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Author Topic: Omega Legion: Omega Base  (Read 285023 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Omega Legion
« Reply #1050 on: July 14, 2016, 08:54:33 pm »

"Well, some of our fellows have more ... ah, ... personality, than others. A temple? Perhaps in a way. More than one of the future residents claims messages from teh gods. Some of the brass think at least one of them is right. At least some of the time. Oh, and see those crates over there?" The man gestures at a stack of crates along the partially complete outer wall. "full of Icons and Artifacts. Mystical stuff, that. Oh and there's some weird blue orbs we're supposed to mount along the outer wall, the outside of the second floor, and around the ceiling. ...  Ithink some have already been buried under the foundation as well." The man shrugs. "We don't get the nicest people here, on average, ya know?"

Another man, an overseer of sorts, actually offers you the option to start mounting some of the blue orbs, or to begin unpacking the Religious things and matching them to a catalogue. Apparently they are carefully sorted as to location and purpose, and someone feels that it is about time for some of them to be placed.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Omega Legion
« Reply #1051 on: July 15, 2016, 05:53:02 am »

"Statement: This one knows. Any idea what the blue orbs are?"

catalogueing the religious things seems like a job for a robutt. Let's do that.


  • Bay Watcher
  • DiceBane
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Re: Omega Legion
« Reply #1052 on: July 15, 2016, 07:52:46 am »

You go over to the stack and begin gently lowering boxes, forming a bit of an office  wit hthem making low walls around you. AS luck would have it - or perhaps proper planning for a change - each crate has a manifest attached. They all also have danger signs in several diferent languages, along with the traditional skull of death symbols to keep people from touching anything. And the crates are chained shut, iron banded, and some of them have some sort of coating on them. You pull off the first manifest and read. There are objects of a wide variety of things: bones of saints, paintings, holy symbols, furniture, statues, You pause at one sheet - a page full of code. The following has a mechanical system and preventative maintenance schedule on it. Do machines have religion?

Boredom vanishes quickly as you read the instructions for handling.
Warnings such as
"fragile" and
"very expensive"
are mixed in with other warnings like
"do not expose to skin - will burn straight through to the bone,"
"do not look at this object  without the object labeled 'eyewear zeta' firmly covering all eyes or risk madness,"
"Explosive when in contact with air,"
"Keep this object fifty feet away from object labeled "Murdergauntlet: Left Hand"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Omega Legion
« Reply #1053 on: July 15, 2016, 04:46:21 pm »

"Statement: It is a good thing this one is doing this job. Surely an organic would be unable to follow all these instructions, or be unable to contain their curiosity.

Keep on working, following the manifests and warnings to the letter.


  • Bay Watcher
  • DiceBane
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Re: Omega Legion
« Reply #1054 on: July 18, 2016, 07:03:56 am »

"Maybe so, in most cases. But we make examples of people too stupid to live around here. that is, if they live through their first mission. Either way, you do seem well suited to the task."

You catalogue five crates without incident and at dinner time, you have a neat triple row of curios lined up on a couple of sturdy tables provided for you, as well as some objects placed on teh ground in front of the tables. the overseer checks your work, nodding thoughtfully.

"Hmm. You won't be able to place all these yourself. Some of them require certain procedures that I believe you are not equipped for. Maybe ... with a couple of these we could get Jonesy's mother-"
"Kiss my ass, pencil dick!"

"Well, anyway, could you please carry these three statues down to the basement and locate them in the alcoves labeled here? Make sure to orient them facing inward, to this point, so that their line of sight - you know, if their eyes were real - would cross here. it's ... it's trickier than it looks, and you might experience some feedback. Oh, and you might need to fight a couple shadow beasts, once you get them aligned. You up for it?""


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Omega Legion
« Reply #1055 on: July 18, 2016, 10:14:45 am »

"statement: of course."

here's the plan: place statues as instructed. While placing the last one, have my watch at hand and link the flow of time in the room with it. Once placed and if the shadow beasts materialize, stop the watch and use clockwork magic to stop or at least slow time for everything in the room but myself.

