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Author Topic: Misson 26: You Monster  (Read 93939 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Misson 26: You Monster
« Reply #465 on: March 17, 2016, 11:45:48 am »

Excellent. Establish a team to prepare the necessary equipment for a colony in analverse (aka fractal/recursive creatureverse). In fact, let's go for redundancy and prepare three separate colonies for that universe. Send a team to scout for a reasonably safe planet creature - one in which the creatures that wold interact on a human scale are generally more agreeable, and begin the process of building a base.

glass sphereverse: If a scoutship would be capable of reaching one or more of the glass spheres in a reasonable time, launch one into that universe in the general vicinity of one of them. Launch a flight capable drone with various tools for sample collection into the dry sphere at the origin. have it collect soil samples, and then fly to the edge and begin tests on the sphere itself. is it glass, crystal, forcefield, clear aluminum, unknown?

Spiders: did any of the living animals breed new spiders, or were they just consumed? provide the spiders with some programmable electronic communication devices with audio outputs. See if they can program.

Maybe rngesus is dissatisfied that I haven't ritualistically slaughtered the spiders, while Saint is off doing God's Satan's work?
Time permitting, send probes to new universes:
4, 4, 0
4, 0, 4
0, 4, 4
4, 4, 4

Hmm, so are you looking for a safe area or just one with LESS things trying to eat you?

You send the scout ship. It will be a bit till it reaches its destination.

Well, they were consumed before breeding more.  Program how? You think they can just intuit c++?

Null, null, something, null

The "something" one comes back as the tag, and a bunch of carefully disassembled parts.

Quote from: Ryan to Saint
I see you are... Experimenting in the universe with beautiful women. Would you mind bringing one back for dissection next time, as well?

If SS brings me a woman from orgyverse, requisition a medical enhanced capacity modification then dissect and analyse the remains.

Did we ever establish contact with the metal creature-things in fractal-verse (7,7,7) , or did we just send in a group to scout? Send in a probe with voyager 1-esque materials on it. Minus the whole "love" bit. We're scientists, not Carl Sagan. So basically, what we are and the maths we understand in simple symbolic form. Have secondary probe record contact, then return both (if possible)

Send new probes to


Did I give out enhanced capacity mods for free before?

We sent in a ship but I don't think we ever made contact with them or did anything.  Your voyager probe is examined, and then removed from the fractal scaffolding and tossed out into space.

The first and 5th aren't null.  The first returns but the probe has become purple and is hurling out light bright enough to ruin cameras and blind humans.

The second comes back pretty corroded, with the internal hard drive for the video recording damaged.

Head back.

Once back, have 2 probes sent back in for 4 hours. Have one drill into the intestinal lining, and keep doing so the entire time. Have another programmed to find an ameoba and ram it. Have both video feeds sent to syv to review by his processes apon the probes return

Alright. Since you didn't look at the feeds we'll wait for sy to take a peek via his sods.

I'm ready to go back, but I'm willing to stick around if Vincent wants.
Then return you all do.


1.The captive women--sedate them, and make sure only robosods interact with their bodies, for now.  If they resist all sedatives (please say if they do), have them be contained in some sort of full body cage which can have specific segments removed, instead.  All of them should be fitted with shock/explosive collars on every limb, and any facility where they are held should be ready to be detonated, in case things go unreasonably wrong.

2.Transfer a couple of the women to different testing chambers, physically distant from the one where the captives are being held.  One of the women will be awakened in a room with a heterosexual human male who has not seen the massacre tapes, along with four flesh sods.  The flesh sods will be ordered to nonviolently intervene if the man becomes violent, but will allow the female to do whatever, as long as she does not try to damage the sods or facility, or escape.  Are there any anomalies, especially in the man?

3.Repeat the above experiment with a heterosexual female.  Again, anomalies?

4.Assuming neither experiment results in dead people or mindfuck, have a trained psychiatrist (Perhaps Charles, Empiricist's character?) and linguist interrogate one of the women for mental anomalies.  Hopefully it speaks English--if not, have the linguist work on learning its language, and provide any tools needed.   If it does speak English, have Charles run general tests to check if they even think like humans, and then tests for mental disorders.  Also, make sure nobody is allowed to physically access the woman.

