Tomasque who do you think is sk?
Well, your deduction splits my suspicion into 2 categories: If you're telling the truth, and if you're not.
If you're telling the truth, then it comes down to something pretty simple. Most likely it's Hazard, since a SK would have to be given a powerful ability (such as a double-vote) to make up for him being a one-man team. Next is TheDarkStar, but since I have nothing for or against him, he's kinda in the middle. Last on the list is - you. If you were the SK, you'd lie, so
if you're telling the truth, there's a low chance of you being SK. However, if you have an investigative ability, that might make you more likely to be the SK. Either way, Hazard is still at the top of the list and you and TDS are fairly low on it.
If you're
not telling the truth, things get a lot more confusing. First, you could very well likely be the SK - but you could also be mafia, which means you're not the SK. Assuming you're lying about the investigations because you're mafia means that neither of the miller-claimers are mafia. Now here's the tricky part: If both of them are actual millers, that would be an extremely unlikely scenario - it just doesn't seem balanced. Now, that would mean that at least one of them has to be non-miller. The best bet? SK. But since the SK is your enemy, there's no reason why you'd be lying about mafia investigations - you'd want the SK lynched and you'd use you now-towniness to win the game. Even if you're lying about having an investigation ability in the first place, I don't see why you'd claim that both the millers - two very suspicious claims - both checked out as mafia. You wouldn't risk the SK to be disguising as one of them and seeing through your blatant lie. But what does that leave you with? Other than extremely unlikely scenarios - such as one of the millers being a non-miller townie - that you'd never risk... nothing. If you're lying, that leaves no other possibility than you being SK.
If you see any problems in my argument, feel free to point them out to me. Nobody likes being accused of a crime they couldn't commit, and I won't bring it against you if you give me an argument that counters any of the points I made.