Ray shows his ID. "I was dealing with some trouble up North. Private 'X-Ray' Narvayez, Volcan Wulfs unit. I'm here with my companion, Caboose, to protect a VIP." Law continues to be perched upon Ray's shoulder.
The red Peacekeeper taps the barrel of his rifle. "That so? Volcan Wulfs, ain't never heard of them before. What about you?"
His white teammate shrugs.
"So what's the deal with you guys then?"
Everyone else and Aesford proceeds to the front gate, where several Peacekeepers stand at attention at their arrival. "My name is....um...*cough*...Arthur King, vice-president of personnel, New York Jets." He pulls out a laminated sheet of paper from his suit pocket embraisoned with the NFL Logo, but no name. One of the Peacekeepers takes it, surveying it closely. "These are my wife, my daughter, my bodyguard, my coworkers, and my chauffeur and his daughter."
The Peacekeepers murmur to themselves, but are still audible:
"Who the hell is this guy? Do the Jets even have a vice president of personnel? What does a vice president of personnel even do?"
"I dunno', but the pass looks legit."
The Peacekeeper hands Aesford his pass back and waves at the guard building within the property, and the gate opens up.
"Alright, get in. And before you ask like everyone else, I have no idea where Mr. Megatron is right now, he's a busy man."
The gate shuts behind them and the Party is standing in an opulent garden before the massive swimming pool area, which features its own slide and Jacuzzi, in addition to the other amenities such as grills and a sound system. In addition to the guests, there also appears to be white-uniformed staff moving about hurriedly, carrying trays and dishes to and fro. Past this are doors to the actual mansion itself.