5.Again, assuming neither 2 or 3 resulted in bad things, send a sedated woman to Ryan [Gentlefish] for an autopsy.  Have his brain readings monitored, and if they show signs of mindfuck, have him knocked unconcious and the woman executed.

6.Send scouting probes to the orgyverse, several AU in various directions.  Celestially speaking, what is that universe like?  Planets and stars in space?  Or is it continual, like the analverse?


7.Send probes several lightyears away from the standard point, trying to get an overview of what the universe at large is like.  Do they return?  If so, what do they see?


8.Send the outline of the experiment in 9 to The Doctor.  Ask him if trying that experiment would be dangerous.  If he says "No" or similar, then do 9.  If he says "Yes", "Dunno", "Maybe" or similar, don't try 9.

9.Send a probe to one of the null verses.  Send a second probe to a different null verse, and make sure a human test subject is on board.  The second probe will then transfer into the first probe's view for one second before returning to its verse, then if that went well, it'll go for a millisecond, then a microsecond, then a nanosecond, on until we reach the planck time.  What is the minimum time we reach where the second probe's view feed is useful?

10.Did the human that was so rapidly transferred suffer any ill effects?

Quote from: Ryan to Saint
I see you are... Experimenting in the universe with beautiful women. Would you mind bringing one back for dissection next time, as well?
Quote from:  Admin Steve Saint  to: Operative Ryan Jorgensen
You possess excellent initiative--my plan was to begin autopsies soon.  I am currently having the subjects tested for anomalous behavior and potential mind-affecting abilities, but if they are proven to be safe I will send a sedated specimen to you.  If you would like assistance, remember that we have experienced doctors on staff.

I would recommend you have an enhanced capacity modification installed, first.  Your file does not mention medical expertise, and it would be a waste to ruin a perfectly good subject.
You sedate them and fit them with their running man gear.

The woman with the man just sort of stares at him blankly, occasionally cocking her head and looking around the room. She stays in one corner of the room, away from the rest of the people.

Same with female pairing.

The attempts to communicate don't go anywhere. The women don't talk and don't even seem to understand language.  Occasionally they'll repeat a word or two that the interrogator says, in a mostly human voice, but they seem to have no comprehension of what it means.

Sent, but we'll wait because I'm not sure if he's getting something for free or paying.

The universe of orgyverse seems very much like our own. Stars, planets, gravity, it all seems to function almost exactly the same with insignificantly small deviations.

They do not return.

I'm not sure I understand the purpose of this. You're teleporting a probe in very quickly and seeing how much it can see in that time?

Human wouldn't suffer ill effects, besides feeling really sick.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Misson 26: You Monster
« Reply #466 on: March 17, 2016, 01:34:42 pm »

((Yes, we get enhanced cap. mods for free, as temporary mission equipment.  I got one for AUX.))

1.Send small scout ships to the 'verse, and make them orbit the planet we found the women on.  What does it look like?  A colonized, civilized planet?

2.Have a team of Doctors implant a couple of the women with Man-Machine-Interfaces along with any other brain-reading/stimulating devices we have, and also have them look out for any anomalous brain structures.  Are there any signs whatsoever that the women are nonhuman, judging by their brains?

3.Put both implanted women into a room, and hope they talk with each other.  If they do, record the sounds and brain readings, but if they don't, try to get them to talk by giving them cake.  And if THAT is ignored, add an advancing wall of blades or something else obviously dangerous, while using the collars to nonlethally disable one the legs of one of the women.  Don't actually let the murder wall harm either, though--just scare them.

4.Send a long-distance scoutship (Like what Oz sent to the glassphereverse) to the orgyverse, equipped with a QEC.  Send it towards the nearest habitable-looking planet in the system which isn't the one we started on.  If the one we started on looks like the only habitable planet, just send the ship towards the closest planet that isn't the one we started on.


5.Kedly sent me videos of two experiments: "Once back, have 2 probes sent back in for 4 hours. Have one drill into the intestinal lining, and keep doing so the entire time. Have another programmed to find an ameoba and ram it.".  I'll review those videos now.

