The Bay 12 Games Report, December 1st, 2015Mission Status I knew you could make it! After almost a year we are ready to introduce a new version of Dwarf Fortress. Among other things, your dwarven children will finally be able to play with all those rock toys. There is so much more, and we are just getting started. In the weeks to come we will diligently respond to all the issues that come up. We are extremely grateful to all of the people that supported us during the wind-up to today's release. We couldn't do it without you.
Congratulations to the generous!
Fun with Numbers Thanks for helping out last month and during this long wait for the new version! We hope you have fun with it as we continue to iron out its issues.
November: $5520.02
October: $5685.73
September: $5191.32
August: $6331.06
July: $4881.87
Reward reminder: If you
support us, you can pick either a Story Reward or a Crayon Art Reward. A Story Reward is basically a mini-Threetoe story (
examples) and a Crayon Art Reward is a crudely drawn scene which we sketch, color in, and mail to you, anywhere in the world (assuming your contribution covers postage, which is about a dollar almost wherever you are). We take personal requests for either reward as well, he he he. You can also be listed among
the Bay 12 Champions. You can choose any kind of reward no matter which contribution method you choose.