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Author Topic: Icehold, the Dwarven Prison: Overseers desperately needed!  (Read 39770 times)


  • Bay Watcher
  • More than just an average drunken axe-crazy nutjob
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Re: Icehold, the Dwarven Prison: Now giving vampires the cold shoulder.
« Reply #105 on: January 11, 2016, 12:56:48 am »

Be that as it may, a so called prisoner Difio Brushedring, a.k.a. Shy Guy, claims to have inherited the position of baron Plankcloister.  Difio has already demands and mandates.

How curious it is that there is a large available room with the necessary furnishings?  Some bodies knows something to have prepared for this eventuality.

probably qualifies Difio to be added to the prisoner record. Has his crime been established?

no I haven't been shirking on OP duties because of laziness shut up

De, have you made any progress on those reports? If you don't want to go all in-depth, could you at least post your notes so we know what happened in between Spring and when Sanctume picked up the save?
Stuff I run:
Icehold(Second Thread)
Stuff I was/am involved with:
The Succession Tower, ConstructIvory
Bonepillar                    Thunderdoom
Parallel Fortresses


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Icehold, the Dwarven Prison: Now under new managment
« Reply #106 on: January 11, 2016, 10:26:25 am »

I'm still at early winter, and kinda pause to re-assess if I missed anything in my initial "to do" projects.

I've done those projects: 2 garbage chute, and bunker style trade depot over moat. 

The "corpse duty" taskforce are those individuals with the "Can Handle Stress" trait, but they also did the construction labor since the trade depot is still littered with sentient body parts and corpses.  These refuse hauling job are so low priority.

I am re-reading both threads (again) and adding notes on prisoners.

Difio is around the 47th name (in my list), mentioned in Spring 58 during De's turn.
Difio is father of Neblime, the Poacher.
Difio is also considered ally to The Place.

The Place's secrecy plot point seems to fail in the story arc as the kids seem to get moods.

I will need to re-read De's posts also as he mentioned names with (crime) attached.

I was spending time updating the "Dramatic Personae" (prisoner list) for how I would insert Sanctume in the story, but it's taking longer than I expected or rather RL social seems to be plenty taking away from me weekends. :p


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Icehold, the Dwarven Prison: Now under new managment
« Reply #107 on: January 11, 2016, 01:09:57 pm »


Excerpts from the journals of Uvash `Sanctume' Hallknights, Mace Lord, militia commander, Icehold, 258.
This is a masterful journal bound in desert tortoise shell and goose leather, with tin clasps, and encrusted with yellow spessartine gems. On the cover is an image of a dwarf in tortured posture from shackles.  The image of the deity Vesh is laughing holding a chain. The image of the deity Amug is pulling on a chain.

date unknown
Our undercover squad has a tip on shipments of “jelloids.” These are royal syrup laced with hemp oil, at least, and other unknown substances.  Those who consume these illegal honey suffer from either extreme manic abandon, or prolonged delusions of paranoia.  Either way, the individual escapes from reality into an awesome or violent high.

The stockpiles of jelloids are being hauled down in the squatter section of Highpoint undercity.

The whole scenario is a trap, a setup designed for my fall from grace.  Urist is on point, Vucar and Mafol flank the gabbro door for a breach.  When Urist kicks open the door, the entire hallway caves-in on all three.

I am stunned for a moment from the dust. The squad leader Listat takes off a hallway and is never seen again.  I follow the hallway and kicked opened the purple glumprong wood door, surprising two dwarves but they immediately jump on me, gouging at my eyes, pulling my beard.  I manage to stand up and land stunning punches with my left while using my mace parry blows.

Another door open and six more individuals rush at me.  Their screams and laughters are insanity inducing.  I fell on my knees as I am being held, choked, and joint locked.  I still hold onto my mace for defense.  I pommel strike one, push off two, kick one, but a third door opens…

I fell in some kind of trance despite a lead pipe section, copper jugs, and silver goblets hit me in the face throughout the scuffle in that warehouse.  She was among the drugged mob and has no weapon, but keeps on getting up to scratch at my eyes, grapple my limbs, or push off my balance.

Cuts in my forehead clouds my vision.  A shard of obsidian short sword impales my left arm. 

My last recollection haunts my nightmares, my silver mace swings with deadly intent.  I know a mortal blow is about to happen, and for that frozen moment of time, clarity illuminates the forever stain in my soul.  The face of my grown daughter, ravaged by this substance, with eyes of terror and madness and no recognition of me, explodes into gore.  My will cannot stop my committed action, as I witness myself swinging a silver mace that crushes the face, pulping the brain into gore, and tearing through the skull.  My own daughter, As Hallknights, death delivered by my own weapon in the midst of the chaos, filicide.

“You’re a deserter!” is her last words to me many months ago prior to this miserable night.  She misunderstands my silence to keep my cover a secret as betrayal.

