The guardsmen decide to split up, establishing a stakeout...
~Tessele and Thoven watch the rear~Tirion and Dench watch the side entrance~Keiran and Cirila watch the front...
20 minutes have passed, and the weather has only gotten worse-fat hailstones clack on the city streets, rattling against those of the group who are wearing metal helmets with maddening regularity. There is no sign of anyone leaving the building...however...
Tessele and Thoven spot the figure sliding through the weather, cloak gripped tightly, hauling a large package with both hands. The person seems to be making a beeline for the smugglers den, and is not paying attention to what's around them. The figure passes within a few feet of the guardsmen, completely oblivious to them.
A few minutes later, the person (who turns out to be a middle aged woman) is apprehended quietly and quickly, and packed away into a nearby alleyway for some street interrogation. She certainly
looks like a thief, with dull earthtone clothing that blends in well with ugly streets, a good pair of boots, a body covering cloak, a face mask and a coil of rope on her waist. You can almost picture her hopping out of windows. Which implies she's probably not very experienced at all this-the trick to thieving is to
not look like a thief. She also carries two large knives. Another rookie mistake! It's no surprise she was sent out on such a thankless errand...
"Ah-ah-ah-ahm innocent! I'm only a food person!' She claims, despite her damning profile picture.
Strangely, the package she was carrying does seem to contain a few pounds of quality raw beef, bread, Yalani cheese, even a bottle of Duskan Dark wine.