what kind of god-worship is allowed at school if said deity is a student
The kind that worships the Pantokrator in one of his many guises. Else said deity is going to get their ass handed to them by the Pantokrator or one of his servants.
Hmmm, what I had as the original backstory concept for Lidia was being originally part of a weapon-making effort on the part of Hell (not actual WARRING though, because they couldn't quite pull that off), in which they made several beings like her, at which point they screwed up and released the sin-personifications, freely thinking and largely independent of any allegiance whatsoever to Hell, into the actual world.
How close to that could I get?
I see nothing wrong with that. Go ahead and use it. Hell is probably a subdivision of Heaven and ruled by the Pantokrator of course, but he's the kind of supreme deity who doesn't care about what his followers do so long as they follow his laws. Which are pretty much just:
1. Acknowledge me as your supreme leader.
Which is not open to interpetation.2. Do whatever I tell you to.
Which is also not open to interpetation.3. Don't directly or indirectly start any religions that siphon belief away from me.
Which is rather fuzzy and subject to his whims. Anything that gets larger than 20 people or a single family will certainly earn you a smiting though.So your backstory pretty much works as it is. It's just that Hell is gearing up to fight the rest of Heaven in case the Pantokrator vanishes, instead of because of some kind of afterlife rivalry or anything like that.
Sounds good?
And then Fi(?) learns important things from her, like flirting and how to properly attain worship
And then Fi gets smited by the Pantokrator because of it. See #3 above.
Maybe the lore should be added to the OP?
I will, don't worry.
When's the IC going up?
Later tonight if you guys are really that eager... Mostly because it won't be much.
pls no, i need le sheet
What sheet?