Kylie, follow me!
Back up a square and throw the dagger at the direrat.
You throw a dagger at D3. (11+4) Your dagger strikes him in the side, dealing (3+2) damage, killing the dire rat! (13+3) (Intelligence) You discern that these aren't wererats, given how they aren't going after you, how easy it was to kill it, and how barbaric they're tearing apart that poor pony.
Kylie casts entangle and draws her longbow in the hand you're not grabbing.
"Stay out of the bramble!" She shouts as the moss and cave plants coating the walls, ceiling and floor seems to grow rapidly and start to cover the area, trying to entangle the rats and the pony. (
FUMBLE) (?) (?) (
?) The pony loses its balance and falls over, getting overtaken by rats and bramble as it whinnies in pain as its eaten alive. You hear the snapping of bone as the pony is forced to the ground by the bramble, its legs are now in a funny position and some of its leg bones are exposed externally as the rats continue to rip flesh off of the pony. The dire rats are entangled as well, but they do not suffer the same fate as the pony. Kylie shrieks in horror as she looks at the ceiling and sees more rats falling in, and the dire rats that are alive attack the pony, taking more chunks of flesh off as the pony finally lets out one last whinny in pain as it cries out. The rats attempt to break free. One of them (D2) breaks free.
With two more dire rats and a second swarm coming in, the bramble attempts to grab them as well. (?) (?) (
?) It seems the swarm refuses to let it be grappled as the tiny rats move around too much. One of the dire rats that just arrived gets entangled as well, but the other dodges the bramble trying to grab it (D4 is entangled)
Ritiki begins his turn.
((I forgot about Mauricio...))
Mauricio awakens and springs to his feet as he pulls out his composite bow. His eyes are still a light blue color. The militia also start to grab their weapons as everyone else panics to find somewhere to hide.
((I've finally worked out a partial part of the cave (aka, the area where everyone is in right now). Note that if an NPC that is listed as magenta HM! (aka Help Me!) they are fleeing and will get in your way as if they were an enemy. A yellow G (guard) and yellow W (woodcutters) can be moved through as allies, but they aren't properly armed for combat as you all are, so keep that in mind))