If magic doesn't work, put my arms up in defensive position, ready for some robot punching, and circle the enemies towards the exit


  • Bay Watcher
  • DiceBane
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Re: Omega Legion
« Reply #1056 on: July 19, 2016, 07:06:19 am »

You carry the first statue - a thin man with a wide, open, smiling mouth, a bulbous nose and eyes that focus in different directions - down and set it carefully in it's alcove. as you begin to adjust it to face exactly the spot indicated, you begin to hear laughter. The more you tinker with the statue the louder and more intense the laughter becomes. Sometimes it is one voice, sometimes more than one. Sometimes it is your own, though you are not laughing. You begin to think about the absurdities of fleshbags and their ways, and it seems ridiculous to you. All organic life seems ridiculous. The whole thing is just silly and foolish and meaningless and vast and empty and pitiful and your mannequin seems to agree, opening it's tiny metal mouth and emitting a series of short, sharp laughs. "Ha.ha.ha.ha.ha.ha."

Harry Baldman

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Re: Omega Legion
« Reply #1057 on: July 19, 2016, 10:21:55 am »

"The others? Buggered if I know. They didn't really bother to keep me in communication. Took that commstone thingamajig and gave it to some girl who showed up out of nowhere. I could understand why, girl had a head full of rocks, she did. Could do some interesting things with magic, though. Let me show you."

Fiddler produces the dark-afflicted halfling corpse that he presumably did drag all the way over here.

"Said she was some godling or other. Wouldn't put much stock in it myself, truth be told, seemed more like a sorcerer. She believed it, I'd say, but that's hardly saying much. Other than messing about with this fellow here when I asked her to, she mostly just milled about and talked bollocks."

"But I digress. Point is, they gave her my commstone. And I was a bit busy making sure the festivities were in order and nobody was killing each other much, which is what I'd been doing the entire time I was in any reasonable proximity to the party as such. The others, meanwhile, were somewhere else. What they were doing is beyond me, truth be told, though nothing useful if the apparent results are anything to go by."

Fiddler remembers something suddenly, raising a finger.

"Oh, wait! I do know what happened to one! There was that whatever-the-fuck that was hanging out with the corporal, that one got its mind eaten by a satyr's magic pan flute. So you can safely not expect that one to return, I'd say, unless that brand of its makes that specifically possible. The others were out of contact, and I got separated from them when the ceremony got interrupted by those forces of nature we were warned not to interfere with. At that point I evacuated what lower guests were willing to follow me to a safe distance. And then, since I had no idea where the rest of the lot was, I supposed I'd best be returning here the way I came. The big battle was on, and that apparently could take days and there wasn't much chance of the wedding getting back on track after that."

"So that leaves what we did, which is try and figure out what the fuck those liaisons were talking about, then we rescued some weird plant children for a withered mother plant, then I set up some orderly games for the ornery guests to work out their mutual enmity through, calmed a set of humanoid cunts who decided to make an issue of things, failed to prevent a bunch of the poor guests getting stomped by a passing murder of frost giants (mostly on account of being busy with the cunts), then recommenced the festivities when the wedding began with a proper shitfight like the traditions demanded. Was a pretty good time, truth be told."

Fiddler shrugs.

"That's about the short of it. No doubt when the others get back they'll tell you more, unless they went and got themselves completely killed in my absence. Which I guess wouldn't be unusual. I mean, last mission I was on was in a regular town and somehow half of the twats either ate it or went missing, who knows what they'd do in the fey-infested woodlands. Worst case scenario, I brought at least equally competent replacements."

Make as full a report as Fiddler's memory permits.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2016, 10:30:27 am by Harry Baldman »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Omega Legion
« Reply #1058 on: July 19, 2016, 02:45:10 pm »

"Statement: Clearly, this one is being influenced. Though this one thinks that organics are amusing, this one would never laugh out loud.
Angry statement: Shut it, statue."

Continue placing statues as instructed. Have robutt computing working in the background to negate/dispell outside influences on this one.


  • Bay Watcher
  • DiceBane
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Re: Omega Legion
« Reply #1059 on: July 20, 2016, 03:48:38 pm »

"The others? Buggered if I know. They didn't really bother to keep me in communication. Took that commstone thingamajig and gave it to some girl who showed up out of nowhere. I could understand why, girl had a head full of rocks, she did. Could do some interesting things with magic, though. Let me show you."

