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Author Topic: Bring Your Own Song - Game Over! SK Victory!  (Read 77731 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bring Your Own Song - Day 4: Ruh-roh [6/16]
« Reply #870 on: January 18, 2016, 03:07:57 pm »

If memory serves, I marked fillipk night 1 and attempted to mark TDS night 2, and did nothing night 3.
Ah, for whatever reason, I thought you'd already used your one-shot. Why did you do nothing on N3? (Double check you PMs if you're not sure).
There was no point, since I couldn't use it to get people out of lurking any longer. Everyone either knew it did nothing, or suspected that I was an arsonist getting ready to burn my targets. In short, the only thing it would end up doing is strengthening FoU's argument against me, for surely if ot did do nothing, I wouldn't use it anymore.
The quantum cannonball hits you in the face and misses!
GENERATION grisha5: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


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Re: Bring Your Own Song - Day 4: Ruh-roh [6/16]
« Reply #871 on: January 18, 2016, 03:13:27 pm »

What was the result of Salsa's extinction?
What do you mean by this? He got modkilled for breaking the rules, right
I meant his ability named 'extinction': it confirmed Tawa was killed by a 3rd party.

Tawirochir visited DA night 1. TMS visited Tawirochir N2. Tomasque visited no one N3.
Interesting: check out Tawa's role pm. I learned no item names so are you saying Deus was the n1 mafia target?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bring Your Own Song - Day 4: Ruh-roh [6/16]
« Reply #872 on: January 18, 2016, 03:25:50 pm »

Tawirochir visited DA night 1. TMS visited Tawirochir N2. Tomasque visited no one N3.
Interesting: check out Tawa's role pm. I learned no item names so are you saying Deus was the n1 mafia target?
Thanks for the suggestion. I have no idea whether Deus was the N1 kill target. It certainly does show DA to be not Mafia at least.
Congratulations Persus, now you are forced to have the same personal text for an entire year!
Longbowmen horsearcher doomstacks that suffer no attrition and can navigate all major rivers without ships.

Jack A T

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Re: Bring Your Own Song - Day 4: Ruh-roh [6/16]
« Reply #873 on: January 18, 2016, 03:33:10 pm »

Interesting: check out Tawa's role pm. I learned no item names so are you saying Deus was the n1 mafia target?
NQT: A clarification regarding Tawarochir's Interrogate, and action flavour in general: There is no flavour for action results in this game, aside from a piece of death flavour Tiruin requested.  Interrogate is a standard cop-type action, with a lightly justificatory description.
Quote from: Pandarsenic, BYOR 6.3 deadchat
Quote from: Urist Imiknorris, Witches' Coven 2 Elfchat
Screw you, Jack.


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Re: Bring Your Own Song - Day 4: Ruh-roh [6/16]
« Reply #874 on: January 18, 2016, 03:34:22 pm »

So that means the Mafia has to have been Teneb right? So we should lynch Persus13 right?Unvote

Giving waitlisted people the ability to murder non-responsive players was a great idea. Need to do that more often.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bring Your Own Song - Day 4: Ruh-roh [6/16]
« Reply #875 on: January 18, 2016, 04:46:23 pm »

So that means the Mafia has to have been Teneb right? So we should lynch Persus13 right?Unvote


Congratulations Persus, now you are forced to have the same personal text for an entire year!
Longbowmen horsearcher doomstacks that suffer no attrition and can navigate all major rivers without ships.


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Re: Bring Your Own Song - Day 4: Ruh-roh [6/16]
« Reply #876 on: January 18, 2016, 05:14:30 pm »

Because Deus can't be Mafia cause the Mafia investigator visited him and you investigated as Mafia, but it occurred to me that thedarkstar or hazard could also be Mafia, I'm only resonance sure that Notquitethere and Persus and Tomasque aren't sk which makes the sk a better chance then Mafia because it's a 50/50 shot. 

I knew I should have stuck to my guns with the sk and since I'm guarenteed to survive through the night I can check Teneb to see if he reveals as Mafia or town. 

So in summary unvote


I'm sorry for being wishy washy but the town can still win this we just need to get scum both days and sk is a better shot at the moment.  If anyone has any new information that shows who the last Mafia is we can lynch them.
Giving waitlisted people the ability to murder non-responsive players was a great idea. Need to do that more often.


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Re: Bring Your Own Song - Day 4: Ruh-roh [6/16]
« Reply #877 on: January 18, 2016, 05:35:56 pm »

Thanks for the clarification Jack.

I'm pretty sure the SK is either DarkStar (and their kill is not one shot) or it's Hazard.

Hazard, we can't have an untrustworthy doublevoter at LYLO. Tell us what you really are. You're one off the hammer: what were your night actions?


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Re: Bring Your Own Song - Day 4: Ruh-roh [6/16]
« Reply #878 on: January 18, 2016, 07:46:04 pm »

Deus Asmoth is basically confirmed town so Tomasque can you use your protection on him tonight?
Giving waitlisted people the ability to murder non-responsive players was a great idea. Need to do that more often.


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Re: Bring Your Own Song - Day 4: Ruh-roh [6/16]
« Reply #879 on: January 18, 2016, 07:46:32 pm »


I meant NQT
Giving waitlisted people the ability to murder non-responsive players was a great idea. Need to do that more often.

