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Author Topic: Our Salvation: It Is Written  (Read 260004 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Our Salvation: Culture Shock
« Reply #75 on: November 24, 2015, 03:23:46 pm »

"Oh man, why must kidnappers be reasonable? I hope Loki likes your dreams! Assholes!"
"...Another night in the cell. Only if I were drunk it wouldn't differ too much of avarage friday night..."

Tear a strip from my makeshift skirt and see if I can bandage the stabbing wound.

"And how's your evening?" Leif asks from person sighing in the corner.
I told you to test with colors! But nooo, you just had to go clone mega-Satan or whatever.
Old sigs.

Harry Baldman

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Re: Our Salvation: Culture Shock
« Reply #76 on: November 25, 2015, 03:01:53 pm »

"I'm trying to figure that out myself, your highness. I woke up naked in a tub of rats earlier and I'm not really sure what this place is. Do you have any clothes I can borrow? Or know anyone who does?"

"That sure is... something," the girl comments, making a circuitous motion with her hand as she searches for a word. A moment passes and she quietly admits defeat. "I don't know. Something, certainly."

A short, awkward silence ensues.

"But yeah! Clothes. You can have some of mine. Won't be able to wear them all before they come in and string me up, so go right ahead and help yourself. The closet's right over there," she says, pointing at a nearby wall. You look back at her confusedly, and she looks where she's pointing, frowning at this unexpected disappearance. "Say! That's not proper, should be a closet there, or... should it? It should, yes, and... hm..."

She turns around in her chair and away from you, surveying the room with a critical eye.

"You know," she says as she looks back at you. "I'm thinking this isn't my room. Don't remember leaving my room, but so be it. Mind..." she trails off as she hazily tries to recognize her surroundings, "mind taking me back there? Shouldn't be too far off, unless I've gotten very lucky somehow..."

"Guys, put the chain back this isn't funny!"

Attempt to fashion a rope from sacks tied together.

If you could tie these sacks together, the resulting oddity would be so incredibly insufficient to climb out of here with that it would almost be amusing to try and sincerely escape with it. Figuring you could use a little levity, you try it anyway, somehow tying the four sacks into a mess of three unwieldy knots. You tinker with it, tugging on one part of the burlap quasi-rope, pushing it in other places, tightening it everywhere until it forms into a rigid, unidentifiable implement about as long as your arm. You step over to the center of the room and give it an experimental swing, and note that it definitely doesn't appear to be working on getting you out. However, the thing does have a very nice heft to it, and surprisingly good balance at that.

After this slight diversion, you happen to look up again, perhaps to remind yourself of your daunting task, and spot a silhouette up top. Looks like someone's looking down on you again. Might as well get used to it.

Ask where I can find clean clothes and a bath.

You approach a kind woman walking past you with an empty bucket and ask her where you could possibly find clean clothes and a bath. She gives you a savage look, and you take a careful step back so as to not provoke her further. She narrows her eyes and keeps walking.

You look around for someone else to possibly help you with this, but none of them have the look of people who will take any of your city-folk guff, their eyes dark and their complexions unnervingly rough and ravaged by malnutrition.

"Oh man, why must kidnappers be reasonable? I hope Loki likes your dreams! Assholes!"
"...Another night in the cell. Only if I were drunk it wouldn't differ too much of avarage friday night..."

Tear a strip from my makeshift skirt and see if I can bandage the stabbing wound.

"And how's your evening?" Leif asks from person sighing in the corner.

You stick a filthy strip of reclaimed robe right into the bleeding hole in your side, and find that it hits the spot perfectly. Starchy and firm, that's the way a true bandage ought to be. Feeling more secure already, you ask how the sighing person is enjoying its stay in Anglefork's fine dungeon, and in response you hear a startled noise. A figure rises and approaches your prone body, looking down at you from above.

It's a very odd-looking person, that much you can tell. Its limbs are short - perhaps half or two thirds of yours in length, but its torso appears to be twice the normal length to compensate, and it has bent over you in a way that suggests to you its spine must be very flexible indeed. Pale, hairless and dressed from head to toe in the worst sort of prisoner rags, it looks down at you carefully, its unusually wide mouth hanging slightly open in surprise, exposing two rows of white, sharklike teeth, which disappear from sight immediately as it composes itself.

"Identify yourself," it says in an urgent, authoritative voice. "Why you are here?"

