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Author Topic: Mission 25: Void  (Read 29025 times)


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Re: Mission 25: Void
« Reply #30 on: November 09, 2015, 03:01:33 pm »

sit and pet draco while sketching up the internal components of a guass rifle and trying to see how to fit a force infuser into it. then find a way to make it so that the weapon can fold in two allowing one access to the force infuser to charge it and for the possibility of breach loading the guass rounds. To discharge the force infuser one can flip a switch then fire the trigger, adding the energy stored in the force infuser to the shot fired.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2015, 03:41:41 pm by spazyak »
The first time you see this, copy it into your signature on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.
Ravioli Ravioli, the old broad died so now I play a Demon Loli.

The Lupanian

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Re: Mission 25: Void
« Reply #31 on: November 09, 2015, 07:31:38 pm »

sit and pet draco while sketching up the internal components of a guass rifle and trying to see how to fit a force infuser into it.
Conveniently I happen to have a gauss rifle and a force infuser on hand.
I only ate a few vampire hearts. Like, three tops. I'm sure it'll be fine.

Go check out Shadow of the Void!


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Re: Mission 25: Void
« Reply #32 on: November 09, 2015, 07:35:17 pm »

sit and pet draco while sketching up the internal components of a guass rifle and trying to see how to fit a force infuser into it.
Conveniently I happen to have a gauss rifle and a force infuser on hand.
The first time you see this, copy it into your signature on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.
Ravioli Ravioli, the old broad died so now I play a Demon Loli.


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Re: Mission 25: Void
« Reply #33 on: November 17, 2015, 03:27:15 pm »

"Deadspace sounds good. So when does all the fuckery begin?"

Remember to have brought my spare robot bodies and suits from my locker in case I need them.

Explore the ship. Find out at least what the general layout is, and what sort of facilities it has. Is it more of a small shuttle or proper spaceship?

The ships are proper spaceships of reasonable size. Not great big cruisers or anything but they've got a small bedroom area, a kitchen, storage with lots of food and stuff, med bay with supplies, even a relaxation room with a computer and tv. No tinker though.

*Knife sharpening noise*

sit quietly and hope people with more experience know what they're doing.
Not a bad choice, but sometimes dangerous. Their big guns don't always mark them as people with great planning ability.

Sometimes the exact opposite in fact.

The reaction control system for the old spacesuit, the scavenging of which adds a small (relatively) maneuvering pack to my industrial suit.

Now that that's done, though, stare thoughtfully at various readouts the shuttle is producing while the others rise, shine and usher us toward inescapable doom.

Actually, is this shuttle bigger than a regular shuttle? Seems like it ought to be, but better make sure.


The shuttle is reading all's well for now at least. You do note, however, that this thing has limited fuel. Hmm. You wonder how limited.

sit and pet draco while sketching up the internal components of a guass rifle and trying to see how to fit a force infuser into it. then find a way to make it so that the weapon can fold in two allowing one access to the force infuser to charge it and for the possibility of breach loading the guass rounds. To discharge the force infuser one can flip a switch then fire the trigger, adding the energy stored in the force infuser to the shot fired.
Force infuser huh? I'm not sure what you're trying to do here. Use the force infuser to fire harder or use the rifle to power the infuser?

((I have this sinking feeling we'll be doing a lot of planning which will quickly turn out not to be relevant for long once we set out.))

((Blackspace huh?  If you listen carefully, hiphop can be heard as though from a great distance))

((Not even complete vacuum can inhibit these sweet tunes.))

1)Could you explain the movement system a little bit more? Can we only move in straight lines along the axis, or can we move 'diagonally'? Is moving 1 square diagonally equal to 2 grid units/spaces, or 1? And what about moving even more 'in between' actual round coordinates? Can we end up at eg. (2,565 ; 3,87 ; 3,99) or will that be rounded to (2,5 ; 4 ; 4)? Or can we move freely in the 3D plane, and just keep track of the number of gridspaces we moved?