I pass out from my injuries, and awaken on a pecan wood infirmary bed, in shackles of finely crafted iron chains.  There is no individual known as Listat in Highpoint Peacekeeper Duty (HPD).  My undercover squad is not officially sanctioned.  There are no corpses after the cave-in.  No corpses in the warehouse except for As, my daughter.  My silver mace left where it struck, evidence of my deed.  False witness reports of my rampage behavior going in the warehouse that night.

It is such cruelty to leave me sober the entire joke of a trial.  I did not plea guilt, nor innocence.  I ask for the sentence of death over hammering.  I want my pain to end in a coward’s way, and refuse to play anymore of this political game.  But the cruel dwarven justice, the political schemers, and Armok himself laughs because they have something else in mind, a frozen prison.


Spring 258

It is always my struggle to balance duty to country against duty to my own soul.  The schemers dare ask of me for reports on the security situation of this prison when I am appointed militia commander this spring by DeMarco.  She is a fine lass serving as overseer with lawful ideals, but she does not seem to recognize she might be playing the part of a pawn in the grand scheme of things.

Alas, I will comply minimally for I have no means to protect those loved ones that remain in Highpoint.  They tossed me here to freeze forever since the summer of 252. 

What irony that I am given another silver mace.  I am choosing to serve and protect here because this prison is now my home.  I am not surprised that I will be in line for the next “overseer.” Perhaps it will be an opportune time to rest my mace and look for ways to further secure my home.


Late Winter 258

Somewhere in a vast excavation with scattered stones and mechanic’s workshops deep inside Icehold.

DeMarco: I am told you volunteered to be the next overseer. Good luck.

Sanctume: Actually, I am given a note that I am “up” for the next overseer.  Just to state there is a distinction of “me volunteering” in your perspective, versus “I am chosen to be next” in my perspective.

DeMarco ponders: Uh huh, just like how Thob declares my action to save a pig as “volunteering” leads me to be overseer.

Sanctume:  Do you not feel like a pawn being moved by unseen players? 

DeMarco: I, um..

Sanctume: It’s a rhetorical question, no answer needed. 

DeMarco: But you accept the position willingly?

Sanctume: There is no regret in deciding to act for one’s self.  My point is that you spend your time doing good lass for the sake of our home, this prison.  I too hope to do something that benefits our home.

Some moments pass as DeMarco and Sanctume ponder about this “home.”

Sanctume: Shall we talk of the minutiae of the prison’s needs, or shall we talk more of personal things that trouble you?

DeMarco: Well, I have this list of shits to be cleaned up in this fucking place: hauling, beasts, dead bodies, more body parts, and other things with no time left.

Sanctume: Other things, specifically?

DeMarco: One particular nut job keeps pushing minecarts for no perceivable reason.

Sanctume: What of The Place? Any concerns you have there?

DeMarco: You know of it?

Sanctume: When I let myself in the fortress with Eral, the Head Smasher, on my shoulder, I overheard Black Pat speaking with Udil the miner about expanding The Place.  That’s when I kicked the door open into the hospital to deflect any suspicious that I overheard their conversation.

DeMarco: The Place is a work in progress, and safety of the children is priority.

Sanctume: I will promise to give my own security assessment of The Place and let you know if there’s something I can do.

Demarco: You mentioned Eral, my condolence that she did not make it.

Sanctume: It is Armok’s humor that ties my life with Eral.  It is too tragic to think that I was able to rescue her from the frozen outside, only for her to receive dwarven justice inside.

DeMarco: This prison is cursed, and I think I have enough facts to string along the events that lead to Eral’s demise.

Sanctume: I am contented to leave it behind in the past, but now I am curious to know what you found.

DeMarco: With all the sad people slipping into depression, one of the cook has gone insane in the graveyard and destroy monuments.  I had the cook arrested for beating up Mafol, Miss Honeymoon's pig, for his own safety.

Sanctume: And this cook is responsible for Eral’s breakdown?

DeMarco: Indirectly.  The desecration of the graves disturb ghosts who probably haunted Eral and many others.  The next thing I knew, Eral beats up Deus, the captain of the guard.  Eral also killed all my pets that day.

Sanctume: I’m sorry for your loss.  Eral is probably beyond help despite my rescue.

DeMarco: Deus decides to arrest Eral for the pet killing, but ends up executing her during the arrest.  The cursed part is that the ghost of the vampire is witness to this execution of Eral at the prison entrance.

Sanctume: Thank you for letting me know.  It is closure enough that I am the one who buried Eral.