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Our Salvation: Culture Shock
« Reply #77 on: November 25, 2015, 03:25:54 pm »

"Why? Do you have a problem with me being here? Because I too do have a problem with me being here. And by why I'm here do you mean in this particular room or in the area in general? For latter; not a fricking clue. These people probably kidnapped us. For former; local bouncers threw me in here after stabbing me with a real spear. Can you believe it? A spear! Why spear instead of tazer or a stun baton? They could kill people with those things..."

"Seriously, this level of realism these renaissance faire kidnappers are putting up with these props is really impressive. And your cosplay is really on its own level! How much you had to pay for those body modifications? And what kind of doctor agreed to mutilate your body to that degree? By Ullr's mighty shield, I'm impressed!"

Talky stuff. Stand up slowly, study the cell and the door.
I told you to test with colors! But nooo, you just had to go clone mega-Satan or whatever.
Old sigs.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Our Salvation: Culture Shock
« Reply #78 on: November 26, 2015, 10:17:30 am »

I help the lady to her room. On the way I ask her about the trouble she's in.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Our Salvation: Culture Shock
« Reply #79 on: November 26, 2015, 07:25:29 pm »

Ask mr silhouette to lower the chain.
"Hey mister, or misses, could you please lower the chain? Some jerks left me down here. I'll...I'll give you some gold coins if you do."

Collect a small easily carryable bag of gold coins. Or a large bag not very full.
Highmax…dead, flesh torn from him, though his skill with the sword was unmatched…military…Nearly destroyed .. Rhunorah... dead... Mastahcheese returns...dead. Gaul...alive, still locked in combat. NAV...Alive, drinking booze....
The face on the toaster does not look like one of mercy.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Our Salvation: Culture Shock
« Reply #80 on: November 27, 2015, 01:26:24 am »

This slipped my alerts for some reason.

"Alright. Just.... kill. 600 guys. Who have swords and stuff. Yes. That sounds. Not insane at all. Can you. Can you tell me what all is in this place? Like, buildings, and places."
I can do anything I want, as long as I accept the consequences.
"Y'know, my favorite thing about being a hero is that it gives you all kinds of narrative justification to just slay any ol' jerk who gets in the way - Black Mage.
"The bulk of [Derm]'s atrocities seem to stem from him doing things that [Magic] doesn't actually do." - TvTropes
"Dammit Derm!" - You, if I'm doing it right.
Moved to SufficientVelocity / Spacebattles.

Harry Baldman

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Re: Our Salvation: Culture Shock
« Reply #81 on: November 27, 2015, 03:18:16 pm »

"Why? Do you have a problem with me being here? Because I too do have a problem with me being here. And by why I'm here do you mean in this particular room or in the area in general? For latter; not a fricking clue. These people probably kidnapped us. For former; local bouncers threw me in here after stabbing me with a real spear. Can you believe it? A spear! Why spear instead of tazer or a stun baton? They could kill people with those things..."

"Seriously, this level of realism these renaissance faire kidnappers are putting up with these props is really impressive. And your cosplay is really on its own level! How much you had to pay for those body modifications? And what kind of doctor agreed to mutilate your body to that degree? By Ullr's mighty shield, I'm impressed!"

Talky stuff. Stand up slowly, study the cell and the door.

The strange person nods their head slowly as you stand up. The cell is a pretty large one - you suppose it's for several prisoners at once. Saves iron on the doors - the one door here is primarily wooden, in fact, though nevertheless quite solidly reinforced. It seems to be definitively locked. The walls are gray stone, and you note that this prison cell appears to have no windows at all, meaning that much of it is almost completely dark. If the person was in the corner before they sighed, you don't think you would have even seen them. Heck, for all you know there could be more of them in here.

Nevertheless, you can tell from the vaguely moldy smell, cold and damp air, the general stoniness of the walls and, of course, slight movement of rodents at the edge of your vision that this is pretty much the archetypal cell. No happiness to be found here, clearly. Though you do appear to have found conversation, as when you finish your ranting inquiry the strange person immediately replies.

"The spear knows its target as well as its owner does, but not better. The doctor was most kind, but the payment was very harsh. Has Vali been born yet? Many wrongs still remain unavenged," they say, their eyes focusing on yours in a half-expectant, half-confused look. They offer their stubby arms with open palms. "May I take your cloak? It is warm in here and remaining fully dressed in someone's home is poor form."