6.Yes, the tests where I zapped a probe into a universe for a tiny length of time is just trying to get a single picture of decent quality, without the probe actually spending any relevant amount of time in ths other universe.  It's for checking the holyverse, and other dangerous 'verses.  What is the minimum delay between sending a probe and recalling it?

7.Attempt to use my +4 aux to hack into Gus Johnson's [DoctorMctaalik's character] datapad, and install a very ruthless and thorough spell checker on it.

8.Consider attempting to kidnap Gus Johnson and forcibly installing an enhanced capacity (mind) mod into him.  Would doing so be easily accomplished, considering my resources?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Misson 26: You Monster
« Reply #467 on: March 17, 2016, 01:54:18 pm »

((I like how you massacred a bunch of humans and then pissed of heaven in the same turn, You Monster.))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Misson 26: You Monster
« Reply #468 on: March 17, 2016, 02:33:08 pm »

Phase 1 probes to new universes:

Edit: Have the "amoeba" samples analyzed. Have detailed reports delivered to the medical staff, and see what they think about the immune system theory.

((Question for Syv: Should I assume Gus knows about your tests? Or is Saint keeping them secret?))

Edit2: Note that Gus has now seen the massacre video. In case there's any memetic mindfuck to go along with the general mental scarring.
« Last Edit: March 17, 2016, 08:45:33 pm by DoctorMcTaalik »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Misson 26: You Monster
« Reply #470 on: March 17, 2016, 03:25:41 pm »

((Colonize the orgyverse...or at least send in the bunnies!))
The first time you see this, copy it into your signature on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.
Ravioli Ravioli, the old broad died so now I play a Demon Loli.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Misson 26: You Monster
« Reply #471 on: March 17, 2016, 03:31:50 pm »

Spiders:give tehm some Tonka My First Programmable DeviceTM Children's learning toys. Give them some digital devices with blank interfaces to see if they have an already established programming language - I doubt this will work, what with the language difference and all. I am just trying to jumpstart communication. and give them some devices that are specifically for recording and playing back their sounds and body movement language. Make it simple, with a little robotic spider to mimic actions (or a visual representation of a spider onscreen - I forget if they can view video or not - I know they couldn't get color.

Recursive creatureverse:Aiming for a planetcreature with manageable wildlife. that is, the creatures that are trying to eat us are the least challenging for humans to handle. Preferably one where the types of creatures encountered don't dissolve steel or whatever we make or habitats out of, so we can have a relatively good chance of the colony surviving long term.

glass sphere verse:Wait for the probes to make their voyage.

factoryVerse: (the ancient universe where the factories are building something astronomical in scale). We saw seeral planets here with factories , and all of them were making something unfathomable. Let's send a few probes to distant parts of that universe, and to distant star systems. I am looking for the extent of this building project. is it limited to a local region of space? to a galaxy? a cluster? Supercluster? Just bounce probes into the universe at various interstellar and intergalactic distances, checking for signs of these factories and other signs of life.

0, 4, 4 (the one that disassembled the probe) reassemble the data storage devices and attempt to get the video and audio feeds from this one. Can this be done? If so, what does the recording show?

Time permitting, send probes to new universes:
6, 0, 0
0, 6, 0
0, 0, 6

Quote from: Dester to:BlOps away team
Welcome back. I trust your journey was enlightening?

I've decided to attempt to colonize the universe you just returned from, but outside of the organism you entered into. It looks like the organisms are planet sized, and carry a usable atmosphere. Interestingly, it appears that the planet organisms live inside a larger organism - one that is stellar system sized perhaps. additionally, there are smaller organisms living on the planetbeings. It is unclear how large and small these organisms can get - though a probe sent 200 billion light years away yielded some unusual results.

Anyway, if you are interested in working on the teams establishing base camps for that universe, go ahead and prepare lists of equipment, personnel, and other needs to send over.

