If you pay reeeeally close attention to the numbers in the Civ game, you'll probably figure out that I'm using a certain amount of rule-fudging about the order in which things happen. If you're moving Gatherers into a town, they'll gather from the town instead of the wilderness. If you're moving Gatherers
out of a town... they'll still gather from the town instead of the wilderness. Basically, whichever makes the players not screw themselves too royally.
Stables don't need roads. Horses are just baller like that.
Vehicles and Harbour upgrades are only usable while on a road, plus one space (so you can use a boat to go down the river and then offload along the shore, but then you won't have a Harbour to embark from to get back. You'll probably also have less stuff to carry, though).
As for the adventurers, you've got 55 days of downtime (2 months, minus half a day per overworld tile travelled).
Alchemical and Magical reagents are hard to come by for the Civilizations you're in (imagine Settlers coming to America and being like "might need to bring some frog's eggs in case I need to make Potions of Protection From Sonic later"), so the price on things like that are doubled. The only potions available for purchase are the ones in the Adventuring Gear section of the PHB: Acid, Antitoxins, Holy Water, Oil, basic Poison, and Potions of Healing, and they're all double price as well. The prices will go down to normal for towns that have relevant facilities built, like an Apothecary's shop.
That unfortunately means that the price of the components to copy spells is doubled, too.
However, you
can spend your time to gather 3gp worth of ingredients per day. (which is 17 days gathering to copy one spell level)
I put the chatlog on my Google Drive. Please don't try to read it in Google Drive, because Google Drive is derp-tarded. You'll probably want to download the chatlog file as an HTML webpage, then File -> Open it in your browser. Unfortunately the pictures in the chatlog won't load in any situation, but it's still legible even without them.
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0By4EdSDLU_ZETm9CV0dsZGVaM0U/view?usp=sharingIf that doesn't work for whatever reason, let me know and I'll figure something else out.