2)Am I correct that we are limited to observing/scanning for things that are inside our grid, aka equal to our comms range?
3)How long is 1 unit of travel time about IC? An hour, a day, a week?
4)How far out does the danger zone of the planet reach, according to Steve/Doc? Even best guesses are fine.
5)About how many buoys do we have? Can we use them to communicate between grids, eg ship 1 sends message to buoy A, who sends it to buoy B, who relays it to ship 2 who is not in the same grid as ship 1? How many buoys do we need to drop per grid to allow communicating through that grid? Do the buoys have sensors?
6)What do we know about the specifications of M21's ship? How fast can it travel, etc. If we were to encounter them and tell them where to go, would they make it out in time on their own, or do we need to take them into one of our ships?
7)Once we try to go out again via the jump point, can we fly to the exit at max speed? Or is there a chance we'd 'overshoot'/miss our target (the ftl jump point)? Is exiting blackspace more slowly safer in terms of not missing our mark?
8)Our time limit is 70 movement turns. How many gridspaces will the anomaly have expanded by then? Or: how many gridspaces do the borders of blackspace expand per turn?
9)We have 70 turns of traveling. Will there be actual turns of just cruising around, or will we timeskip each time till something happens or input is required?

10)Oh, and do we really have to work out a schedule of when and where to burn and stuff, or can we just draw up a general plan and leave the computer to do the calculating for us? How deep down this mathemagical rabbit hole do you wanna go, piece?

"Ok, so apparently the planet was at about (350, -100), meaning we are about 364 gridspaces removed from it. Our ships have a maximum velocity of 10 gridunits, a delta-V of [1space/turn] and our time window is [70 turns of movement], meaning it'd take us over half our time limit, about 41 days, just to get to the planet. We don't actually wanna go that far, mind, because that region is apparently a no-go zone according to Steve, but still, that shows we'll be on a tight schedule. And since we don't actually know where they are exactly or how far out they got, and there's a lot of space to cover... Yeah, we have no time to spare. Hell, for a ship at full speed, it takes [10 turns] to come to a standstill, and it'll have moved 55 gridspaces more before it's standing still! So, we'll need to very carefully plan this out or we'll be hopelessly isolated.

Oh, and we also don't know how far out the danger zone of the planet reaches. Might just be 1, might be a dozen, I don't know.

So, current plan is we might first wanna quickly check if our ships can still exit blackspace, and if no bullshit like time going at different speeds in here and in realspace is going on. Cause I've had it up to here with xeno physics bullshit, and I don't wanna be blindsided again.

((And at about 3 mission updates a week average (if we're lucky), this mission will take 23 weeks to complete at maximum, or about 5 months. And that's without non-travel turns!

Sorry to anyone who finds this kinda stuff boring, we'll try to get going as soon as we can. But yeah, this seems kinda like a 'plan it well or suffer the consequences' kinda thing.

I put a lot of info on the wiki and made a travel time/speed/distance table if people wanna help plan things out.

Finally, I have a sort of more detailed plan in my head, but I'll wait till pw has answered these questions before really working it out to avoid doing unnecessary work.))

1.3d movement is a nightmare isn't it?  Ok, assume that you can move to any adjacent square in any direction.  So, imagine it like you have the little cube of space you're in, and then you have the ability to move to any of the other little spacial cubes touching its faces or its corners.
3.Heh. Thats a bit of a thing. I'll say that normally it would take about a day. Instantly OOC of course, I'm not forcing you to wait unless you want to for some reason.
4. The Danger zone? You're already in it friend. High way to it ended back before you flew into Africanamericaspace. 
5.If you daisy chain them, it might work. We'll assume you have 50 each.
6.Nothing solid really, but I can give you a path to the vague area we think they're probably in, if you want. Though thats a pretty big freaking guess on our part.
7.Well you're exiting back onto the sword. Your shuttles can't reach FTL speed. Don't worry about it, as long as you can get out, we'll count it as a success.
8. It expands outward by 1 space in all directions every movement turn.
9.By movement turns I mean movement from one place to another. So if you move 2 spaces and find nothing, thats a turn. If you move 5 and find something and then fuck around there for a while, thats still one. 70 moves, lets say.