I help the lady to her room. On the way I ask her about the trouble she's in.

You haul the girl out into the hallway, since her balance seems to be off enough to plausibly have gone out the nearby window during her revelry. She doesn't mind, and you start doing a room-by-room check of the place - you stick her in the room and check if she recognizes it as hers. If not, you move on. During this search you make a little conversation.

"Stoatmen!" she says derisively. "Bloody stoatmen, deformed malcontents. Even now there's...ugh, must be hundreds of them out there. They want me dead, dear. And they're going to get me dead, because I'm sure not letting myself be taken alive by the savages."

She mutters for a few moments, dedicating choice words to the barbarism of her hated foe that you are somewhat glad you can only barely make out. Her eyes glimmer with rage, her hands coming together and contorting in pantomimed strangulation.

"They got the rest, you know," she stammers out, her face having gone a little red. "My mother, my father... my big sister. Strung up most of them, and their ministers - my father, he got to sit on a pike, you know. Took him days to die, it did. In fact," she notes, her face going momentarily blank with realization, "in fact, maybe even after I got the crown - maybe he was alive even then."

She smiles sadly, staring off into the distance.

"Been queen for the past two months! Been here for much longer. Kept me out of the way. Not that it's helped now, in the end. The minders tried, bless 'em. Not their fault I'm an idiot, don't you think?"

She rambles with decreasing coherence right up until you check the final room in this corridor. She doesn't seem to think this is her room, either. Realization appears to dawn on her slowly.

"Wait... wait! Wait," she says, and you wait a moment. "This isn't the right wing."

She looks around carefully.

"My room's on the other side... I think? I don't remember when I got here. Or how. Do you remember?" she asks, looking confused.

Ask mr silhouette to lower the chain.
"Hey mister, or misses, could you please lower the chain? Some jerks left me down here. I'll...I'll give you some gold coins if you do."

Collect a small easily carryable bag of gold coins. Or a large bag not very full.

"Will do," the silhouette shouts down. "First though, any rats left? Grab some for me before you come up, will you?"

You take a look at the mass of rats still swarming on the ground. It is beginning to look unsettlingly homogenous. Huh. You then look at the bags in one corner of the room, and note that you could probably mostly empty one without serious trouble. As long as you don't try to make clothing out of it, you guess.

This slipped my alerts for some reason.

"Alright. Just.... kill. 600 guys. Who have swords and stuff. Yes. That sounds. Not insane at all. Can you. Can you tell me what all is in this place? Like, buildings, and places."

The shrouded man is interrupted from his conversation with Mr. Calverly about some rat-based affair and turns to you again.

"You mean in Anglefork? 'S pretty simple," he says, and starts pointing at the various things visible in the courtyard.

The large main structure of the castle, still as forbidding as before, but slightly less well-guarded. "Now, there's the keep, that's where most everyone lives."

The gate leading to the courtyard, flanked by two towers with quite a wealth of arrow slits and murder holes. "The guard house - er, guard houses? Dunno if it's just one house."

Right next to the guard house, a corner building that seems to have recessed into the wall a little. "The dungeon, stay out of there. Also the commander's office, stay double out of there."

After that there is a wide wooden building with a large gate at which an unusually attentive-looking guard is posted. You accurately guess that's the stable. "That's where they do the salting," the shrouded man also adds matter-of-factly, and you don't happen to question him on what that exactly means.

Next to it, a set of three small buildings. "The workshops - carpenter, blacksmith and the, uh," the man says, hesitating a little, "the bone carver, yes. Don't bother the blacksmith. Or the bone carver. And the carpenter's never in - when he is, though, don't bother the poor man."

On the other side, a curious scene - a firm stone building, partly disassembled. Next to it, a smaller, very primitive stone building built from the parts missing - and next to it, a small circle of stones, with a bloodstained brown, unworked rock placed right in the middle. "There's the chapel, the, er, shrine and... um... the holy circle. There's been some disagreements."

A rather small house nearby, reminiscent of the workshops. "The masons live there. Three of them, all layabouts. Brothers - runs in the family."

Another recessed building, sloped and with a minimal profile, but just about as large as the stable. "Storehouse. It's where we bait these days."

And finally, a thing that caught your eye before - a sizable tower, comparable in height to the keep. Smoother, too. Older, you'd think. Got a different-looking style to it. "And that's where the minders live - well, where they lived before you ate them. Not judging, mind you. I don't judge. School's in there, too."

