Notable instances include:Sanctumea +
Daparrot have become lovers. Congratulations. Conversely, Queen Amperzand absolutely hates Daparrot, and is carrying a Grudge.
LadyBrassroast has exactly no friends. I have taken the entire militia off duty, because that is unacceptable. 5 years of constant training is enough, for now. She has built a formidable militia, which is replenished to 10, with iron weapons. They are all armored in copper.
Chaotic Skies (AKA Chaotic Sizzledtone in game) has been named Captain of the Guard. Daparrot became depressed due to "being unable to practice a craft" and "being unable to practice a martial skill" or some such. He has been drafted into Chaotic's City Guard, which has allieved but not cured his condition.
Improvements to the city include a riverside clinic, a functioning library, and the near-completion of the Royal Mansion. There is also a 3-wide wall surrounding the city entire. It's only 1x tall for now, but it will be 3z tall when completed.
I was concerned that we were the only site left, but 7 migrants arrived. Apparently there’s somewhere still left, but I've gotten multiple reports of
Wolfhunter began his first research project on the 15th of Opal, Year 06, Mid-Winter, and wrote a novel. It's called "Brews and the Butcher", and it's apparently not half bad.
Oh, and we designated mining for
an underground tomb for Queen Amperzand I. It will require puzzles and/or tests of skill to unlock after burial. Pictures once it's a bit further along. It's directly underneath the budding
The overview came out much better this time. The town spawls enough that it cannot fit in one overview in regular DF-vision.