Fiddler produces the dark-afflicted halfling corpse that he presumably did drag all the way over here.

"Said she was some godling or other. Wouldn't put much stock in it myself, truth be told, seemed more like a sorcerer. She believed it, I'd say, but that's hardly saying much. Other than messing about with this fellow here when I asked her to, she mostly just milled about and talked bollocks."

"But I digress. Point is, they gave her my commstone. And I was a bit busy making sure the festivities were in order and nobody was killing each other much, which is what I'd been doing the entire time I was in any reasonable proximity to the party as such. The others, meanwhile, were somewhere else. What they were doing is beyond me, truth be told, though nothing useful if the apparent results are anything to go by."

Fiddler remembers something suddenly, raising a finger.

"Oh, wait! I do know what happened to one! There was that whatever-the-fuck that was hanging out with the corporal, that one got its mind eaten by a satyr's magic pan flute. So you can safely not expect that one to return, I'd say, unless that brand of its makes that specifically possible. The others were out of contact, and I got separated from them when the ceremony got interrupted by those forces of nature we were warned not to interfere with. At that point I evacuated what lower guests were willing to follow me to a safe distance. And then, since I had no idea where the rest of the lot was, I supposed I'd best be returning here the way I came. The big battle was on, and that apparently could take days and there wasn't much chance of the wedding getting back on track after that."

"So that leaves what we did, which is try and figure out what the fuck those liaisons were talking about, then we rescued some weird plant children for a withered mother plant, then I set up some orderly games for the ornery guests to work out their mutual enmity through, calmed a set of humanoid cunts who decided to make an issue of things, failed to prevent a bunch of the poor guests getting stomped by a passing murder of frost giants (mostly on account of being busy with the cunts), then recommenced the festivities when the wedding began with a proper shitfight like the traditions demanded. Was a pretty good time, truth be told."

Fiddler shrugs.

"That's about the short of it. No doubt when the others get back they'll tell you more, unless they went and got themselves completely killed in my absence. Which I guess wouldn't be unusual. I mean, last mission I was on was in a regular town and somehow half of the twats either ate it or went missing, who knows what they'd do in the fey-infested woodlands. Worst case scenario, I brought at least equally competent replacements."

Make as full a report as Fiddler's memory permits.
A couple of grunts haul away your prize corpse. Where they take it, you don't know. The Sergeant listens with a bored expression on his face to your story. the expression flickers for an instant when you mention Reggie.

"I have two questions. First. They gave your comm unit to some random girl that hung around and told lies? Why? And second: The homunculus. The Shapeshifter - had an ouroboros mark in addition to the Omega - It ... you said it had it's mind taken by a satyr? What happened to it then?"

"Statement: Clearly, this one is being influenced. Though this one thinks that organics are amusing, this one would never laugh out loud.
Angry statement: Shut it, statue."

Continue placing statues as instructed. Have robutt computing working in the background to negate/dispell outside influences on this one.
You manage to drown out the mad laughter and focus the first statue properly. You move to the second - a scantily clad woman, one hand on a hip, hte other raised with there hand in front of her and her finger crooked  as if she were gesturing for you to come closer. Which you do, fo course. You grab her around the waist, set her gently in her alcove, and point her right at the center spot, and then move on to the third. This one is a statue of a dwarf. It appears to be concentrating on something in it's hand. It has a small tol in one hand, and is using that tool to do something to a small device - some kind of construct - in the other hand. This statue is oddly unfinished, with bits of rough stone in various locations, where a few minutes with a chisel and some grinding wold smooth them out just fine. You pick up the chisel conveniently layign at the dwarf's feet and reach out for an awkward, ugly patch of stone n the dwarf's elbow.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Omega Legion
« Reply #1060 on: July 20, 2016, 04:17:11 pm »

Hold it. before I even move a proverbial muscle, do the following.

Robutt computing: Scan systems, is the statue making me pick up the tool and finish it?

-If it is exacting any kind of influence on me, gently put the tool down again and up the power of my influence negating programs that I've been using so far.