We are also exploring that universe with the alleged human women in it. Something is still odd about hat one, but apparently the universe itself reads pretty close to our own in physical makeup. I may be willing to allow a small exploration party to access this universe soon. however, I want you all to be prepared for what you may encounter. Speak with Steve Saint about access to all the data he has collected on this universe. Be warned, his methods were not pretty.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Misson 26: You Monster
« Reply #472 on: March 17, 2016, 05:30:45 pm »

Quote from: Gus to: duster gree
Its funny you mention that, I think we found one of those creetures, actually. a little jellysack guy, part of the animals system apparently. Ill have samples sent to the lab.

Besides that, nothing much to report. We basically walked around a bit in its unmentionibles, and came home.

I guess you and i have different words for pretty, boss. Haha. I'll have saint send me his data.

Quote from: Gus to: saint
hey, i dint know you're name was steve! I thought you were religous or something. you know the robot on the sword is named steve too? haha.

Oh by the way I need the data and stuff from orgiverse. For science and stuff


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Misson 26: You Monster
« Reply #473 on: March 17, 2016, 06:29:39 pm »

Quote from: Petra to: Saint
I could help with that... "orgyverse", you're calling it? Yeah, I'm useless waiting around here, so if there's anything I could help with on that just let me know.
Of course, Twin is neither man nor woman but an unholy eldritch abomination like every other Bay12er. The difference is they hide it better.
Quote from: Caellath on IRC
<Caellath>: Twinwolf, your thirst for blood has been noted.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Misson 26: You Monster
« Reply #474 on: March 17, 2016, 06:50:30 pm »

Quote from:  Admin Steve Saint  to: Operative Gus Johnson
Yes, I do share my first name with the AI who commands our faction.  I go by my last name to prevent confusion, not because of religion; I do not worship any god, as none of the gods we have found are worthy of praise.

All of my data on universe (-7,-7,-7), which you call "orgiverse", is freely available to all M26 staff--you need not ask for it.

Furthermore, I have access to your medical systems, and thus, your brain's readings.  Lying to me is not particularly effective.
Quote from:  Admin Steve Saint  to: Operative Petra Clave
Dester came up with that title for universe (-7,-7,-7), not I.

At the moment, my priority is determining what, exactly, the denizens of that universe are.  I still highly doubt they are human, and even if they somehow are human, I would like to develop a basic understanding of their language before beginning manned exploration.  If you have any idea how to assist with either of these goals, feel free to speak up.

After I've determined whether the beings we recovered are harmless, I will speak with Dester about beginning manned exploration.  If what little we've seen of that universe is indicative of what it is like overall, I do believe you are suited well to leading that expedition.


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Re: Misson 26: You Monster
« Reply #475 on: March 17, 2016, 07:08:40 pm »

Quote from:  Vincent to: Dester
Outside is probably better, I'm doing further probe testing now, but from what we saw, inside seems to work in a way similar to how our insides work, and therefor may have an immune system.

After reviewing -7,-7,-7 data  (Highlighting in case there actually ARE memetic or other effects)

Quote from:  Vincent to: Steve Saint
What the fuck Saint! I understand being cautious and assessing all threats, but opening interactions with another species with all out gratuitous violence is NOT ok. This goes beyond clinical detachment, and into sadist maliciousness!

Quote from:  Vincent to: Dester
Saint overstepped some boundaries with how he handled -7,-7,-7. I'm not ok with the level of violence he chose to open with. As much as I would have jumped dick first into that universe, I DO understand the "Trap" vibes it was giving, but starting threat assessment out with all out massacre is not the way to do it
((No.  ER Lasers are tickle generators, and dispense hugs, loves, and puppies.))
The fedora guy has potentially lethal amounts of swag :v


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Misson 26: You Monster
« Reply #476 on: March 17, 2016, 07:52:37 pm »

Quote from:  Admin Steve Saint  to: Operative Vincent Klart
I will admit that my experiment was somewhat flawed.  In hindsight, I should have sent a full-size piezoelectric shard launcher, and fired only five shots.  I assure you, however, that I was not motivated by sadism; rather, I was assuming them to be inherently hostile entities.  At the time, I had not even considered the possibility that the beings were actual humans, and I doubted they were sapient at all, as it would be more rational for them to be a illusory projection of a greater being.