10.No. Nothing so in depth. But a general plan of "Go out for 40 turns and then head back for these coordinates" is probably good.


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Re: Mission 25: Void
« Reply #34 on: November 17, 2015, 03:59:04 pm »

I'm sorry Piecewise, but as the ship's chief engineer I need to know what they're capable of. It's very important. I'll try not to overload you.

1. What weapons does it have? Cannons, lasers, nukes, nothing?
2. What armour does it have? Forcefield, hex-composite, tinfoil?
3. Is there any sort of escape pod or mini-shuttle?
4. Is Miyamoto inside the ship or strapped to the outside?
« Last Edit: November 17, 2015, 04:52:14 pm by NAV »
Highmax…dead, flesh torn from him, though his skill with the sword was unmatched…military…Nearly destroyed .. Rhunorah... dead... Mastahcheese returns...dead. Gaul...alive, still locked in combat. NAV...Alive, drinking booze....
The face on the toaster does not look like one of mercy.


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Re: Mission 25: Void
« Reply #35 on: November 17, 2015, 04:44:16 pm »

I'm sorry Piecewise, but as the ship's chief engineer I need to know what they're capable of. It's very important. I'll try not to overload you.

1. What weapons does it have? Cannons, lasers, nukes, nothing?
2. What armour does it have? Forcefield, hex-composite, tinfoil?
3. Is there any sort of escape pod or mini-shuttle?
3. Is Miyamoto inside the ship or strapped to the outside?

And what is the exact diameter of that? Like, precisely that many mm, or maybe a few decimal places higher or lower?
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


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Re: Mission 25: Void
« Reply #36 on: November 17, 2015, 07:09:12 pm »

Fire harder, I wish to make it so one could charge it up and fire the slug with the added power. Just another way to add more dakka. Force infuser with amp ammo, with over charge. Certain to blow up eventually but also certain to punch a few holes first.
Maybe if there was a way of dampening the jolt and recoil first one could make the weapon less likely to shake its self to pieces.
Any ways I digress.
 the final design would have a breech loading mechanism that would allow one access to the force infuser to charge it. To switch between breech loading and clip loading the guass rounds, one would slide and lock a metal plate over where the clip goes into. To open the breech you would unlatch the two halves allowing the gun to fold and open up.
 If the force infuser needs to have some sort of a connection to the user then the force infuser could be wired up to metal in the grip that would allow the user to have the control normally given over it.
 The battery for the force infuser would be in the bottom of the grip with a metal plate that can slide back to let one take out and replace the battery.
Perhaps the force infuser could be hooked up to a generator that could be worn on the hip and taken off and used when needed
 Another option would be to have a crank on it, on the back. the stock molded around it so that one could crank up the rifle, charging the battery for the force infuser, the rest of the design would remain the same.. Think of something similar to the laser musket from FO4.
Edit: actually, make the crank removable so you could wire in the generator into the back of the gun instead of the crank. It would allow for better customization in how one charges the force infuser.
« Last Edit: November 17, 2015, 07:53:22 pm by spazyak »
The first time you see this, copy it into your signature on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.
Ravioli Ravioli, the old broad died so now I play a Demon Loli.


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Re: Mission 25: Void
« Reply #37 on: November 17, 2015, 07:12:06 pm »

Fire harder
((You might want to bold this and add some context.))
Highmax…dead, flesh torn from him, though his skill with the sword was unmatched…military…Nearly destroyed .. Rhunorah... dead... Mastahcheese returns...dead. Gaul...alive, still locked in combat. NAV...Alive, drinking booze....
The face on the toaster does not look like one of mercy.

Radio Controlled

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Re: Mission 25: Void
« Reply #38 on: November 18, 2015, 05:54:58 am »

1)So, how much fuel do we have? Will that, or the time limit, be the limiting factor?

