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Author Topic: (42.06)[The Windy Universes] Turn 10a, Terrapin | Turn 11b, Bearskie [Adv. Suc.]  (Read 33630 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Finished playing my turn. Here's the save:

Will be busy tomorrow, so writeup will have to come later. Don't peek if you don't want spoilers.

Oh yeah, and shouldn't it be turn 8a and 8b instead?


  • Bay Watcher
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Finished playing my turn. Here's the save:

Will be busy tomorrow, so writeup will have to come later. Don't peek if you don't want spoilers.

Oh yeah, and shouldn't it be turn 8a and 8b instead?

Is it finally my turn? Excellent!


  • Bay Watcher
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Finished playing my turn. Here's the save:

Will be busy tomorrow, so writeup will have to come later. Don't peek if you don't want spoilers.

Oh yeah, and shouldn't it be turn 8a and 8b instead?
You are the first turn of the second save, hence why it's one instead of eight, for consistency.


  • Bay Watcher
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Well that was fast...

I am Raqui, called Ra by those who know me. I was born in a no-name village belonging to the Kingdom of Women. As a peasant and moreover, as a man, I could only ever hope to be a second-class citizen here.

Thus, despite my better judgement, I chose to strike out from the place of my birth and seek my fortune in the wilderness. I had always been fascinated by the paintbrush of nature and I wished to see to more of it. Alas as my broken corpse now lies before me, such possibilities lie unfulfilled.

My story is short and full of woe. I wanted to explore the unknown places of the world and capture their beauty in verse. I was taught to read and write from the traveling poets that often visited our mead halls. There I went first, to seek their council and good favor. There I saw goblin poets and dancers brutalized and maimed. There, I was forever changed. I was unaware of the violence of this world. Now I look upon my own mangled body and cannot help but laugh.

For you see, listener, even then, it was inevitable. I tried to impress these great poets with recitations of my people's poetry. They patronized me. And the stench of blood combined with their condescension was too much, and I left. I asked several of the guards for protection, I offered them money. They refused. They did not wish to travel with a peasant, uncultured in the ways of the world. I went with bitterness, they wanted strength. Strength I would give them.

I traveled west to the sea, hoping to glimpse it before I traveled further east. It was a beautiful sight and inspired in me the urge to put the scene in verse. I wrote a pretty couplet in the style of my people. I went back to the town and recited my short poem. It was well received. I had hoped someone would therefore join me. But...alas, my poetry was not enough to inspire companionship. Again I left in bitterness.

I went back to the sea. A flock of albatross caught my eye. I felt peckish and I had, by this time, run out of the squid meat which I initially set off with. I grabbed one of the birds and after a lengthy tortuous hunt, killed and ate it. By this time I had become quite proficient in battle. I set off for a neighboring mead hall, hoping my new skills would garner a hearthship. I suited my self in full mail and this time was able to convince a guard to join me in my plight. Then we went and petitioned the Lady of the hall. She refused me. She laughed in my face.

Desperate, I requested to be an entertainer of her hall. I recited another of my poems. She laughed. Oh ye gods, she laughed in my face! So I drew my spear and pierced her skull. The force was not strong enough and to my dismay, my companion switched sides at my sudden rage. He drew his hammer and came at me. I destroyed him, easily. I went out, my bloodlust not yet sated. I wanted the Lady's head as a trophy. Then a sudden misstep led me into the spear-point of one of the guards. He shattered my leg, then my head.

There I lie now. Despite all my strength...I am broken...


I'm going to build a fortress (the adventurer hangout) instead of a second run, if that's ok
« Last Edit: January 05, 2016, 01:26:29 pm by bahihs »


  • Bay Watcher
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I'm going to build a fortress (the adventurer hangout) instead of a second run, if that's ok
That's okay, did I say earlier that people can play fortresses for a week? If not, I'm probably going to make that a new rule.

