Turn 1: Hands OnWeapon of Choice: Spiked Mace
Whack someone nearby in the face with my mace.
You glance at [10] Gazbert Kal and, upon finding that he exists, promptly assault him with your cudgel. [3] vs [2] Your halfhearted swing meets his even more halfhearted dodge, and you give him a glancing blow to the noodles.
+1 MacesWeapon: Dagger
Find the second closest useless meatsack and give them a free meal. It's a dagger. I'm gonna shank someone in the throat.
Taking a brief shot from the closest useless meatsack around, you proceed to find the second closest. [4] Krunk looks hungry! [3] vs [3] Your dagger scrapes his arm as he clumsily blocks your awkward attempts to feed him. Fussy eater!
+1 DaggersKrunk: +1 WrestlingKrunk smash!
Defaulting to a cleaver sword, you narrowly avoid eating a dagger sandwich, then respond in kind. [6] vs [4] You lodge your blade firmly in your assailant's off-wrist, which is very satisfying but also means your wounded enemy has roughly as good a grip on your weapon as you do.
+2 SwordsGazbert Kal: +1 WrestlingCheck out my new weapon, weapon of choice, yeah...: Cleaver Sword.
Slice a random orc's head off.
That would be... [1] Rash Reckum! [3] vs [6] Your swing is answered by a truly remarkable backflip right onto a table. That
probably hurt more than getting hit by your sword would have.
+1 SwordsRash Reckum: +2 AcrobaticsWeapon of Choice: Spear.
Kov stands up and looks around carefully. These were probably not reasonable orcs. But it was impolite to stab first, too.
Take up a defensive position. Maybe stab a bloody piece of food on the table if nobody attacks me.
You glance dubiously at the chitinous gruel in front of you, wondering if there's any blood in it. Then you start grumbling to yourself about not getting any raw meat to feast upon.
Weapon of choice: Javelins
Asbrut would stare at the screaming orc. Selfish bitch.
Throw a javelin at her.
[3] vs [5] Your hurl a javelin at her. It dips lower than you were hoping for, but then she bats it out of the air with a cleaver, screams, and rushes you.
+1 JavelinsNora: +2 CleaversWeapon of choice: Dual Cleavers
I see that purple thing gawking around. I know what it's thinking. Time to set it in place.
"EH YOU! I see ya theres! NO TOUCHIN MAH FOOD!! I'll cleave ya good if you do I swear! SIT DOWN!"
Take to chopping my food to bits and shoveling it down my gullet. Give threatening looks to everyone around me, and scream and slash at them if they get to close.
Nobody gets close, but somebody does throw a javelin at your head. Leg, whatever. Point is you bat it out of the air and then rush them. [1] vs [3] In retrospect, running is perhaps not your strong suit, and your attempts at vaulting over a table go poorly. They go ahead and sink a javelin into your shoulder while you're sitting there for them.
Asbrut: +1 JavelinsWoC: Bows
((Just to say... While we are shit-skilled, it is an option to kill our boss right here and now. And earn easy promotion... Well, if we do survive - Butcher can certainly take out at least one player per turn.))
Shoot the "boss" to show him my skill. I'm no slow gib! And he is a sack of brainless meat.
[5] vs [2] You might not be good enough to stand up to the boss, but he doesn't need to know that. You take perfect aim and let fly, evidently against a target that's not used to dealing with arrows; it runs a deep gash along his face and he cries out in rage.
In fact, he bellows and charges you afterwards. Erm, oops.
+2 BowsWeapon of choice: Spear
Stab myself in the arm (lightly, just enough to draw blood).
"Pick me!"
If he doesn't pick me, stab him.
[4] You stab yourself well enough to get blood on the spear edge without being deep enough to really wound you. Unfortunately the boss is too busy charging some fool that shot him to pick you, so you figure, hey, if everyone else is doing it...
[5] vs [5] You perfectly slide over and brace your spear at an angle, aiming to catch him in the side as he passes. He's apparently more accustomed to spearorcs than he was to archers, as he weaves perfectly onto and off of a nearby bench to avoid your trap.
+2 SpearsGur: +2 AcrobaticsName: Thun'Horatch
Gender: Male.
Appearance: A large, Muscular, Dark grey, ork, With, Red glowing eyes, sharp tusk like teeth, And shaggy dark green fur on his back.
Personality: Slow, To the point of stupidity, But when angered, He is almost more violent and unpredictable then other orks.
((Added. You may enter the current fracas a little behind or wait until later.))
Gur the Butcher
Rank 3 Ambitious Slicer Captain
Deep gash across face
[Charging Mugash Ur]
Swords 5 (2/5 xp)
Wrestling -1 (0/1 xp)
Acrobatics -1 (0/1 xp)
Dodging -2 (1/2 xp)
Blackmetal Cleaver Sword
Rash Reckum (ATHATH)
Rank 0 Domineering Binder
Table slammed
Blackmetal Spear
Spears -1 (0/1 xp)
Acrobatics -1 (0/1 xp)
Bastard Kov (Baldman)
Rank 0 Filthy Coward
Blackmetal Spear
Spears -2 (0/2 xp)
Vorgak (Hawk)
Rank 0 Simple Marauder
Blackmetal Mace
Maces -2 (1/2 xp)
Krunk (Nidilap)
Rank 0 Hulking Pigsticker
Lightly sliced arms
[Sword lodged in Gazbert Kal's arm]
Blackmetal Cleaver Sword
Swords -1 (0/1 xp)
Wrestling -2 (1/2 xp)
Somug Omurdub (Ruludos)
Rank 0 Cowardly Scout
WEAPON -2 (0/2 xp)
Madargosh (Sabertooth)
Rank 0 Bearded Thug
Blackmetal Cleaver Sword
Swords -2 (1/2 xp)
Fatty Nora (Salsacookies)
Rank 0 Spiteful Walrus
Deep shoulder stab wound
Blackmetal Cleaver
Blackmetal Cleaver
Cleavers -1 (0/1 xp)
Mugash Ur (Sarrak)
Rank 0 Nibbling Archer
Ashwood Bow
Bows -1 (0/1 xp)
Asbrut (Yourmaster)
Rank 0 Reveling Warrior
Blackmetal Javelins
Javelins -1 (0/1 xp)
Gazbert Kal (Zormod)
Rank 0 Hungry Shiv
Glancing head blow
Deep, deep wrist chop
[Krunk's cleaver lodged in arm]
Blackmetal Dagger
Daggers -2 (1/2 xp)
Wrestling -2 (1/2 xp)