Jack A T

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Re: Bring Your Own Song - Day 4: Ruh-roh [6/16]
« Reply #880 on: January 18, 2016, 11:53:12 pm »

* TheDarkStar - {0}
* Persus13 - {0}
* fillipk - {0}
* notquitethere - {0}
* H4zardZ1 - TheDarkStar, fillipk, notquitethere {3}
* Tomasque - {0}
No Lynch - {0}

4 to hammer.

Not Voting: Persus13, H4zardZ1, H4zardZ1, Tomasque

Extension Requests: 0/4

Day 4 ends at 9:30 PM PST Tuesday, January 19th, about 24 hours from now.  There are two non-courtesy extensions available.
Quote from: Pandarsenic, BYOR 6.3 deadchat
Quote from: Urist Imiknorris, Witches' Coven 2 Elfchat
Screw you, Jack.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bring Your Own Song - Day 4: Ruh-roh [6/16]
« Reply #881 on: January 19, 2016, 10:11:01 am »

Aside from the double vote, the only thing i get is randomize.
Extend. Squished on time, RL issues.
Quote from: Rock
Quote from: Comrade Qwasich
Stop bullying children
I can't
I have to bully children
Sigtext and other things


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Re: Bring Your Own Song - Day 4: Ruh-roh [6/16]
« Reply #882 on: January 19, 2016, 10:51:59 am »

Who have you randomised?


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Re: Bring Your Own Song - Day 4: Ruh-roh [6/16]
« Reply #883 on: January 19, 2016, 10:31:57 pm »

2 hours left till day end, last chance to extend or make a case for someone.
Giving waitlisted people the ability to murder non-responsive players was a great idea. Need to do that more often.

Jack A T

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bring Your Own Song - Night 4: To Make A Short Story Long [5/16]
« Reply #884 on: January 20, 2016, 12:29:33 am »

It was a dark and stormy night day, the rain fell in torrents - except at occasional intervals, when it was checked by a violent gust of wind which overwhelmed the flood-like liquid precipitation as if a great, incredible entity of power was exhaling with gusto at a wall of water.  Through our glorious land of prosperity and peace, a murderous force had wreaked havoc, undermining the efforts of those benevolent people merely trying to survive and prosper.  A simple collection of residences, producers, and mercantilists together formed a town, no, the town, and the town was in the gravest of danger.  Through this town of towns, an ancient path wound its way, covered with age-worn footprints that dug their way into the dry surface of the planet.

On that ancient road rode a hazardous man.  His rusted, dented, square-wheeled bi-wheeled foot-pedalled vehicle bore the weight of thirteen years of destiny and thirteen years of man, tracing the paths  used by many a traveller and taking its own as well.  The water crashing upon him from the sky left him shivering like a shaken leg, yet he refused to cease his ride.  He had a destination to reach, and nothing would stop him from ending his perilous journey as he planned from the beginning of his journey.

Nothing, that is, except his fellow citizens.  The few remaining denizens had, after a herculean debate, come to a deadly, terrible pact of agreement, a pact that they implemented quickly and shockingly.  His emerald-green orbs looking straight ahead where he wished to manoeuvre his mechanism of transport, the hazardous man was oblivious to his oncoming downfall and deceasement.  Suddenly, like a surprising strike of lightning, the thunderous sound of a used firearm rang through the region!  A miss.  The rider looked around, desperately trying to determine the cause of the shocking noise.  There was a deep pit in the tall, yet half-dead, elm tree beside him, a pit where the bullet had ended its own journey.

The rider rode on, until another shot knocked his vehicle out from underneath his dependent body.  He toppled to the dirt, a cloud of dust and dirt forming around him almost like the precipitating clouds far above him in the heavens.  One of his assailants, though he could not see which through the dust, closed in and spat out a set of words, "Foul rider, I have come to enforce the collective judgement of the citizens of this fine town and end your terrible, mafia-supporting criminal existence like a man with a fly swatter splatters a fly against a damaged red brick wall!"

The rider struggled to stand, winded by the fall, and gasped out a response, "I am no mafioso, and I will not fall to your gun, for I have my destination I must go to, so cease this attack, wannabe murderer!"

The murderous executioner above him struck true with a final, fatal, fateful blow, breaking through the rider's brain's boney shell with a brutally placed bullet, and strode away, leaving the rider's red-soaked corpse behind him, pouring out blood like a river pours into a waterfall on a cliff.

Day 4 has ended!
* TheDarkStar - {0}
* Persus13 - {0}
* fillipk - {0}
* notquitethere - {0}
* H4zardZ1 - TheDarkStar, fillipk, notquitethere {3}
* Tomasque - {0}
No Lynch - {0}

4 to hammer.

Not Voting: Persus13, H4zardZ1, H4zardZ1, Tomasque

Extension Requests: 1/4 (H4zardZ1)

H4zardZ1 has been lynched!  H4zardZ1 was Nonsensical Bicycle, Town!

Spoiler: H4zardZ1's Role (click to show/hide)

Night 4 ends at 9:30 PM PST Wednesday, January 20th.
Quote from: Pandarsenic, BYOR 6.3 deadchat
Quote from: Urist Imiknorris, Witches' Coven 2 Elfchat
Screw you, Jack.
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