Would there be any consequence to simplifying raw/objects/descriptor_color_standard.txt? There seems to be no apparent purpose to actually storing the RGB value of each color here, and having colors dynamically mapped just messes up color schemes. Bluish green colors look good in many palettes, but you risk "blue vomit" syndrome, and that's just one example. A properly tested color scheme technically needs either some math work or hours of in-game testing, just to make sure that you haven't made DARK_PEACH look red (or something).
I'm considering rewriting every RGB value in that file to be the color it's mapped to. So rather than have DARK_GREEN be [RGB:1:50:32], it would be [RGB:0:128:0], the vanilla GREEN it's mapped to. (Probably, I'd need to test). It would eliminate most of these "color scheme bugs" entirely, and would testing much easier. Rather than only vomit turn blue, you'd have everything that was going to be green turn blue as well, making this annoying problem easier to spot. Of course, you'd need to distribute the simplified descriptor_color_standard.txt with your colors.txt.
Would this have ramifications that I'm not aware of? I have difficulty seeing how these specific color values are even used. I could just test, but it would be some work to figure out what everything is supposed to be mapped to and I still wouldn't understand if this had any hard-to-see ramifications or whether it would cause problems for outside utilities.