The purpose of sending that probe was not to kill anything; if I had been, I would have sent a nuclear bomb instead.  I was only attempting to ascertain whether the entities were physical, and if they were, whether they could be harmed with one of our more effective infantry weapon.  The length of time that the gun fired was not chosen because I desired to cause more harm, but instead because I felt that ten seconds would provide sufficient time for any counterattack to become apparent.  I did not even think to define the weapon's period of fire seperately from the probe's exposure time.

Please do calm down, Vincent.  I suppose you do not realize it, but your anger is not entirely impartial and just.  Your brain is designed to recognize the female form and protect it; you wish to treat the denizens of universe (-7,-7,-7) more kindly because they are optimized to use that aspect of your psychology against you.  You should instead be treating them with more caution and suspicion exactly because they are optimized in such a fashion, despite originating from a universe which should have no connection whatsoever to our own.


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Re: Misson 26: You Monster
« Reply #477 on: March 17, 2016, 08:01:16 pm »

Quote from:  Vincent to: Steve Saint
You seem to be high up enough to be able to have access to my records, so look at them. Being attractively feminine has nothing to do with why I am upset with this. Even if you dont have access to my records, view the logs on how I dealt with the creatures in +7,+7,+7. I don't initiate violence until the situation calls for it. Hostility towards another race shouldn't be warranted until aggression and hostility has been directed towards us. Your actions have significantly harmed being able to come to a peaceful agreement with these species
« Last Edit: March 17, 2016, 08:02:53 pm by Kedly »
((No.  ER Lasers are tickle generators, and dispense hugs, loves, and puppies.))
The fedora guy has potentially lethal amounts of swag :v


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Re: Misson 26: You Monster
« Reply #478 on: March 17, 2016, 08:32:50 pm »

Quote from:  Admin Steve Saint  to: Operative Vincent Klart
Vincent, if you are not affected by the appearance of the creatures in universe (-7,-7,-7), then why are you more angry about my attack on them than my attack on the entities in universe (3,3,0)?  The latter attack had less justification, because those entities were acting entirely beign, rather than openly attempting to manipulate us.  There was much less reason to suspect that universe (3,3,0) was dangerous, so it should be considered a more gross misdeed, correct?

Yet, you only bring up my supposed cruelty in regards to (-7,-7,-7), without mentioning my experiment in (3,3,0).  What other conclusion should I draw other than you empathizing with the denizens of (-7,-7,-7)?  That you didn't even read about (3,3,0), despite the details being released earlier, and marked as having less risk of being a cogitohazard?  That seems unlikely.

Regardless, we seem to have a significant schism in our opinions on interuniversal diplomacy.  I must remind you, we are not here to make friends.  We are not here to spread joy and peace throughout the multiverse.  We are here because our species is at direct risk of being permanently destroyed by an alien god, and we are trying to escape.  We will not be approaching other civilizations with promises of cooperation and mutual assistance--we will be approaching as conquerers, or not at all.  Any other option only jeopardizes our mission.

Unlike you, I do not value the lives of aliens enough to endanger humans.  If I had led the expedition into universe (7,7,7), I would not have sent a man near to a potentially hostile alien, risking his life for dubious gain.  I may have sent a sod, since sods do not have loved ones or true lives, but risking a thinking human is simply negligent.


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Re: Misson 26: You Monster
« Reply #479 on: March 17, 2016, 08:43:08 pm »

There's a short break after Steve sends his message, during which time Gus retrieves the video, opens it, hits play, throws up, closes it,  sheepishly zips up his pants, and throws up again, before punching out some rather.... terse replies to both Saint and Dester.

Quote from: Gus to: YOUBASTARD


Quote from: Gus to: duster gree
After carefully reviewed the footage, Ive come to the conclusion that SAINT IS FUCKING INSANE. Those werent fucking butt amoebas, or whatever, THEY WERE HIMAN BEINGS. with blood, and guts, and... AGGHH, you know wjat, i do'nt even want to think about it annymore.

who is this saint guy, anyway? I say we report him to hefestus, and wash our hands of him and his war crimes. What do you think?
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