« Last Edit: January 11, 2016, 02:57:00 pm by Sanctume »


  • Bay Watcher
  • Weasel Monarch
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Re: Icehold, the Dwarven Prison: Now giving vampires the cold shoulder.
« Reply #108 on: January 11, 2016, 03:23:55 pm »

probably qualifies Difio to be added to the prisoner record. Has his crime been established?

no I haven't been shirking on OP duties because of laziness shut up

De, have you made any progress on those reports? If you don't want to go all in-depth, could you at least post your notes so we know what happened in between Spring and when Sanctume picked up the save?
He probably poisoned his father. Very. Slowly.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Icehold, the Dwarven Prison: Now under new managment
« Reply #109 on: January 13, 2016, 01:14:19 pm »

Chapter 1 Seal Us In

1st Day of Spring 259

Inside Icehold, on the icy trade depot open to the now falling snow, vomit stains everywhere.

Sanctume: Captain, what happened during Eral’s arrest?

Deus: I did my duty commander.  She could not handle the fist of dwarven justice, and died.  I’m sorry for the loss of your friend.

Sanctume: I appreciate that. She was a fellow soldier.  Please do understand that I make no grudge about it, but I also want to let you know that all training schedules are cancelled.

Deus:  Are you mad? Half the people in the militia can barely hold a sword the right way up, and the ones that can still have to be taught that stabbing their comrades is a bad thing!

Sanctume: Training would be good captain, but look at our situation as a whole.  We need to take a hiatus from training, and focus on the menial labors that should be a priority.

Deus: You want to shut down the outside and the caverns, and instead clean vomit off these ice floors?

Sanctume: If you put it that way, that is not so satisfying labor.  I, instead look at this as assessing our safety and using this time to make us more secure.

Deus: Fine. Seems like I spend most of my time cleaning up other people's crap in any case. At least now the others will have to help.

Sanctume: These menial labors just need to be done captain, this place is no longer a prison in my book.  This is our home.  A place where you and I end up from this exile.

Deus: But what if the dead come walking back again?  We are what remain to defend.

Sanctume: What of it?  So long as the bridge is up, the dead cannot scale our walls.  Besides, we do not want to risk any necromancer having sight of the corpses that litter here.

Deus: But the moans!  Oh god, the moaning…

Sanctume: Captain! Sounds will not kill.  How about you conduct a uniform inspection?  We can at least remain in uniform while not training.

Deus: Of course. Will you check with the miners if they can get more of these adamantine?

Sanctume: The last I heard, the shaft is flooded, but perhaps there are ways to remedy that to mine more adamantine, after.

Deus: After what?

Sanctume: I would rather build a bunker above this trade depot and put a murder holes up there. Build some roof so we won’t get wet from rain, or freeze from snow.


Inside Icehold, in a lavish room with an exquisite crocodile bed.

Honeymoon: I would say welcome but I fear this visit bode ill tidings to my profits.  So I will just congratulate you instead, overseer.

Sanctume: Thank you.  And yes, because what I will ask is a small sacrifice to your bottom line.

Sanctume hands over an olm parchment which reads, “... in order to build garbage disposal, well-water cistern, and bunker infrastructures, I require sealing shut Icehold from the outside during construction...”

Honeymoon: Surely you must understand that I need to see some benefits for myself for this prolonged absence of trade.

Sanctume: Oh ‘Moon, I know you understand the language of business.  Security has costs.

Honeymoon:  Enough of this wordplay, and just out with it.  How long will this take?

Sanctume: One year more during my tenure. 

Honeymoon is already shaking her head vehemously.

Sanctume: Wait!  I will sweeten the honey pot, so to speak, by including some “peace of mind“ concessions regarding The Place. 

Honeymoon:  So you know of The Place.  I have other personal concerns that need addressing too.

Sanctume: Name them, and I will do what I can.

Honeymoon: I love my pets and want them secured also from the butchers or any of these insane convicts.

Sanctume: I can see to that. So I can proceed with my priorities and sealing us shut without any issue about the lack of trade then?

Honeymoon: Let me hear about this sweetening of the honey pot.

Sanctume explains a vulnerable area in The Place’s water source and his plan to fix the issue.

Sanctume continues: And that is just my initial assessment.  In my tenure, I would like to visit The Place and do a more thorough assessment to which I will let you know more.  Deal?

Honeymoon: Keep me in the loop and it is a deal.  Now get out, and leave me in what peace I can get in my own room.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2016, 09:09:07 am by Sanctume »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Icehold, the Dwarven Prison: Now under new managment
« Reply #110 on: January 15, 2016, 10:30:38 am »

Chapter 2 Strange Mood

Early Spring 259

Inside Icehold, in a small dirt floor bedroom by the farms.

What am I going to do with you?  Here, have some plump helmet roast, we got plenty.  But I will keep the wine for myself.  I will come up with something for your trouble.

You see, the simple task of tossing corpses down the moat is too much for these sad people.  So Captain Deus and I are suppose to decide who will be part of this work party for “corpse duty” and construction.  Those decisions quickly got out of my hand, but I don’t care about it now.

The first two are Gwolfski and her sparring partner Shorast of The Golden Onslaughts squad. 

