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Author Topic: EOTFS: Emperor Wars Mod 2nd Game - Game Over.  (Read 57579 times)


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Re: EOTFS: Emperor Wars Mod 2nd Game - The First Election
« Reply #240 on: February 24, 2016, 11:54:28 am »

(Accidentally pressed tab while typing, and then the next enter posted the half written text ...)

« Last Edit: February 24, 2016, 11:57:47 am by joulupunikki »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: EOTFS: Emperor Wars Mod 2nd Game - The First Election
« Reply #241 on: February 24, 2016, 01:14:21 pm »

Turn sent (13 hours ago ... I forgot to post here before calling it a day ...)

Was the rule where we need to declare war on AI the turn before actually attacking any of its units just in my imagination? I can actually sneak-attack the AI?

If there was is such a rule, then I freely admit I broke it. But the house rules on page 1 contain no rules against attacking AI without declaring war first. The only rule limiting attacks on AI is rule number 2 which limits attacks on the Eye until a player has been in control for 2 turns.

The limits of warring on AI controlled worlds were discussed in replies #198 - #201 and I think the consensus was that you should not blatantly subvert the need to pay for new cities by expanding massively during war (of course this is a bit ambiguous, and hard to police.)

For reference, the nova house rules had this to say about attacking the AI:

20. You may not land combat units on Leagueheim until the turn after you go to war with the League. For example, you could bombard Leagueheim one turn and land the next turn. It's OK to land transports without combat units any time. This is to give the League a fair chance to defend themselves. Otherwise, it's too easy to steal their ships and other goodies

21. Similarly, you may not land combat units on Holy Terra until the turn after you go to war with the Church.

22. If playing against a computer-controlled House, you may not land combat units on any planet it controls (ie a planet shown in its colour on the star map) until the turn after you go to war with it.

Regarding suing for peace with church, the nova house rules have this to say:

31.You may not ask the Patriarch for a peace treaty until 5 turns after you stop sinning. Sinning is any of the following:
- Researching or possessing a proscribed tech.
- Starting a war with the Church.
- Possessing a Scepter which originally belonged to the Church.
It appears that the Patriarch will always accept a peace offer, even when you still possess proscribed techs!


The Conquest of Paradise Grail had begun unannounced a year ago in an upbeat mood. It was thought that a small expeditionary force could hold one farm some distance from the main cluster of cities until reinforcements arrived. Five Etyri war wings proved otherwise and the entire expeditionary force was destroyed. (Since the commanding officer was killed he won't be executed. We shall not pray for his wretched soul, however.) The attacking force strength is now multiplied.


In Kish cathedral, the Archbishop looked at the gathered congregation from the pulpit. He smiled beneficially at the generals sitting in the first row, but frowned when he could not see a single member of the ruling family present.  The Archbishop started to deliver the Sunday Sermons in the usual manner " ... Hazat ... beastly barbarians ... Decados ... the blackest of all sinners ... Hawkwood ... usurpers and pretenders ... al Malik ... space vagabonds ..." Suddenly, one of the generals in the first row stood up and pointed a finger at the Archbishop, saying "That is enough, your Excellency." The Archbishop focused his attention towards the general and noticed the sleeve of a slim body armour under the dress uniform, revealed by the generals raised hand.

"What is the meaning of this ? Why are you wearing armour ?", rebuked the Archbishop.

"The hate speeches against the Li-Halan cousins have gone too far. News of the atrocities committed against peasants of the Houses have also not gone unnoticed", the general countered.

"Those heretics started the wars, they had it coming ..." started the Archbishop, but was cut short by a distant but earth shaking explosion.

"Church troops have been observed stirring forgotten and forbidden places in remote areas on the Garden Worlds. Li-Halan forces have died protecting our citizens from warbands of xyll and sorcerers awakened from their slumber but left free to rampage. We have even witnessed ruins being dug up on Byzantium II by amateur archaeologists. In light of all the evidence we find the patriarchal directives incorrigibly out of order. And with all those abominations running around, and the majority of the church forces being called elsewhere, the security for the cathedrals, clergy and congregations shall henceforth be provided by the House. Let that explosion be a warning to all parties who consider threatening of said security. You may now instruct your garrisons to remain in their barracks."


The last ruins on Kish were finally explored after ousting of the church forces occupying them. Unsurprisingly, ten units of singularities were discovered ...


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Re: EOTFS: Emperor Wars Mod 2nd Game - The First Election
« Reply #242 on: February 24, 2016, 06:13:25 pm »

Turn sent.