EDIT: Actually since we can do two people at once, I might just reinstate the weeklong turns instead, if no one objects?
« Last Edit: January 05, 2016, 02:44:35 pm by XhAPPYSLApX »


  • Bay Watcher
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Spoiler: Forgot this poem (click to show/hide)

The Gloved Whips

I know a game, that women play
That make men, into game
Soft gloves, turned into whips
To keep the men away!
But foolish lovers do ye see?
Ye hunting with fever fervor
What ye hunt, hunts thee!
White hands upon thy brow
Soft gloves, turned into whips
Drive thee not like men, but cows!

Listen now, of the game
That make men into play
Soft gloves, turned into whips
Seem as sunlight in the May
But as ye hunt those hands of hers
She tames thee as a dog
They teach tricks! But they the curs!
Holding, using, and abusing those
Soft gloves, turned into whips
That drive thee to farming, and they the hoes!

Doubt me not, nor doubt
The game which women chase
Soft gloves, turned into whips
Turned to turn thee out!
Faces fair and seem fair to eye
Ye think ye might win this game
Beware! Her fickle's as fair as die
And thy heart, ante she gambols with.
Soft gloves, turned into whips
That's all they are, in their pits and pith

Once I saw, a farmer hunt
He took up the bow and sought
Soft gloves, turned into whips
He really wanted a wet...kiss
But his lady's heart was stone
She took his land, but kept her lips
But better hunted, then ever alone
For the hunt keeps men sane
Soft gloves, turned into whips
Gives a kind of pleasureable pain

Aye, perhaps I am too old
Aye, perhaps too bitter too
Soft hands, turned into whips
Cannot anymore, make me bold
But my age means that I know
And the bitter has a base
Or maybe it doesn't, so?
These verses still ring true
Soft gloves, turned into whips
Still make men black and blue

Oh tell me not! Of your wives
Of women fair, of women true
Soft gloves, turned into whips
Are to your gentle spirits, knives
Ye shall bleed as gutted fish
Give it days, give it years
Aye some do live and die in bliss
But most die in traps
Soft gloves, turned into whips
Around thy neck and hands, wraps

Ye are furs in the stalls
Ye are meat in the markets
Soft gloves, turned into whips
Shall gall thee, give thee galls
Hunt not, or be hunted.
Thy game shall make thee game
Still, perhaps tis enough to be wanted
To lose the hunt, but love it still
Soft gloves, turned into whips
Sharpens the wit, toughens the will!

Aye, no maid, will look on me now
No love, may stir my breast
Soft gloves, turned into whips
Are only bygone vows
But the young must give chase
Run forever for the game
Or like me, death, embrace
Run, ye still-whole-hearts!
Soft gloves, turned into whips
Be at thy backs, forever smart

Aye, the hunt takes life
But gives life its spice!
Soft gloves, turned into whips
Is the sweet with the strife!
Hunt on ye, surefooted shooters
Run wild for thy prize
They are seeking suitors
But shy not from their arrows
Soft hands, turned into whips
Only to see your marrow!


  • Bay Watcher
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Decided I would devote the night to finishing that write up for Mel rulaciki lots of screenshots were taken at the time, wish me luck.
I am an indie game dev!
My Roguelike! With randomly generated creatures Roguelegends: Dark Realms
My Turn Based Strategy game! Which you can buy on steam now!DR4X
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  • Bay Watcher
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^ bahih's pretty much upstaged us all with his masterful poetry :P. 100% accurate to the game's description, wew.

You are the first turn of the second save, hence why it's one instead of eight, for consistency.

Yeah, but correct me if I'm wrong, aren't both our saves directly following from Untrustedlife's (Turn 5)? Since that is where the timeline split happened, should it not be 6a and 6b, following from 5, since that is where the timeline 'split' happened? Prior to that it was just a single timeline: 1 > 2 > 3 > 4 > 5.