I cannot quite recall what DeMarco told me.  This Shorast may be the butcher who DeMarco stopped from butchering Honeymoon’s pig Mafol.  Or if this Shorast is the same “too stupd” goon of Urkad.  Or both. So you better stay away.

Anyway, Gwolfski insists to include the third, Igor, her husband.

Fourth, Shofet, Eye Stabber from my squad The Brains of Copper do not mind the labor, but wants to work at it alone.

Lord Lubbie, yet again, volunteers and joins this corpse duty’s fifth spot.  Lubbie quickly sees through Gwolfski’s moves as a maneuver by who else but Thob.  Lubbie recruits a couple of unremarkable prisoners for the sixth and seventh: Lorbam, a miner, engraver, and mason; and Olin, a wood crafter, engraver, and farmer.

Lubbie points out that Gwolfski and Shofet are both cousins of Thob, the shemer.

Deus seeing this work party as some political microcosm power grab, gets his son Kogan, who just turned 13 last year, to take the eight spot and report about the corpse duty group.

Deus also drafts the ninth, Monom, the now 18 years old ex-mayor who unseated Black Pat back in 254.  Deus thanks me and says, “It’s good to let the little shit start doing shitty work.”

I rather not play any part of these political schemes and volunteer Onul, despite her being sealed in The Place, to fill the last spot.

Oh well, I hope this sorry bunch at least finish putting walls around the trade depot.

But you know what is really a sad?  We have three prisoners to watch out for who looks so miserable: (1) Udib the administrator, (2) Edem the cook, and (3) Neblime the Poacher and captain of his lone marksdwarf squad.

I tried to talk to Neblime, but he has no comment even after I cancel all training schedules.  Well, I can’t blame that silence for being tongueless.

These three at least respond to wanting to smelt steel and platinum down in the forges.  It will be good labor and distraction for them.  I just hope it’s enough...

What is left in the third barrel of dwarven wine spills as it rolls while the commander falls asleep.  A stray puppy licks the puddle of wine and leaves the room.


Excerpts from the journals of Uvash `Sanctume' Hallknights, Mace Lord, militia commander, Icehold, Spring 259.

Early Spring 259

I woke up with no hangover.  I hunger not food, but have an insatiable craving to create.

Is this a sign of me losing my sanity?  I can no longer think nor care of my duties.  I came out of my room rushing, scattering a gaggle of geese and peahens, dogs run over each other to get out of my way. Half stumbling, half scrambling, I descend the stairs towards The Place.

The Place is not my destination but one of the building beckons at me.  I scream, “I claim this workshop in the name of invention!”


The following weeks is a blur of images of items, desires, anxiety and urgency.

A flash of memory as I see myself down the stairs.

Sanctume: Edem!  What do you have there?  A rock! Can I have it?

Edem looking haggard: No! This is rock mine!  This rock is all I have in my life...

Sanctume: But I must have it.  I need rocks,... boulders!

Edem shifts personality: Are you one of them who’s been sneaking around making noises at me?

Sanctume: I don’t sneak around.  Help me find rocks, Edem!

Edem has violence reeking out of his eyes: This is my hematite. Go get your own rock!

Sanctume wanders about and found diorite stones from an old quarry.  On the second trip for hauling stone, he notices Edem kneeling by the stairs.

Edem whispers to a piece of hematite boulder: They want to take you.  How dare they laugh at me.  I will show them my fists!  No, this is so terrible.

Sanctume: Are you alright Edem? Are you going to use that stone?

Edem raises his fist in defiance: You cannot have this, it is mine!  Do you hear me? It’s mine!

Sanctume quickly backs away from Edem to gather his own stone.  On the third trip for a final stone.

Edem seems happy smoothing parts of the wall near the garbage chute construction.


Another flash of memory.  I recall myself choking in miasma emanating from an abandoned carcass left in the central stairs.

This moment was particularly memorable as I thought I hear Neblime hurling insults to no one in particular except for a chunk of hematite.

Sanctume: Greetings Neblime!

Neblime throws me a look as if daggers are hurled to pierce my face, then grins.  He waves and opens his tongueless mouth uttering soothing friendly noises.

Sanctume: I am seeking gems. Do you know where I can get some cut gems?

Neblime shrugs, but points up.

I looked to the up direction in deep thought when I realize that Neblime has descended towards the forges.


I needed some more gems, yet somehow I found myself down the magma forges asking Neblime the same question: I am seeking gems. Do you know where I can get some cut gems?

Neblime looks content pulling out iron bars from the forge, then sad when I ask the question, and then happy pointing up.


These particular memory, I do not recall, but Gwolfski insists here’s what happen.

Sanctume rushes out on the trade depot construction site, shooing away stray animals.

Sanctume: This is a mess!  And you lazy bastards are doing a piss poor job cleaning this mess.