-If it isn't exerting influence, then I guess we could carefully give it a go. Patch it up and put it in its alcove.

Then leave the room.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Omega Legion
« Reply #1061 on: July 20, 2016, 06:05:40 pm »

I stir slightly, discovering if motion = pain, and try to see if anyone is watching over me. If motion doesnt equal pain and nobody is watching over me, then i'll try to stand up and check my surroundings. if someone is watching over me, I'll listen to them and follow their instructions, if motion = pain, then i make some noise and see who comes to check on me.
((I don't think heating something that is right above us to a ridiculous degree is very smart. Worst case scenario we become +metal statues+. This is a finely crafted metal statue. It is encrusted with sharkmist and HMRC. On the item is an image of HMRC and Pancaek. Pancaek is laughing. The HMRC is melting. The artwork relates to the encasing of the HMRC in metal by Pancaek during the Mission of Many People.))

Harry Baldman

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Re: Omega Legion
« Reply #1062 on: July 21, 2016, 02:33:37 am »

"Oh, the corporal was gonna induct her into Omega, I think, and she was tagging along to ostensibly but not actually help with things.  As for that... homunculus, was it? Bugger if I know what an ouroboros mask is, or what it's supposed to look like. It turned into a fawn (not a faun, mind you, an actual fawn) and scampered off, and that's about as much as I managed to register."

« Last Edit: July 21, 2016, 02:47:49 am by Harry Baldman »


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Re: Omega Legion
« Reply #1063 on: July 21, 2016, 10:25:53 am »

Hold it. before I even move a proverbial muscle, do the following.

Robutt computing: Scan systems, is the statue making me pick up the tool and finish it?

-If it is exacting any kind of influence on me, gently put the tool down again and up the power of my influence negating programs that I've been using so far.

-If it isn't exerting influence, then I guess we could carefully give it a go. Patch it up and put it in its alcove.

Then leave the room.

You pause. The instructions said nothing about finishing the statue. But, now that you are thinking about it, you don't feel anything compelling you to finish it. it's just that it's so .... ugly like that. And you are sure you could make it right. Tidy it up, buff out the rough spots, make it into a masterpiece. it's probably fine. that last statue didn't have any effect on you, after all.

I stir slightly, discovering if motion = pain, and try to see if anyone is watching over me. If motion doesnt equal pain and nobody is watching over me, then i'll try to stand up and check my surroundings. if someone is watching over me, I'll listen to them and follow their instructions, if motion = pain, then i make some noise and see who comes to check on me.
You stir. pain comes, but the pain is separate from the motion. You move a paw, then stretch a leg. then attempt to sit upright. This last proves a bit much, as your foreleg gives out in pain and you let out an involuntary mew. You go to lick your paw and notice that it is as if the foreleg, from shoulder to just above the hind claw, is ice. It is even translucent. the blanket falls away from your head and forelegs, and you shudder with cold.

"Ah. how are you feeling? We didn't know whether to try to warm you, or to keep you on ice. We tried the ice first, but you seemed to react poorly. You slept better under the blanket. Here." A low bowl of warm broth is set before you. "Keep your strength up. Eat eat eat. Don't you worry about a thing, little Snowball. Grandma Bones will have you up and chasing arctic hares in no time. Nyeeheeheehee."

"Oh, the corporal was gonna induct her into Omega, I think, and she was tagging along to ostensibly but not actually help with things.  As for that... homunculus, was it? Bugger if I know what an ouroboros mask is, or what it's supposed to look like. It turned into a fawn (not a faun, mind you, an actual fawn) and scampered off, and that's about as much as I managed to register."

"An inductee. hmm.. Well, we'll see how that shapes up. Sounds like she'll fit in as well as anyone arond here. can't hardly get this lot to do much more than run their jaws most days either. Bah. The ouroboros would have been a very large mark, looking something like a snake or dragon looped around itself, eating it;s own tail. It was almost as distinctive as the Omega brand. And you say it turned into a fawn, while following a satyr. Wait here." And with those rather imperative words, he strides out of the room.

Harry Baldman

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Re: Omega Legion
« Reply #1064 on: July 21, 2016, 10:31:57 am »

"Brands upon brands, brands within brands!"

Wait here.
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