1.3d movement is a nightmare isn't it?  Ok, assume that you can move to any adjacent square in any direction.  So, imagine it like you have the little cube of space you're in, and then you have the ability to move to any of the other little spacial cubes touching its faces or its corners.
2)Hmm. And how does that rhyme with the acceleration thing of 1 grid per turn2? After all, going 3 spaces/turn in the x axis means you keep going in that exact direction unless you burn to slow down or change course or accelerate. So, when going at 10/turn, does that mean we cannot change direction unless we slow down first? Or is the 10/turn max counted per axis?   

4. The Danger zone? You're already in it friend. High way to it ended back before you flew into Africanamericaspace.
3)I meant how far the 'high risk zone' of the planet extends. Just the planet's hex/grid/cube, or should we stay clear of a larger area than that?

5.If you daisy chain them, it might work. We'll assume you have 50 each.
4)And how many buoys per grid to count that grid as connected to all it's neighboring grids? 5 (1 in middle of a square and 4 for each side) is ok? Or should that be 9 (1 in middle cube and 8 on each corner)?

6.Nothing solid really, but I can give you a path to the vague area we think they're probably in, if you want. Though thats a pretty big freaking guess on our part.
5)Yes, a vague direction of where they could be at would be nice.

9.By movement turns I mean movement from one place to another. So if you move 2 spaces and find nothing, thats a turn. If you move 5 and find something and then fuck around there for a while, thats still one. 70 moves, lets say.
8. It expands outward by 1 space in all directions every movement turn.
3.Heh. Thats a bit of a thing. I'll say that normally it would take about a day. Instantly OOC of course, I'm not forcing you to wait unless you want to for some reason.
6)So basically, time here runs differently depending on whether or not interesting things happen. DramaTime. 

Miya opens a comm line to the rest of their little fleet.
"Ok, so the vague basics of a plan are starting to form. First things first though, do we wanna take some time to see if we can still easily exit blackspace, and if no space or time shenanigans occur between here and normal space, or at the border between? If would take us some valuable time, but also helps safeguard against running into surprises while we're trying to hightail it out of here. We could always just have 1 (or 2) ships do that while the others start their search already, but that splits us up from the start, which doesn't sound ideal.

Next tot that, I'd say we go to their projected location, laying out a 'comms net' with the buoys from the moment we're traveling in a straight line. It lets us cover more ground and increases the chances of stumbling into them. This also means we should have 1 ship that stays with the buoy net at all times, while the two other ships might be able to stop or slow down to investigate things. Of course, if the sensor net is deployed while going at max speed, any slowdown means that ship getting irreparably cut of from the net, so deploying said net at lower speed might be good, even if that does make us cover less ground.

Finally, I'd say we use up about 40% of our fuel (or movement turns, if those are the limiting factor) going there, keeping at least 40% for the journey back, and 20% to spare. While we don't need to slow down on the return, blackspace is also expanding, so we should account for that."

Not a bad choice, but sometimes dangerous. Their big guns don't always mark them as people with great planning ability.
Sometimes the exact opposite in fact.


Einsteinian Roulette Wiki
Quote from: you know who you are
21:26   <XYZ>: I know nothing about this, but I have strong opinions about it.
Fucking hell, you guys are worse than the demons.


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Re: Mission 25: Void
« Reply #39 on: November 18, 2015, 06:07:44 am »

"I'm in favor of charging in blindly with a contingency in mind, or maybe having one ship do the obvious tests while the rest of us go ahead. It's not like we'll be able to do a great deal if it turns out something's weird, though knowing that it takes three times as much fuel to break free might be good to know ahead of time.

40:40:20 sounds wise."
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


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Re: Mission 25: Void
« Reply #40 on: November 18, 2015, 10:19:56 am »

"I yield to your command, General.  Steve has chosen you for this command for a reason, and bless his infinite wisdom and judgement.  Amen."
HMR stands for Hazardous Materials Requisition, not Horrible Massive Ruination, though I can understand how one could get confused.
God help us if we have to agree on pizza toppings at some point. There will be no survivors.


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Re: Mission 25: Void
« Reply #41 on: November 18, 2015, 11:40:11 am »

I'm sorry Piecewise, but as the ship's chief engineer I need to know what they're capable of. It's very important. I'll try not to overload you.