Gwolfski: Hey commander.  You said to build a wall and we are, but this stockpile is in the way.

Sanctume: What stockpile?  These are all junk.  Remove them, toss them aside or down the moat, I don’t care.

Gwolfski : Yes sir!

Sanctume: Wait! No, these are not junk.  I need something here.  Quick everyone, gather the bins and let me see.  Now, damn it, now!

Gwolfski then tells me that I chose one piece of donkey leather, then ordered the workers stay put.

Sanctume:  Attention!  Stay in formation.  I’ll be back.

Gwolfski then tells me that she and the work party stayed in station for three days and nights throughout a snowstorm while waiting to be dismissed after the third donkey leather was retrieved by me.

I don’t believe any of it.


Honeymoon tells me she has concerns after me when she checks on The Place, and that I stayed in the workshop for weeks without rest.  I show ‘Moon that I made a diorite crown, and state that the whole thing is a waste of my time.  I can’t quite recall of letting go of the crown, but ‘Moon says it was my idea that she deserves to keep the crown for herself.  I am just glad that only a month of my life has passed and I can focus back to working.

Mid-Spring 259

Inside Icehold, in a grand dining room below the main grand dining room.

Monom, the ex-mayor who unseated Black Pat back in 254, hands me a backpack full of stuff.

Sanctume: What’s this for?

Monom: You’re cut, sir.

Sanctume: My cut?

Monom: I managed the betting pool for the fight of the uninvited guests in the caverns.  You gave me your blessings, sir, and the house takes a percentage of the purse.

Sanctume: What? ...

Monom: The beast Thol announced its presence down at cavern 1, and the beast Shato was still down there.  I had one of the engravers peak through fortifications and relay the inevitable fight.  So, I took initiative for this opportunity.  With your blessing, of course.

Sanctume: When? …

Monom: This was just two days ago.  The fight lasted more than a week.  Shato lost at 2-to-1. We cool?

Sanctume looks at the sack full of assorted wine, and mumbles: Fine.


I am upset that I might have lost my sanity, at my memory loss, at my wasted time in the craftsdwarf workshop, and that the work party made slow progress only. 

I am more upset that corpses still litter the floors, and this fact alone seems to be the main source that prisoners are being stricken by melancholy, or sinking to depression, or throwing tantrums, or stumbling around to oblivion.

Adil the Pyromaniac joins the sad prisoners list with Udib the Miner, Neblime the Poacher, and Edem the Cook.


The slow progress in the trade depot is from the refusal to dump corpses off the side and into the moat. 

So instead of me insisting prioritizing corpse duty, I settled to begin construction of walls around the trade depot.

This should go smoothly until Black Pat, our Broker and Founder, insists that we should use ice for building material.  It is a mistake on my part for letting Black Pat enter through this opening, and into the construction project. 

Black Pat: This is your fault commander.  You order them, even the civilians to remain in station exposed to the elements above for weeks on end!  Not only we have corpses littering my precious trade depot still, it stinks of frozen vomit now too, and they all decide to take a break.

Sanctume mumbles: I don’t recall giving that order.  They are just lazy.

Black Pat: Nevertheless, I agree that the walls should be put in place first with a ceiling!

Sanctume: Yes, to that I agree.  I tell the workers to pick up the nearest available stone or blocks to make it happen fast.

Black Pat: Oh no, you don’t, sir!  I insist a uniform wall made of ice or ice blocks.  I must present an air of professionalism, a place for business, unlike the shady markets in Highpoint.

Sanctume: Fine, ice should do.

Lord Lubbie who was hovering around the perimeter of the conversation, that he is not part of, joins in.

Lubbie: Excuse me, sir. I would like to point out that there are only a handful of ice construction materials at hand.

Black Pat: Surely you can harvest more ice.  We’re surrounded by ice.

Lubbie: My name is Lord Lubbie, ma’am.  Please don’t call me Shirley.

Sanctume: I am not willing to dig for more ice outside the walls, nor down the moat.  Perhaps a stone substitute will suffice?  How about microcline?  It’s the same color as ice.

Black Pat thinks for a moment: This microcline will do, but as long as they are made of blocks instead of rough cuts.

I was feeling proud to come up with that microcline compromise so I consider the construction delegated.  But I was wrong.

Using microcline for the walls made good progress, until Black Pat did not like the blue walls with blue floors and proceeds to order the work party to halt, and even deconstruct some of the constructed ceiling.

Black Pat, consulting with Honeymoon, resume the construction of the floors using lead bars.  The duration of the task became longer because it takes a long trek all the way down to the forge to gather one piece of lead bar, and all the way up to the trade depot to construct a floor.


I found out about Black Pat’s power grabbing of the trade depot construction from Gwolfski’s  complains. 

But I refuse to play the power game for the trade depot construction, so I try my hands in micro-managing the miners to dig and wait for engravers to smooth out the garbage chute walls.  I am an engraver too.

