Run forward.
You run forward, leaping over several of the snakethingys, and just in general gtfo of the area.Glancing over your shoulder, you see the sands roiling, spraying into the air like some kind of dust devil, and in general being all rowdy and shit. looking forward, you stop suddenly to avoid running off the edge of the cliff. Well, you're here, you guess.
"I am here to join the Omega Legion. It was fated to happen."
Wait for a reply, also attemp to see how was this place in the past.
What "place" are you looking at, and what do you mean by "in the past" both of those terms are pretty general (usually).
Anyway, you don't get to Omega base without having either taken the Oath, or being Branded, so you are already joined. See superdino's bit for the guy's response to you two loons. ... I mean 'volunteers."
"Hey uhh...I would also like to join Omega, if that's alright with you."
wait for a reply. And maybe examine any nearby plants for possible uses while waiting
"Do what, now? Join? Like, as in, volunteer? HAWhawhahwhahwhaw. Man, that's rich. Oh? You're serious? Well, I don't see a Brand, so you MUST be volunteers. Forget yer Oath already? No worries. Welcome to Omega." Here he gestures around, but primarily at the giant canyon in the shape of an Omega, behind you.
S'pose I could put you to work here in the Asylum, if that's what yer after." It's a sight to see, a twenty foot bramble bush shrugging.
(4) you think you could make a drinkable alcohol out of one or two of the cacti here, and you note a couple stlks of dead grass that could work to cure nausea or to keep wounds from getting infected. You also note Aloe - which is good for stings and sunburn.
You note with some dismay that there are not a lot of plants around in general. Omega Base loks to be a rather dry, empty place.
Looking over the three items coldly. Silently not a word spoken as they gently picked up each one. First the dagger.
Something that I...know the feel of smaller than a blade yes. But familiar around my hand. was a dagger who took him. In the back. He didn't deserve that.
Putting the dagger down....disgust filling their feature's ever so slightly as bad memory's...a wound that is still to fresh and still too opened reminded of again just by feeling the item. Shaking anger flickering across their face as they breathed out. Before grabbing for the Tiara. Feeling it.
......Another Reminder. This time of the Nobility. The one who took him and the ones who I fought against and tried to defeat. This....This feel's fucking dirty in my hand's. Like it's stained with blood and I want to vomit. I want to smash it against the wall or.....Beat something to death with it and see it shatter as they die.
Almost....slamming it down. They reached for the robe feeling it. Another memory resurfacing. Reminding them of their childhood lonely and shunned and these people would have killed her.
Bad memory's. Nothing but bad memories and a reminder of my childhood and my mother. I haven't even talked to her since my mentor took me in. I don't regret that.
Breathing they set it down silently looking at all three of these item's critically before they asked a question.
"Were..these items personalized? Does anything change depending on what I pick?"
Examine each and every one of the items. Ask the above question.
((Also I would like to take with my free level up +1 general knowledge and + 1 charisma if that is possible and I remember leveling right))
Upon picking up the dagger, it bonds instantly to your hand. you stare at it for a moment as it darkens into an infinite shade of black. A sensaton of nothingness races up your hand, around your fingers, through your wrist, along your arm and across your chest to your other shoulder. Tendrils of nothingness branch out toward your stomach and neck as well. You look at the dagger in horror, but it is just a dagger. You go to slam it on the table in anger, but end up shakily dropping it instead.
The creature remains unmoving. Do you want to go ahead and pick up the other two items?
(the level up system is that you get 5 points for skills and five for stats. it takes 10 points to go from +1 to +2, so if you want to spend your level upon those, it won't get you to the next tier yet.))