I decided to make some tests regarding the NPC reaction to kills and etc.. to see if npc reaction are as broken bad as in df2014 or if they're finally reacting, i was not hoping as much reaction as in 34.11 though, but let's see.
started a character and found myself spawning in a dwarven fortress, the lag was absurdly high to unplayable level while there was only a few npc only around, i only managed to get out thanks to the fast travel that actually worked this time . Same bug observed in df2014, probably some broken pathfinding spam that cripple performance in the same way mood-dwarf that are on a tree destroy performance in fortress mode.
I went to a dwarven hillock and entered a mound that featured several profession-dwarves and a baroness consort.
I noticed the df2014 usual "is that a weapon" style of random crap but things changed when i slashed a nearby dwarven gelder (never trusted those guys anyways
the baroness consort went directly hostile and attacked me ! wow i was pleasantly surprised to see an actual reaction !
Unfortunately none of the other profession-dwarves present cared and they behaved no different from the broken df2014
Once the whole mound citizens were destroyed (out of the baroness consort, none of the other dwarves even tried to fight back when they were multiple times slashes, similarly to df2014, most of them were not even trying to run away, so sad) i moved to another mound, in this one no profession-dwarves only drunk dwarves.
Instead of slashing randomly, i decided to shout using the brag about violent act option to see if the npc would react to information, after a bunch of df2014-like "it was inevitable" and "it is terrifying" that disapointed me, after half a dozen of brag, 2 drunks rushed to attack me , wow !
Unfortunately i can't say if it's finally an actual npc reaction or if it is just drunk random brawl behaviour, this will need more test.
After getting rid of both, i went to a human town nearby, i got into the town small fort and did the bragging stuff multiple time to the Lady and a nearby bowman , neither cared.
But at least it made sense tough, as they're not the same factions, and who know maybe they were at odds.
Then to test more in that location i moved out of sight in another room of the fort and with my dwarven companion killed a hammerman and a crossbowman, then i went back to the Lady and reported my kill of both her guards, using a brag or two in the middle in case it helped (like it seemed to do for the dwarven drunks).
Neither the Lady or the nearby bowman reacted (ouf ot the "it was inevitable" or "it is terrifying" usual annoying answers) , or panicked or went hostile, basically they behaved exactly like in df2014
I left and went to a bandit camp away that a citizen previously mentionned to me.
None of the bandits attacked and i could walk as if it was normal for me to walk in the middle of their turf , oh well, i slashed a goblin bandit and another goblin ... attacked in retaliation, at first i was happy, this made actual sense, so i was ready-ing my character for the fight of his life, 34.11 bandit-style.
Sadly the many other bandits did nothing out of running around, while we were killing them one by one without the goblin "master" doing anything
I went to test the goblin "master" if at least they had some of their former 34.11 glory and killed him with incredible ease for my beginning character, without him even fighting back during the multiple slashing
Conclusion :
- very rare some npc will react, that's new from df2014 in which i never had anyone reacting at all
- the heavy majority of npc will not react to anything, as it is in broken df2014
- bandits are still the df2014 pushovers
I didn't tested in goblin dark pits/fortress to see if it improved in comparison to df2014, very likely my next step.
I hope there will be some rebalance and rework of the npc reaction, probably not to the entertaining but probably extreme level of 34.11 but at least something instead of the overall "it was inevitable" all over again.
EDIT : forgot to mention, on the first test with the mounds that had the reacting baroness consort, after i walked away , my companion of the time started to shoot bolts at me.
While he had no problem killing the profession-dwarves in the mound.
He reacted to my character killing spree, though the reaction happened a bit late.