It's all rather odd and confusing (the turn numbers) right now, that's just what I'm saying.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2016, 10:34:25 am by Bearskie »


  • Bay Watcher
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You are the first turn of the second save, hence why it's one instead of eight, for consistency.

Yeah, but correct me if I'm wrong, aren't both our saves directly following from Untrustedlife's (Turn 5)? Since that is where the timeline split happened, should it not be 6a and 6b, following from 5, since that is where the timeline 'split' happened? Prior to that it was just a single timeline: 1 > 2 > 3 > 4 > 5.

It's all rather odd and confusing (the turn numbers) right now, that's just what I'm saying.

It is, now that I think about it... I'll change it to the less confusing one.

(For clarification on the turn 8a thing, I skipped Terapin and me, so I basically skipped 6a and 7a, so I went straight to 8a... And I really don't know why, I was probably tired at the time)


  • Bay Watcher
  • Nyam nyam
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^ btw Bahihs is 7b.

Almost forgot how far the nearest village was. Had to rest by the beach since it was getting dark. Still angry. Wanted to stab them and tear them and rip them apar- admittedly that was my goblinhood talking, but still. Conservatives, the whole lot of them. They will never understand the true meaning of artistic pursuit.

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Hah, they're all dead to me now. Away, and onwards!

« Last Edit: January 06, 2016, 09:20:40 am by Bearskie »


  • Bay Watcher
  • Nyam nyam
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“Crappy weather huh,” I muttered to myself as I neared the hamlet. Crushdipped, our closest link to civilization. Still cold, but the grass is green for starters.

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“Hoy!” I yelled at the first man down the road, splaying my hands out so he could see that I was unarmed. “Greetings from Pointedislands! Esethra!” He looked at me, leerily at first, before passing his acknowledgement.

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The man appeared pretty despondent that I was unable to help.

“Sorry about your problems. But I’m no adventurer; just a traveling poet,” I told him with sympathy.
He waved me into silence. “No, no, don’t worry about it. It’s just that you seem pretty familiar with that bow of yours. Thought you could help us, that is all.” He sighed. “I guess you’ll be on your way now.”
I scratched my head, and tried to think like a human.

“Well… I could go talk to this goblin of yours?”
“Hah! That’s a good one, lass.”
“Sometimes they just need someone to talk to, that’s all. Gets pretty depressing with all the snow around here.”
“Nah. Trust me, this one’s beyond any talking.”
I shrugged, “Alright then.”

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“Hoy, what’re you two lummoxes scrubbin’ on about this time?” barked the weaponsmith at his two companions. “Thought I told ya’ to go fetch water from the well!”
“Calm your beard, Birod. Well’s a no-go. There are soldiers running around.”
“Whatever for?”
“Some criminal gone loose. Apparently shot someone just for saying hi. Think about it, you’re just going about your business, giving someone a wave, and then twaaaaang!~ Surprise arrow in your kidneys!”

The man guffawed at his own joke. I twiddled my thumbs nervously, with guilt leaking through every pore of my face. “Well, err, course what that criminal did was absolutely wrong, but, umm... let’s not try to jump too hastily to conclusions, aimrite?”

Spoiler: I mean... (click to show/hide)

“Eh, don’t mind them,” said Birod the weaponsmith. “Bunch of lazy-ass slackers who’d rather sit around shooting gammys all day. You two shouldn’t joke about things like this. This is a hardened criminal we’re talking about. Clearly some sort of roving sociopath who’d like nothing better than to stick you like a pincushion. Hell, he might even be in this village as we sp-“


“You’re not too bad lass. Could be better, but overall good. Keep it up; you may have bright things in yer future.”
My eyes widened. “Reaaaalllly?”

As if on cue, the door burst open in dramatic fashion.

He flicked rapidly through a tiny little notebook.
“Seems to fit the description.”

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“Shit, what was that for!?” I shrieked.

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The enforcer blinked. “Oh, you do? Well damn. Let me get out some rope first.” I stared at him as he rummaged busily through an oversized backpack. “I swear, these things vanish like socks...”


