Best way to get good fast:
1. Put all points into Novice reader, swimmer and climber. Dump the rest into social/creative skills for fun, OR if you really want to save time and be a death machine put the points into throwing. (Throwing takes a while to get trained up)
2. Get a full set of armor, a shield and a wooden training weapon of your choice by raiding a keep.
3. Grab an enemy, and create a 'wait' macro, play it until you are exhausted. (Grabbing more animals means faster training but also faster exhaustion)
4. After reaching expert in atleast fighter, dodger, blocker, wrestler, grab enemies and set a new macro for slashing them over and over with your wooden training weapon. Do this until high enough skill. (I usually slash the lower body since it keeps them alive and slow, sometimes this can geld creatures into pain though, but atleast there's some comedic value!)
See the wiki for how to make explicit macro's, it's totally worth it!
How to get GODLIkE:
1. Install Dfhack
2. Get a program that allows you to edit lua script, Notepad+ is great for editing any script you like
3. Go to the dwarf fortress script wiki, and look at "slam and heal unit".
4. Click on the script and you'll see code, copy this code and paste it into your script editor (for me, notepad+)
5. Save the script into your script file of Dfhack. (There's a file with .plug.dll, you don't want that one, save it into the .lua files)
6. In game, L (look) at whatever you want, go to it's description page to 'target' it in Dfhack.
7. Type Slam 10000000 and enjoy, or if you're wounded or even DEAD type heal unit.
People might say this is cheaty, but whatever, trying this stuff out for a player who's never used macros or dfhack before really opens up a lot of cool ways to tinker with the game.