From my point of view, the declare war and then land rules were for a few reasons

Prevent capture of vulnerable spaceships
Prevent immediate capture of scepters
Secretly build up massive forces on key worlds (Holy Terra, Leagueheim), then capture them in a turn

Otherwise I don't really see the big deal. The units have to be defeated in combat one way or another and in this scenario there are AI factions all across the galaxy. Assuming there are still scepters on Holy Terra or Leagueheim, there probably should be some special rule surrounding the declare war/attack immediately situation
« Last Edit: February 24, 2016, 06:44:34 pm by Kebooo »


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Re: EOTFS: Emperor Wars Mod 2nd Game - The First Election
« Reply #243 on: February 25, 2016, 12:12:01 am »

Turn Sent
House Hawkwood has established 3 new holdings on Tethys. The Imperial Fleet now boasts two dreadnoughts to lead it.

"Pentateuch is free!" cried the Hawkwood courtiers riding through indifferent hamlets and farmsteads, more news of a place that may as well have been on the other side of the galaxy, such is the low condition of serfs.

"The Eskatonics have been enslaved!" moaned the priests from their pulpits to the fearful masses and to the secret joy of Avestite fanatics. Madmen screamed of the coming Eskaton and proclaimed their fever dreams as prophecy.

Frantic whispers among Bishops mixed with cheery boasts of Knights across the Known Worlds. Guilder and Freeman alike speculated at the opportunity of Noble power waxing to the Holy Churchs decline.

No matter what was being said, the times were getting interesting.
« Last Edit: February 25, 2016, 02:05:50 pm by Margrave »


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Re: EOTFS: Emperor Wars Mod 2nd Game - The First Election
« Reply #244 on: February 26, 2016, 05:43:06 pm »

Turn sent

Busy irl as usual. I hope the situation may enchance the next week, but it is hard to predict. My investigation has given practical results, and now I want to focus on decribing it.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: EOTFS: Emperor Wars Mod 2nd Game - The First Election
« Reply #245 on: February 27, 2016, 02:49:32 pm »

Turn sent

The second round of the Grail campaign started better than the first, the rebels mounted no counter attacks. More troops were ferried in, including air power and recon units. Three farms and a mine, including most of the garrisons, were captured rapidly in combined arms operations. A tracker legion advanced boldly inside the shield perimeter to observe the palace compound: plenty of opposition, with assault tank companies and mobile heavy artillery batteries as icing on the cake, and enough PTS under the shield to make bombardment difficult for anything but large fleets of heavy capital ships.

Il Palazzo

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Re: EOTFS: Emperor Wars Mod 2nd Game - The First Election
« Reply #246 on: February 28, 2016, 05:44:18 am »

Turn sent

(more to come)


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Re: EOTFS: Emperor Wars Mod 2nd Game - The First Election
« Reply #247 on: February 28, 2016, 10:58:44 am »

Turn sent


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Re: EOTFS: Emperor Wars Mod 2nd Game - The First Election
« Reply #248 on: February 28, 2016, 04:11:38 pm »

Turn Sent

The fighting on Bannockburn continues. We are confident the planet will be pacified within our lifetimes. Maybe.


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Re: EOTFS: Emperor Wars Mod 2nd Game - The First Election
« Reply #249 on: February 29, 2016, 04:36:01 pm »

Turn sent.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: EOTFS: Emperor Wars Mod 2nd Game - The First Election
« Reply #250 on: March 02, 2016, 11:46:28 am »

Turn sent.

Il Palazzo

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Re: EOTFS: Emperor Wars Mod 2nd Game - The Second Election
« Reply #251 on: March 04, 2016, 07:41:14 pm »

Just letting you guys know that this may take a few days more. Today Win 10 waited for me to look the other way, and decided that it's a good time to restart itself (updates, I guess?), despite Emperor running in the background, with my turn in progress.
As much as I like the system, this restarting without asking or warning is annoying, to say the least.


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Re: EOTFS: Emperor Wars Mod 2nd Game - The Second Election
« Reply #252 on: March 10, 2016, 12:43:20 pm »

How's Windows 10 treating you Il Palazzo?

Il Palazzo

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Re: EOTFS: Emperor Wars Mod 2nd Game - The Second Election
« Reply #253 on: March 11, 2016, 05:32:23 pm »

Hi, sorry for the holdup. Things in rl have gone a bit awry all of a sudden and I'm having a hard time finding the time to sit down with a game. I'll try to push the turn sometime soon, but to be honest I'd appreciate a week or two of a break, if you guys could accommodate me. Once again, sorry for the delays.


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Re: EOTFS: Emperor Wars Mod 2nd Game - The Second Election
« Reply #254 on: March 11, 2016, 06:33:45 pm »

I'm okay with that, we've been going at a pretty good pace the last ten turns or so. Especially considering how long these turns can get.
Why does the Church of Universal Peace and Love keep attacking me? Can't we all just get along?
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