“Actually, I don’t.”
And with that, I sprinted out.

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“GET BACK HERE!” he roared through a field of blueberries. His outstretched arms almost got me, but I’d hit the ground running, and had the lighter gear. Gradually, I began to pull ahead.

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Ducked wildly down a secluded alley. His shouts remained a good distance away. Panting heavily, I granted myself a temporary reprieve from the chase.

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Then I ran for the bloody hills. 


  • Bay Watcher
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That was great. I laughed out loud.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2016, 01:28:21 pm by Untrustedlife »
I am an indie game dev!
My Roguelike! With randomly generated creatures Roguelegends: Dark Realms
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  • Bay Watcher
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I didnt finish update 4, but here is update 3. Ill get update four up soonly.

Mel Rulaciki Update 3:
Diary Entry #3

Now that I am away from my 'village' if you can call that ghetto a village, I have calmed down a bit and I have had time to reflect on my past.


I'll be honest, there was one 'good' thing about my 'village' the only good thing about the 'village' i grew up in is that rumors went through the town all the time, so I learned a bit about the outside world.
When I was younger I heard of a city not far off which has a tavern in which i could show off my poetry and music.
Its not too far out if I remember correctly, only about a week from my village. And we have already been traveling for a couple days, this is where I have decided I want to go, if anybody would understand culture its city dwellers, city dwellers are far more cultured then the pond scum that infests the outlying villages, at least  that's my hope..
I believe the place was called "Oceanpassage" which is admittedly a great name for a city which means the founders at least had some sense for the arts perhaps there is hope yet.
Hopefully people will appreciate my art there if they don't I might crack ...the "nature" that surrounds me and my companion as we travel is starting to get to me... and the "people" we come across are even worse.

There is a small note scribbled underneath this passage


I have become covered in thorns from this "nature" ugh if only i didn't have to walk, i think me and my art deserve to be carried everywhere i go perhaps my guard would be willing.

Mother never carried me when i was a child.......

My guard, who I recently found out was a women (you learn alot about people when you fall asleep in the same room) refused. Saying I should be the one carrying her, but that I am too weak and spindly...(seriously lady I couldn't even tell you were a women at first, just a big strong brute as far as I am concerned)...I complained to her that if I am so weak and spindly, why couldn't she carry me. She just laughed in my face.

The passage continues in normal handwriting from here

We travelled for about a day, nothing of note happened after that.

When it started getting late we stumbled upon a hamlet in which a brute by the name of "Canar Amecanstrid" has a home, he welcomed us into his home for the night something about "Bogeymen".
I have heard about bogeymen in the past..creatures that come out at night and shout incessant insults at their prey, before ripping it to shreds....something this brute no doubt deserves. But at least he welcomed us into his home.

 I decided to practice my Rushan playing before going to bed for the night, it was a masterful solemn tune about the death of culture.

My guard enjoyed it and I checked to see if canar enjoyed it , of course he didnt, he fell asleep listening to it...not that I am surprised by this anymore, the rabble of this world does not understand culture or music, or anything else that truly matters.

With a sigh I fell asleep.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2016, 01:27:20 pm by Untrustedlife »
I am an indie game dev!
My Roguelike! With randomly generated creatures Roguelegends: Dark Realms
My Turn Based Strategy game! Which you can buy on steam now!DR4X
My website


  • Bay Watcher
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One tip: use less ellipses. Ellipses all the time make it kind of hard to read  ;)
In adventure mode, dwarf drinks vampire!


  • Bay Watcher
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One tip: use less ellipses. Ellipses all the time make it kind of hard to read  ;)

Formatted it better and added some stuff and reworded a bit.
I am an indie game dev!
My Roguelike! With randomly generated creatures Roguelegends: Dark Realms
My Turn Based Strategy game! Which you can buy on steam now!DR4X
My website
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