People should chill. You aren't politicians, so no one actually cares about the discussion here in the real world. You won't solve ISIS, but you might make this forum a little less pleasant in the future.
I sense that things will continue more or less as they have until something really serious happens to change things (in other news, the sky is often blue). The entities involved don't really have many cards to play, so I suspect little immediate change until it builds more. ISIS would more or less cease to be the thing that it has become if it lost it's land base, so I find that the most important thing to focus on. Land intervention by the US is not forthcoming at least until a new administration arrives, I am sure, and whoever comes into power then will likely be seen by history as the person to "own" that war if it does happen. Short of that, I find it difficult to see the trends on the ground as to who has the overall momentum (I lack the proper knowledge to say), and whether they will continue to hold the momentum. Overall, I bet I am more optimistic then others regarding the likelihood of overall victory, but that may be perhaps because I am uninterested in quick solutions and I am willing to accept the amount of blood that will be spilled until then, regardless of what happens.
As for the refugee crisis, I have little to say. It should stop eventually, and until then the Euros have to find some way to deal with it. The method and degree to which they do so successfully will determine a lot about the state of affairs in Europe 20 years from now.