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Our Salvation: Culture Shock
« Reply #82 on: November 27, 2015, 03:29:30 pm »

"Uh, ok? There are lots of rats here. I'll get you some! Why does he want rats?"

Trap some rats in a sack. Use my finely crafted knotted sack club to stun them first if that helps. Also toss in a few coins since I said I would.
Highmax…dead, flesh torn from him, though his skill with the sword was unmatched…military…Nearly destroyed .. Rhunorah... dead... Mastahcheese returns...dead. Gaul...alive, still locked in combat. NAV...Alive, drinking booze....
The face on the toaster does not look like one of mercy.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Our Salvation: Culture Shock
« Reply #83 on: November 27, 2015, 03:38:49 pm »

Okay. Yes. That is... good. I will just. Go now, with that information. and figure out how to kill. 600 people. Who have swords. Easy."

What the living hell oh shit go check the battlements or whatever are they here yet?
I can do anything I want, as long as I accept the consequences.
"Y'know, my favorite thing about being a hero is that it gives you all kinds of narrative justification to just slay any ol' jerk who gets in the way - Black Mage.
"The bulk of [Derm]'s atrocities seem to stem from him doing things that [Magic] doesn't actually do." - TvTropes
"Dammit Derm!" - You, if I'm doing it right.
Moved to SufficientVelocity / Spacebattles.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Our Salvation: Culture Shock
« Reply #84 on: November 27, 2015, 04:11:09 pm »

"You wouldn't think this place is so confusing from the outside." I look for her room in a different wing of the castle.


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Re: Our Salvation: Culture Shock
« Reply #85 on: November 27, 2015, 04:58:48 pm »

"Vali? Who's that? Sounds like russian name, but while I do know few russians none of them is called Vali. And no, you may not take my cloak. I don't even have a cloak. All I have is this repurposed skirt and without it I'll be naked. Don't you think that's even more rude?"

Game of Words continues. Quickly check with Thor if he cares to kick the prison door open for me. Or help me to kick it open.
I told you to test with colors! But nooo, you just had to go clone mega-Satan or whatever.
Old sigs.

Harry Baldman

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Our Salvation: Culture Shock
« Reply #86 on: November 28, 2015, 07:31:00 pm »

"Uh, ok? There are lots of rats here. I'll get you some! Why does he want rats?"

Trap some rats in a sack. Use my finely crafted knotted sack club to stun them first if that helps. Also toss in a few coins since I said I would.

You approach the writhing mass of rats, and it writhes away from you, just like it did with Ms. Minett before. It appears to sense your intention. No matter. You will not disappoint the anonymous silhouette. You lift the sack club and bring it down on the mass with all of your might, which is admittedly humble, and the mass splits readily in half as the chamber is filled with a deafening choir of squeaks, shrieking rats going every which way, their tails tangled with one other.

One half of the mass writhes and swarms away, going straight for the drapes with amazing quickness, considering it does literally appear to be a tangle of rats. The other mass, well, you don't quite speak rat. But somehow you'd say that the other mass is now very much pissed off at you. Perhaps it's the way it's advancing while emitting a low hiss, several hundred of its yellow eyes fixated on you. A few injured rats trail out of it as it moves closer, stunned yet alive, making feeble attempts to get to safety as the rest forge on ahead.

Okay. Yes. That is... good. I will just. Go now, with that information. and figure out how to kill. 600 people. Who have swords. Easy."

What the living hell oh shit go check the battlements or whatever are they here yet?

You head on up to the battlements via a nearby tower, passing by a few guards that give you odd looks. Carefully creeping along the parapets, you give the area around the castle a good surveying.

Sure enough, they are definitely here. The area around the castle is pretty clear, and you spy leathery yurts topped with what you assume to be human bones arranged all around the place, spaced to allow for no real escape, not even over the moat. Stoatman soldiers, strange humanoids with short limbs and unusually long torsos, moving along the area, keeping a careful watch on the walls, giving you the distinct look of light infantry, mostly - dressed in thick, padded armor, most of them armed with spears. A few are standing guard, their bodies twisting idly as they coldly regard the walls with bored expressions. They've definitely been here for quite a while.