Sanctume: Yes, just dig one ramp there, and no further. 

Udil the miner: Why can’t I just dig straight down to the bottom of this garbage chute?

Sanctume: No, you must wait for the engravers to smooth the walls.  Patience is key here.  Level by level, I need those walls to be smooth.

Udil: This is a waste of time.

Sanctume: I can see your argument to view this “a waste of time” since no one will appreciate the smooth walls from inside the garbage chute.  However, I do argue that having parts of the garbage chute walls naturally smooth will prevent climbers from getting out.  Just in case we have climbing invaders manage to be pitted down there.

Udil: Fine, but I’m taking break now and going to see Lord Lubbie, my lover.

Sanctume: Wait, I need some digging for the the well cistern too!

Udil: Sure, I’ll be available next month.


Late-Spring 259

I need more wine to get me through the days.  But even when I get shitfaced daily, it does not help get me out of a sad funk.  How much worse it is for Udib, Neblime, Edem and Adil?  The labors of smelting hematite ores and platinum do seem to give them some satisfaction.

Unfortunately, the native platinum ores came from the trade depot which is still littered with corpses.  Seeing the corpses week after week by Udil was too much.  Udil remained in the dining hall for many consecutive days and nights, ironically surrounded by barrels of wine, and died from dehydration.


  • Bay Watcher
  • More than just an average drunken axe-crazy nutjob
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Re: Icehold, the Dwarven Prison: Now under new managment
« Reply #111 on: January 15, 2016, 12:10:48 pm »

Hey Sanctume, how do you want me to link these? After your more bare-bones posts, before them, in chronological order, or only one set?

And does anyone know how I change the thread name? I tried at the top of page 8 but apparently it didn't stick.
Stuff I run:
Icehold(Second Thread)
Stuff I was/am involved with:
The Succession Tower, ConstructIvory
Bonepillar                    Thunderdoom
Parallel Fortresses


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Icehold, the Dwarven Prison: Now a gambling den
« Reply #112 on: January 15, 2016, 12:42:55 pm »

Post time chronological order should be fine for now.

I'll most likely write an index post after I'm done, with the links to help you update the front page.

And does anyone know how I change the thread name? I tried at the top of page 8 but apparently it didn't stick.

Modify the first post, edit subject and save don't work?

test: I edited my post, and the subject line
« Last Edit: January 15, 2016, 12:56:24 pm by Sanctume »


  • Bay Watcher
  • More than just an average drunken axe-crazy nutjob
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Re: Icehold, the Dwarven Prison: Now under new managment
« Reply #113 on: January 19, 2016, 10:36:01 pm »

Just so you're aware, Sanctume, you've had the save for 20 days now. I don't want to rush you, but it has been quite a while.

Also, De, have you made any progress on those reports? If you don't want to go all in-depth, could you at least post your notes so we know what happened in between Spring and when Sanctume picked up the save?
Stuff I run:
Icehold(Second Thread)
Stuff I was/am involved with:
The Succession Tower, ConstructIvory
Bonepillar                    Thunderdoom
Parallel Fortresses


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Icehold, the Dwarven Prison: Now under new managment
« Reply #114 on: January 20, 2016, 05:11:47 am »

Just so you're aware, Sanctume, you've had the save for 20 days now. I don't want to rush you, but it has been quite a while.

Also, De, have you made any progress on those reports? If you don't want to go all in-depth, could you at least post your notes so we know what happened in between Spring and when Sanctume picked up the save?

I paused my bland "reports" posts by winter; and planned to switched into story telling mode and got distracted with post-holiday social functions, and even v42.  I'll work on finishing up the rest of my notes eventually.

For the next overseer: The only project that did not complete was a late setup for atom smashers to drain the candy spire.

The rest of the details I did will be included in my posts.


This save is the end of Sanctume's turn for Icehold, year 259.

I played using LNP 40.24-r19, and I saved the game in default ASCII, compressed folder (zip)

DFFD Save File: Icehold end of 259


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Icehold, the Dwarven Prison: Now under new managment
« Reply #115 on: January 20, 2016, 01:50:31 pm »

Chapter 3 Drink & Chill

Excerpts from the journals of Uvash `Sanctume' Hallknights, Mace Lord, militia commander, Icehold, 258.
This is a masterful journal bound in desert tortoise shell and goose leather, with tin clasps, and encrusted with yellow spessartine gems. On the cover is an image of a dwarf in tortured posture from shackles.  The image of the deity Vesh is laughing holding a chain. The image of the deity Amug is pulling on a chain.

date unknown

Highpoint Justice Hall, Chief Peacekeeper's Office

Chief Bembul: I believe you are innocent but the law-dwarves are just going through the motions of the system.

Sanctume: They won’t even do the deed in killing me now.  Instead, I will just rot elsewhere, far away.

