I've said it before and I'll say it again: there is a moral imperative to stop having children.
This may interest you.
The idea of exponential growth leading to sudden collapse has been obsolete since the early 70's.
A quick perusal of the abstract (have not read the full paper yet) suggests this is a "farming tech saved us, through use of fossil fuel based fertilzers, yay!!" paper.
a couple problems with that:
1) fossil fuels from which the nitrogen fertilizers used to accomplish this are made, are already post-peak production This means it is going to be more and more expensive to manufacture the fertilizers.
2) The use of these fertilizers coupled with persistent heavy industrial agriculture renders the soil nutrient delpeted, making the soil unproductive (like - at all - unproductive) without those fertilizers. (this process has been known scientifically since the 40s.)
3) The reliance on fossil fuel for these fertilizers further enhances the effects of global climate change, due to the strongly carbon-positive nature of this production.
4) as global temperatures rise, climate will render previously farmable land into deserts (or swamps).
Basically, we just missed Malthus by taking a different route to the destination. That doesnt mean his catastrophe cannot happen even still, in the face of contractions in the rate of population growth. (the trend, coupled with this incorrect notion that the danger has passed, leads to an inevitable confluence of badness.)