Here and there you see more important-looking stoatmen, ones wearing mail - they appear to be a little cleaner, and wear very clean and, you think, exceedingly sharp sabers on their belts. They do seem to be a considerable minority, though. Your eyes wander on along the encampment and oh dear, you think someone's seen you - a crossbowman raises their loaded crossbow, aiming roughly your way. You quickly duck back behind the parapet, and after a few seconds a crossbow bolt flies out, hitting the walkway about five meters away from you and bouncing off it and into the courtyard, landing softly in the dirt behind the chapel.

Knowing the reload time of your average crossbow to be a great disadvantage, you glance back through the crenel, and observe the stoatman who shot at you getting smacked rather harshly by one of their metal-clad superiors. Both wear looks of undisguised disgust, but you'd assume for different reasons.

"You wouldn't think this place is so confusing from the outside." I look for her room in a different wing of the castle.

You head along to the opposite wing of the keep's second floor, going through the rooms one at a time again.

"I think it's the minders who do it," the queen mutters. "Bastards like things muddled. It's so only they can understand 'em. It's all tricks, you know. Tricks all the way down, confusing language, smoke and mirrors. They can't do anything. They can't help us. Can't save themselves, even. Bloody useless, all of them."

She continues to quietly rant about the minders now, glancing at each room as you take her there. As luck would have it, it is exactly the last one down the hall, and seems to be in slightly better shape than the improvised drinking corner you found her in. Inside a lean, scarred guard is reclining at a luxurious desk, and you would say she would look quite dangerous in her well-worn armor and with her ornamented sword if she weren't sound asleep at her post. At her request, you lay the queen down on her feather bed, which she seems to greatly appreciate. Before she tangles herself warmly, yet chaotically in the sheets she points to a nearby wooden door.

A quick check reveals this to be a closet filled with quite a lot of clothing, mostly dresses or dress-related paraphernalia. Most of it seems like it'd be a little small for you, though - the queen herself probably grew out of a lot of these a few years ago. Maybe one of the nightdresses would fit.

"Vali? Who's that? Sounds like russian name, but while I do know few russians none of them is called Vali. And no, you may not take my cloak. I don't even have a cloak. All I have is this repurposed skirt and without it I'll be naked. Don't you think that's even more rude?"

Game of Words continues. Quickly check with Thor if he cares to kick the prison door open for me. Or help me to kick it open.

The elongated person takes a sideways step, regarding you carefully.

"I see," they say, nodding solemnly. "Then you know what you must do. The skies will close and the old blood will run dry. The table is set, but the hawk has not flown yet. Three, six and four - remember these numbers," they say, maneuvering smoothly back into the dark until you can't see them anymore. You shrug and turn to the door, considering Thor. He doesn't really exist, of course, and so it is not very surprising that he does not at all bother to answer your calls. You shiver a little - it's pretty cold in here.

As you contemplate the door, you think you hear retching from the corner. You turn to look, but see only darkness there. Guess the odd person wanted a little privacy.

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Our Salvation: Culture Shock
« Reply #87 on: November 28, 2015, 07:41:36 pm »

"Okay. running not an option. Shit. Well, they summoned us, magic exists. Is the brick magic?

Go find some secluded space and say the word on the brick. Maybe wave the brick at something too.
I can do anything I want, as long as I accept the consequences.
"Y'know, my favorite thing about being a hero is that it gives you all kinds of narrative justification to just slay any ol' jerk who gets in the way - Black Mage.
"The bulk of [Derm]'s atrocities seem to stem from him doing things that [Magic] doesn't actually do." - TvTropes
"Dammit Derm!" - You, if I'm doing it right.
Moved to SufficientVelocity / Spacebattles.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Our Salvation: Culture Shock
« Reply #88 on: November 28, 2015, 10:10:50 pm »

I search the closet for something that fits.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Our Salvation: Culture Shock
« Reply #89 on: November 29, 2015, 06:34:18 am »

What you are talking? Thor most certainly exists. Proof is right
Spoiler: here! (click to show/hide)

Gods tend to be busy so Thor probably didn't have time to help or didn't even hear me.

"And it aint even warm here, you liar." Leif remarks after the crazy guy.

Do some warm ups, just enough to keep blood flowing. Hope my eyes will become accustomed to the darkness. Ponder who I pissed off to warrant me being kidnapped by crazy cosplayers.
I told you to test with colors! But nooo, you just had to go clone mega-Satan or whatever.
Old sigs.
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