Chief Bembul: Blame me for that.  You can do something else to perhaps uncover whose hand move the pieces behind the scenes.

Sanctume: What are you talking about?  You know I want no part of these political schemes.

Chief Bembul: I know you don’t.  But you’re being sent away, or kept out of the way.  Regardless, I need you to send me reports of the place. About its condition and security. Anything and everything you observe about its population.

Sanctume: I have zero incentive to care chief.

Chief Bembul: Look, you’re no longer in a position to protect the loved ones you leave behind when you’re sent away. I can’t promise you anything, but I can at least discretely put efforts and resources in protecting them.

Sanctume: You can’t expect me to trust you with that, even if you guarantee or promise it.

Chief Bembul: No you can’t, but you’re also left with little choice.  Besides, what else are you going to fill your time there?  I ask you to make notes, a report of what you observe about the place and the population.  Write them into some innocent journal.  In time, someone from my investigation unit will stumble upon it and relay the info here.  That’s all.


Early Summer 259

Inside Icehold, amongst the fallowed farm plots.

The summer season begins with Neblime throwing a tantrum.  He seems to have calmed down from his outbursts when I offered some of my plump helmet wine. 


I grumbled at the stupidity of this effort in writing reports.  I was content writing journals since I arrived here.  But then someone left a note inside my journal, predicting or rather manipulating my fate that I will end up in this position as overseer. 

The gall of it demands my formal assessment of this prison.  Anyway, I went back to my small room and wrote a more formal report.  I’ll make it dull reading.  But in the process of doing assessments, I do see there are risks for my own safety from other non-political forces here in Icehold.


I went above to check on the trade depot and found Igor staring out at nothing as if shaken to the core from the scattered corpses and finished goods.

Sanctume: Igor, are you alright?

(no answer)

Sanctume: Gwolfski, you need to see this!

I helped Gwolfski bring Igor, her husband to their room.

Sanctume: I think it is for the best for him to rest, so I am clearing all his labors and removing him from corpse duty.

Gwolfski: Thank you, I will remember that.


Inside Icehold, a hallway to lavish prison cells.

I found myself wandering in an area I do not frequent, and notice the engraved walls and floors.  I hear voices up ahead in a room.  I found a vastly larger room that is also engraved. 

Difio Brushedring, a.k.a. Shy Guy: I want my masterful bed right in the center.  Infact, I want all masterful furnitures.  Yes, my station demands two chests, one cabinet, and my own set of armor stand and weapon rack.  I also demand decent dining, and my own tomb!

furniture haulers busy themselves

Sanctume: Hi Difio, what’s going on?

Difio: Ahh, overseer Sanctume.  Do announce to the citizens of Icehold that I inherit the Barony of Plankcloister.  My station now make these small demands, and I thus claim this room for my noble quarters.

Sanctume backs away in a hurry: I see, ah, I, congratulations to your baronship, I have duties to attend to, now, like right now.

Difio shrugs at the awkward behavior and proceed to dictate the room arrangements over the poor furniture haulers.

I mutter to myself that I’ve been fooled into taking this role.  I swear that I will not take part on being a pawn anymore in any political schemes.


In a legendary dining hall

It’s never too early to drink, so I indulge.  Edem the Cook starts losing his temper right in the middle of the dining hall.  He seems to want to start a fist fight.  I walked up and offer my wine and this seems to calm Edem down after he punches and kills someone’s pet, Domas the Duck.  I kept on drinking.

Black Pat comes in:  A human diplomat from Aredmong has arrived!  Traders will follow shortly, and my trade depot is a mess.  There is a shortage of microcline, so you better just redo the whole thing using ice.

Sanctume: Wait, that’s too much info right there. First, the bridge will remain up, the diplo can freeze his arse for all I care.

Second, no trading--didn’t Honeymoon explain that to you? 

And last,  I need to replace Igor, so Udil the Miner will get more microcline for you.  And no more ice!

Black Pat seems to boil within but is timely diffuses when Ablel Kolenam comes in.

Ablel the Enforcer: Hear ye citizen, it is I, your re-elected Mayor.  Did I hear we have a human diplomat awaiting for me?

The Professor comes in and joins the conversation: Is that human diplomat, Esme? Esme is back!  And we are locking her outside?  How uncivilized of us! This seems a bit hypocritical to me. I mean, we let the Cannibal in, didn't we?

I don’t have it in me to start another debate, so I started drinking more.  Adil and Neblime joins in the binge drinking, and starts crying together.  I wonder if the election news added to their depression.  I just don’t want any part of this politics.


Middle Summer 259

Lower private dining hall

Udil the Miner has been enthusiastic carving out new rooms from microcline veins so it was an easy transition to urge him along to dig for the well cistern and water source.

Udil complains about the wait for smoothing the cistern floor and walls, about the slow stone haulers clearing debris.