1. What weapons does it have? Cannons, lasers, nukes, nothing?
2. What armour does it have? Forcefield, hex-composite, tinfoil?
3. Is there any sort of escape pod or mini-shuttle?
4. Is Miyamoto inside the ship or strapped to the outside?

It has 4 laser cannons, about double cutting laser power.

It has hex composite.

No. This ship is capable of landing and take off from planets, so it has no secondary shuttle.

He's in the cargo bay. Unless he wants to be outside, protecting the morsels.

I'm sorry Piecewise, but as the ship's chief engineer I need to know what they're capable of. It's very important. I'll try not to overload you.

1. What weapons does it have? Cannons, lasers, nukes, nothing?
2. What armour does it have? Forcefield, hex-composite, tinfoil?
3. Is there any sort of escape pod or mini-shuttle?
3. Is Miyamoto inside the ship or strapped to the outside?

And what is the exact diameter of that? Like, precisely that many mm, or maybe a few decimal places higher or lower?
Would you like the distance between your face and the back of my hand to be 0mm?

Fire harder, I wish to make it so one could charge it up and fire the slug with the added power. Just another way to add more dakka. Force infuser with amp ammo, with over charge. Certain to blow up eventually but also certain to punch a few holes first.
Maybe if there was a way of dampening the jolt and recoil first one could make the weapon less likely to shake its self to pieces.
Any ways I digress.
 the final design would have a breech loading mechanism that would allow one access to the force infuser to charge it. To switch between breech loading and clip loading the guass rounds, one would slide and lock a metal plate over where the clip goes into. To open the breech you would unlatch the two halves allowing the gun to fold and open up.
 If the force infuser needs to have some sort of a connection to the user then the force infuser could be wired up to metal in the grip that would allow the user to have the control normally given over it.
 The battery for the force infuser would be in the bottom of the grip with a metal plate that can slide back to let one take out and replace the battery.
Perhaps the force infuser could be hooked up to a generator that could be worn on the hip and taken off and used when needed
 Another option would be to have a crank on it, on the back. the stock molded around it so that one could crank up the rifle, charging the battery for the force infuser, the rest of the design would remain the same.. Think of something similar to the laser musket from FO4.
Edit: actually, make the crank removable so you could wire in the generator into the back of the gun instead of the crank. It would allow for better customization in how one charges the force infuser.

Something like that is possible, at least the general idea is, however, you'll need to be VERY careful in lining up the force infuser. Otherwise you'll fire your bullet at an angle, through the side of the gun.

1)So, how much fuel do we have? Will that, or the time limit, be the limiting factor?

1.3d movement is a nightmare isn't it?  Ok, assume that you can move to any adjacent square in any direction.  So, imagine it like you have the little cube of space you're in, and then you have the ability to move to any of the other little spacial cubes touching its faces or its corners.
2)Hmm. And how does that rhyme with the acceleration thing of 1 grid per turn2? After all, going 3 spaces/turn in the x axis means you keep going in that exact direction unless you burn to slow down or change course or accelerate. So, when going at 10/turn, does that mean we cannot change direction unless we slow down first? Or is the 10/turn max counted per axis?   

4. The Danger zone? You're already in it friend. High way to it ended back before you flew into Africanamericaspace.
3)I meant how far the 'high risk zone' of the planet extends. Just the planet's hex/grid/cube, or should we stay clear of a larger area than that?

5.If you daisy chain them, it might work. We'll assume you have 50 each.
4)And how many buoys per grid to count that grid as connected to all it's neighboring grids? 5 (1 in middle of a square and 4 for each side) is ok? Or should that be 9 (1 in middle cube and 8 on each corner)?

6.Nothing solid really, but I can give you a path to the vague area we think they're probably in, if you want. Though thats a pretty big freaking guess on our part.
5)Yes, a vague direction of where they could be at would be nice.

