((Sorry, but I am confused about the ER character calculator; It has different skills and stats. Also, do the skills being dependent on stats and other skills have a specific way of working?))
EDIT: Might as well try. I will adjust accordingly if this doesn't work.
Name of Character: Gavriel
Race: Construct (Human-Sized Golem)
Strength: +1
Constitution: +2
Speed: -1
Dexterity: -2
Intelligence: 0
Memory: 0
Will: +1
Charisma: -2
Unarmed combat: +1
Blunt weapons: 0
Sharp weapons: -1
Ranged weapons: -1
Magic: +1
Medicine: -1
General knowledge: 0
Skill Mastery/specialization: 0
Description: A human sized golem. He is very strong and durable, due to being made out of pure iron. However, this also makes him slow and with less dexterity. Due to not actually being a biological being, he is not trusted by many. He goes by male pronouns.
How did you become part of the Omega Legion?
Was created PURELY to become a member.
Background: Was created by an expert spellcaster. The spellcaster had created him to contribute to the Omega Legion, but not get himself killed. He was trained in magic before the spellcaster was killed while attempting a powerful incantation. In compliance with his will, he was sent off the the Omega Legion.
welcome to bay twelve, and to Omega Legion. the ER character calculator is to give you an idea of how many negatives you need for how many positives you get. So, go there, input into random stats the number of positives you want, and see how much you need to deduct. You are a newbie, it seems, so I will give you a couple pointers, and the other players will probably as well.
First. -2 in any stat is very dangerous. it makes you a walking time bomb. frankly, I am surprised any of my -2 gang has survived their first mission. Second, the best start is really one with only one or two positives in stats and one or two in skills. this is because with more negatives, you need more points to balance out.
On to your particular character build:
you have +4 in stats, but -5. you need -7 for that many positives. I'd suggest instead knocking it down to +3, -4 (for example, bump dex and cha to -1, and drop one of your +1s to a 0 [syvarris will explain why not to drop your +2 to a +1]). But that is up to you.
For your skills, you have the opposite problem: one too
three many negatives. If you had a single +2, you would need -3. but, for whatever reason, two +1s cost only -2.
I hope this explanation has been incredibly complex and difficult to follow.
Let's see, you will be the fourth construct, and
second specifically designed for Omega. I'm going to make a club.
You hear about a recently returned group of newbies. You also hear about the sexual exploits of a frost giantess in painful detail. there's talk of a new round of assignments, which seems good, since there's a lot of people going a little stir crazy around here, you know? You hear that some idiot recently got into the ogre den for some reason, and got himself killed, and there is talk of a werewolf in the Legion, but that seems unlikely.
So I did sleep way too long.
If there is a specific place for that, head over to where the assignments are given out. If not, hang out here until the meal - pretty hungry right now.
They'll call you in. For now, nom nom nom.
Well, this seems like a satisfactory turn of events. Keep at it until further notice.
alright. Party started. Someone fetch the ... oh there's the beer.
Arrive at Omega.
How much freedom do these people give a demon?
Not much at all. You are cordially escorted into a small building. the room you are deposited in is comfortably, if sparingly, decorated. you are asked politely to wait [one turn] for someone to see you. You share the room currently with another - a giant toad, colored violently yellow, with the purplest stripes ever. "Name's Trusty Mike. Nice-ta meetcha." he croaks. huh. maybe it isn't the
race they are cautious of.