Monom delivers another sack full of private reserve wine for my cut in the recent Beast Vafice versus Beast Thol cavern fight.  I’m beginning to like this perk despite my conscious thoughts that this is corrupting me.

I am distracted from these depressing train of thoughts by the good progress of the construction.  I talked with Edem the Cook and encourage him to participate in testing the function of the garbage chute nearest the trade depot.  I feel satisfied delegating this labor to Edem.  I am worried about the rumor that a stray puppy is inside during the first test of the garbage chute.

It is unfortunate that Black Pat start throwing a tantrum soon after.  I offered to clear all her hauling labors and suggested for her to try smelting, or continue farming even though the farm plots are all fallowed.  She took some of my offered wine and left for bed without much words.

Late Summer 259

Inside Icehold, Drink & Chill

This private and secluded dining hall below the legendary grand dining hall is turning out to be a tavern of sorts for the sad inmates, and I find myself wandering here more lately.  I am dubbing this place the “Drink & Chill” tavern, but it probably will not stick.

I see the “regulars,” as I refer to them: Adil, Edem, Neblime, and Black Pat.  Edum seems to be more severe of the lot.

I was able to talk to them on occasions and inquire their likes and preferences.

I relay my info to Honeymoon to make special orders for the regular’s personal furnishings.

Neblime seems enthusiastic when we discuss ordering steel cabinet, table, throne, chest, and door for his room.

Black Pat likes maces and would like loaded weapon trap with ten silver maces in her room.

Edem likes a peculiar billon alloy so orders for billon cabinet, table, throne, chest, and door sparks his interests.

Adil likes steel and enormous corkscrews, so he will be content with a steel weapon trap in his room.

Drink & Chill is about to have an exquisite well built when we finally breach for the water source.  But the water fails to flow and fill the cistern.

Unsure of what to do, I interrupted Igor’s rest sleep because he’s a mechanic that can help resolve water issues.  Igor informs me that that cavern water has no flow, so he installs a screw pump.  Unfortunately, Igor ends up going up the trade depot after the installation, and has been shaken to the core once again.  I cleared his construction duties and remove him from corpse duty.

Shofet happens to be a a pump operator that started the screw pump to fill the cistern.  I supervised this process to ensure that pumping water to the cistern stops before rising up to flood everything inside Icehold.


Honeymoon informs me that one of the kid in The Place is in that strange creative mood.

I tell `Moon of my action plans:

First, I arranged to breach a wall section.  I cannot afford to post a sentry to the wall breach of The Place.  So I will place a stone door as a temporary measure.

Second, I will personally keep an eye out on Ast the Child’s safety as he gathers his items.

Third, I start the project to plug a security weakness to the water source of The Place’s well.  There’s a branch of a cavern tree is along the path of the ceiling’s drop point.  So I express my concern if the tree will collapse or if it will block the descent of the collapsed ceiling.


  • Bay Watcher
  • More than just an average drunken axe-crazy nutjob
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Re: Icehold, the Dwarven Prison: Now under new managment
« Reply #116 on: January 20, 2016, 08:48:12 pm »

This save is the end of Sanctume's turn for Icehold, year 259.

I played using LNP 40.24-r19, and I saved the game in default ASCII, compressed folder (zip)

DFFD Save File: Icehold end of 259

Gwolfski, if you want to try and get started, you can,
Stuff I run:
Icehold(Second Thread)
Stuff I was/am involved with:
The Succession Tower, ConstructIvory
Bonepillar                    Thunderdoom
Parallel Fortresses


  • Bay Watcher
  • More than just an average drunken axe-crazy nutjob
    • View Profile
Re: Icehold, the Dwarven Prison: Overseers needed!
« Reply #117 on: January 22, 2016, 01:10:38 pm »

Geolfski has PM'de that he's busy, and as jwoodward is currently managing Thunderdoom, he likely can't pick up the save either.

So in that case, I'm going to throw the Overseer's stick into the crowded dining hall. Whoever picks it up first is the next Overseer!
Stuff I run:
Icehold(Second Thread)
Stuff I was/am involved with:
The Succession Tower, ConstructIvory
Bonepillar                    Thunderdoom
Parallel Fortresses


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Icehold, the Dwarven Prison: Overseers needed!
« Reply #118 on: January 22, 2016, 07:22:54 pm »

I've been following this fort, and I'll do it!

I mean, I've never posted here, and my certificate of qualification is drawn with crayon, but I'll still do it!

Deus Asmoth

  • Bay Watcher
  • Bland, but sensible.
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Re: Icehold, the Dwarven Prison: Overseers needed!
« Reply #119 on: January 22, 2016, 08:19:33 pm »

I'm sure that nothing terrible will happen. Pretty much everyone here deserves the death penalty anyhow.
Look elsewhere, reader. There is nothing for you here.
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