9.By movement turns I mean movement from one place to another. So if you move 2 spaces and find nothing, thats a turn. If you move 5 and find something and then fuck around there for a while, thats still one. 70 moves, lets say.
8. It expands outward by 1 space in all directions every movement turn.
3.Heh. Thats a bit of a thing. I'll say that normally it would take about a day. Instantly OOC of course, I'm not forcing you to wait unless you want to for some reason.
6)So basically, time here runs differently depending on whether or not interesting things happen. DramaTime. 

Miya opens a comm line to the rest of their little fleet.
"Ok, so the vague basics of a plan are starting to form. First things first though, do we wanna take some time to see if we can still easily exit blackspace, and if no space or time shenanigans occur between here and normal space, or at the border between? If would take us some valuable time, but also helps safeguard against running into surprises while we're trying to hightail it out of here. We could always just have 1 (or 2) ships do that while the others start their search already, but that splits us up from the start, which doesn't sound ideal.

Next tot that, I'd say we go to their projected location, laying out a 'comms net' with the buoys from the moment we're traveling in a straight line. It lets us cover more ground and increases the chances of stumbling into them. This also means we should have 1 ship that stays with the buoy net at all times, while the two other ships might be able to stop or slow down to investigate things. Of course, if the sensor net is deployed while going at max speed, any slowdown means that ship getting irreparably cut of from the net, so deploying said net at lower speed might be good, even if that does make us cover less ground.

Finally, I'd say we use up about 40% of our fuel (or movement turns, if those are the limiting factor) going there, keeping at least 40% for the journey back, and 20% to spare. While we don't need to slow down on the return, blackspace is also expanding, so we should account for that."

Not a bad choice, but sometimes dangerous. Their big guns don't always mark them as people with great planning ability.
Sometimes the exact opposite in fact.

It was before your time, but we once had a man who built a gun so big and powerful that he had to drag it around and eventually had to abandon it before ever getting to fire it. Big gun, no plan.

1. A non-specific amount. Check the gauge every now and again, but it shouldn't be a problem unless you do something which would reasonably give me a dramatic reason to make it so.

2. Lets forget about inertia here, shall we? Movement rules are the same regardless of speed, speed just determines spaces traveled. And you can stop on a dime. I'm not looking to make a space sim here, just give you a way to explore.

3. Dunno.  We don't know if the planets even still exist. Or what they might have become.

4. As long as there's one in an adjacent square, it should be fine.

5. Ok, assuming it's like this: the origin planet is at something like  -150, 300, 25. The shortest path to the jump point intersects 1,1,1 so they are probably, somewhere along the line between the origin planet and 1,1,1 Assuming they didn't turn somewhere.

6. Well, sort of. Close enough.


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Re: Mission 25: Void
« Reply #42 on: November 18, 2015, 01:21:18 pm »

"I vote we keep going full speed ahead and rescue those guys."

I want to do a bit of body modding. Take my spare robot bodies, remove their arms and graft them to my body so I have 6 arms. Remember to also include the stuff like extra shoulders and back and chest muscles so they work properly. Probably need to cut some extra arm holes into my exoskeleton too.

Does the ship have any stasis pods?
Highmax…dead, flesh torn from him, though his skill with the sword was unmatched…military…Nearly destroyed .. Rhunorah... dead... Mastahcheese returns...dead. Gaul...alive, still locked in combat. NAV...Alive, drinking booze....
The face on the toaster does not look like one of mercy.


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Re: Mission 25: Void
« Reply #43 on: November 18, 2015, 04:44:19 pm »

work verrrrryyyy carefuly to line up the force infuser
Can someone come over and help me line this thing up?
The first time you see this, copy it into your signature on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.
Ravioli Ravioli, the old broad died so now I play a Demon Loli.


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Re: Mission 25: Void
« Reply #44 on: November 19, 2015, 11:33:24 am »

Dubley goes to see what Sir Jackson is working on.
"That's a really neat design bro! When you have the parts I'll help ya line it all up."
Highmax…dead, flesh torn from him, though his skill with the sword was unmatched…military…Nearly destroyed .. Rhunorah... dead... Mastahcheese returns...dead. Gaul...alive, still locked in combat. NAV...Alive, drinking booze....
The face on the toaster does not look like one of mercy.
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