Tehsapper, as you may know the Dwarven Trade Caravan came by recently."
"What you may not know is that there was an agreed upon...quota."
"That is, a contractually bound obligation to provide a certain amount of goods."
"Metal! Dwarf! Metal!"
"Ohhh. Why'n'cha say so? Well, chute's only jes been set up. Take a while. But I've been burning what I can, meantime. Hard work, all those steps."
"Yes, I'm sure. However, I'm going to have to give you a formal reprimand. You'll have to earn your keep around here you understand? I'll not have any slacking."
"For-mel what? You got any more sweetbread?"
"*sigh* Here. Look you're going to have to work faster ok? My supplier wasn't exactly delighted with this Kudust-forsaken place. Dead bodies out front. Undead ogres. Details, really. Nevertheless, I had to promise him double what I initially offered. I - ahem - we must deliver. If we lose our supplier, we're done for. You understand me?"
"Like I sed, chute's only jes been set up. If I caint get to the rocks, what'm'I supposed to burn hmm? Well now the chute's done so the rock-gettin'll be a lil faster. Like my daddy always said, good things come to the waitin' folk...or was it the rich folk?  Anyhow I hears you loud'n'clear, you'll be ser to meet your qoo-ta. Now is that all?"
"No. There is one more thing. I presume you've heard about the...*whisper whisper* hmm?"
"Osram's beard! Yer shittin' me! I mean I know about the iron and the copper. But that too? Here?"
"Keep it down! I don't want anyone to know! ...just yet. Know just yet, is what I meant."
"Right. So? We minin' it or what?"
"In time. We have to get the infrastructure set up first. That's why its imperative - uh, important - that you work as fast as you can. We need several stores of supplies saved up so we can weather any interruptions. The land above us is not exactly a beacon of stability and constancy. I'm sure you've heard about those travelers? Few months ago?"
"Yuh. One of 'em's been hauntin' me."
"I see. Well we are working on getting a memorial set up. Should be a day or too."
"Who else knows?"
"About the visitors? Oh well, I mean, probably everyone at this point."
"I meant the other thing. You know."
"Oh. Right. Well, the miners obviously. Not the new migrants. Nor should they. You understand me?"
"Jes between you and me. Got it."
"We have another year to go before the caravan arrives. By that time I want goods I can actually sell. Not a few mugs and a minecart. There's fortunes to be made here Tehsapper, yours could be one of them."
"I hear ya, I hear ya. Well enough gabbin' then. Back to work!"
"That's the spirit. Oh and by the way I'm deducting a quarter of your pay to pay for the supplies we bought."
"Wait, what-"

End transcript.


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Re: The Mines of Nazushinod [Community Fortress]
« Reply #10 on: December 29, 2015, 01:11:17 am »

Is this a succession fortress or will you be doing all the play-through? Dorf me as "Joe" and I'd be happy to take a turn.


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Re: The Mines of Nazushinod [Community Fortress]
« Reply #11 on: December 29, 2015, 01:20:23 pm »

Is this a succession fortress or will you be doing all the play-through? Dorf me as "Joe" and I'd be happy to take a turn.

Not a succession fort sorry, but I can still dorf you if you like. Do you have any particular dwarf in mind? (look below for the updated list of dwarves, there are 2 new dwarf couples, so 11 in total now).

From the Collection of Comito:

From the high walls of Lor Rashgur, I came
From the deep halls of dwarven fame
To this place, where fortune's aim,
My little life, makes long...or maims.

I shall dig the blood of the earth
And I shall drink to the dead
And I shall lose myself to mirth
Or I shall lose my very head

Rinul's cold embrace I face
My fate, in footsteps I trace,
And poems put down, in case
I never leave this place

I shall dig the blood of the earth
And I shall drink to the dead
And I shall lose myself to mirth
Or I shall lose my very head.

Above us lie un-buried dead
We live buried for our bread
We live sleepy, without beds
We live daily in our dread

I shall dig the blood of the earth
And I shall drink to the dead
And I shall lose myself to mirth
Or I shall lose my very head.

Ah, but we've found what we've sought
Veins of red amid the rot
Rinul's favor has been got!
Reward worth what we've fought!

Lord of Flame! Lord of Sky!
Give me a sign that I
Shall eat these fruits, that my
Hands bring to my eye

Give me a sign! Shall I remain?
In flesh, en-wrapped in earthen veins?
My fortune made? My name, famed?
My labor not lost but gained?

Or dead? And undead, and dead again?

I cannot conquer death by thinking
But perhaps I can drinking!
Yes! Spirits are proof that god is winking!
So let me drink till my soul is sinking
And no more breath or blinking.

I shall dig the blood of the earth
And I shall drink to the dead
And I shall drink myself to mirth
Or I shall lose my very head.


New arrivals
« Last Edit: December 29, 2015, 01:22:58 pm by bahihs »


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Re: The Mines of Nazushinod [Community Fortress]
« Reply #12 on: December 29, 2015, 03:33:54 pm »

I completely approve of this poetry.


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Re: The Mines of Nazushinod [Community Fortress]
« Reply #13 on: December 29, 2015, 04:29:55 pm »

Yep, I agree.

When are you going to update the dwarves' names?
In adventure mode, dwarf drinks vampire!


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Re: The Mines of Nazushinod [Community Fortress]
« Reply #14 on: December 29, 2015, 10:45:50 pm »

Yep, I agree.

When are you going to update the dwarves' names?

I did actually, I just haven't posted an image of the updated unit list. I'll do that next update.
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