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Author Topic: Tales of the Destined Dimension  (Read 772 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Tales of the Destined Dimension
« on: December 23, 2015, 04:44:30 pm »


Before I tell any of my many tales, an introduction to the nations of the Destined Dimensions is in order.

The Oaken Treaties, a dwarven nation
The Oaken Treaties were never a large nation. They started off poorly, their capitol of Rampartjudge being destroyed by the hydra Odlug Mostbud the Fresh Belch, which then decided it liked the fort and stayed there. Left with a small collection of hillocks, the dwarves tried their best to fend off two warmongering nations of elves and one of goblins. Unfortunately, their last hillock was taken over in 50 and the last of the Oaken Treaties dwarves killed.

The Fortress of Dragons, a dwarven nation
The Fortress of Dragons are almost as put upon as their sister nation. They, too, had their capitol destroyed by a hydra, though not until 60. The Mischievous Mountain also warred with them occasionally from 53-124. Each battle would prove costly for the elves, but they pressed on nevertheless. By the close of 124 the dwarves were down to a single mountain hall out of dozens - Fordedlashes. After this point the Mischievous Mountain left the dwarves alone, as they had become engaged in war with the powerful Realm of Gales. The dwarves slowly regained their strength. But just last summer Fordedlashes was destroyed by a forgotten beast, leaving no survivors. There are now only a few hundred dwarves left in the world, all subjects of the Mischievous Mountain.

The Shady Wasp, an elven nation
The Shady Wasp is a fairly uninteresting nation. Aside from assisting the Mischievous Mountain in their raids against the Oaken Treaties, they have done nothing militarily. They keep to their corner of the continent, deal with their own problems, and live in relative peace.

The Mischievous Mountain, an elven nation
Despite having half the population of the Shady Wasp, the Mischievous Mountain is far more ferocious. Almost half their settlements were not built by them, instead being reclaimed from other nations or outright taken. They have been at war with nearly every other nation, though to be fair they are usually the defender. Their soldiers are very well trained for elves, as they take about the same number or fewer casualties as the enemy. This expertise in war is not confined to one princess either, as they have had many over the years. On the field of battle, a Mischievous Mountain elf is unequaled.

The Midnight of Romancing, a goblin nation
The Midnight of Romancing is fairly peaceful for a goblin nation, having only been at war with the Mischievous Mountain and the Realm of Gales. That said, the nation is huge, with a population of nearly 30,000 goblins. Their master, a lizard fiend by the name of Rasm Zenithreins the Prime Bug of Thrones, prefers to rule from afar. Who she chooses as war leader greatly impacts the Midnight of Romancing's military power and foreign policy, which has varied greatly from war leader to war leader. But if a nation of 30,000 attacks a nation of 4,000 and both take 1,000 casualties and the former is driven off, who is the real winner?

The Sin of Jaundice, a goblin nation
The Sin of Jaundice was plagued from the beginning by a lack of skill in its army. This is fairly normal for goblins, but combined with other factors proved to be too much. Being appointed war leader was practically an execution, as the only war leader to live through more than one battle was Kutsmob Urnseduced. On top of that, their master Tusnom Soilsreigns the Bait of Rulers, a hyena brute, was a pacifist. After a few skirmishes with the Realm of Gales, they were finally conquered in 211-214 by Rossu Daleplum and her Gathreashro ((lightning war)) tactics. Tusnom and many goblins were taken captive, their prisoners freed, and more than a thousand goblins driven off into the wilderness. The Sin of Jaundice is now nothing but a fading city-state under the thumb of the Realm of Gales.

The Realms of Bronze, a human nation
The Realms of Bronze are nothing more than a footnote in history. Their founders were either extremely unlucky or stupid, as they founded their nation near the lairs of several monstrous beasts. Every settlement they possessed was destroyed by 17. Apparently a few humans living in the ruins of Rainkissed considered themselves citizens of The Realms of Bronze until the last one died out in 118.

The Realm of Gales, a human nation
The Realm of Gales. Where do I even start? Its history of learning? Its military prowess? Its significant persons? This nation deserves its own section, but I will be brief. The Realm of Gales is a continent-spanning empire. Its citizens are many and varied, having nearly as many goblins as humans. People flock from all over to learn in its libraries. And it is all watched over by Lord Komo.