"Not that specifically, but yes, related to that. A good deal of people care about it now, now that there are certain rumors about."
I pause briefly, considering my options. As amusing as it would be to lie blatantly, or keep her, if not in the dark, then at least in the shadows or shade, I think it is fair to say that I have seen enough plays with such premises that forsaking such omissions would be acceptable. Besides I would very much keep my correspondence at least cordial, lest I find myself barred from watching.
"Well, old Panko might be retiring. Might, and there's no real timeframe for it. But, the servants who call themselves gods, those who aid them, those who oppose them, and those who do both in equal measure be it for their own gain or because that is what is fashionable at a given time, are worried. Very worried. You must have seen how the restrictions are falling, have you not? Though we are still yet to be acknowledged, we are known. Fuel to the fire. Seeds for fear.
If Panko does leave, they'll need a successor, well, a puppet more likely, and it just so happens that you, are currently their best bet. Resistances against assassination, mental defenses to negate reading (I do hope you are as immune to control as you are to surveillance), and the raw power to back it up. Not a bad package, not that much of that will be used of course. Deterrence from opposition and skulduggery alone is enough.
This of course will mean they'll be seeking your aid soon, if not already. Trying to seduce you if not ideologically, then emotionally, if not emotionally, then well, politics can get awfully sleazy at time."