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See Episode 11, Which contract should we take?

Contract 1, FedCom Extraction Raid
- 4 (100%)
Contract 2, Outworlds Alliance Recon Raid
- 0 (0%)
Contract 3, FedCom Recon Raid #1
- 0 (0%)
Contract 4, FedCom Recon Raid #2
- 0 (0%)
None of the above - wait a month and try again (please post to specify acceptable contract criteria)
- 0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 4

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Author Topic: Let's Play MegaMek (Against the Bot campaign)  (Read 73836 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Let's Play MegaMek (Against the Bot campaign)
« on: October 28, 2015, 06:24:46 am »

What is this about?
With the discussion of the new Mechwarrior game, I got back into playing MegaMek. Since the last time I played, MekHQ has had the Against the Bot rules built in, making single-player games far easier to handle then having to roll for and set up everything yourself.

For those who haven’t really heard of it, BattleTech is a boardgame pitting giant robots ranging from 20 to a 100 tons against each other, pounding each other to pieces with lasers, cannons, missiles, melee weapons, fists and even kicking each other to death. There’s a supporting cast of infantry, tanks, helicopters and (space)planes you can also fight against, which tend to exist to show how awesome mechs are, but due to the combat system, can still hilariously blow up your 100 ton deathmachine with a single lucky critical hit to the center torso or head.

MegaMek is an open source project that recreates the boardgame on the computer. It includes MekHQ, which provides the backend to model all the supporting structures needed such as personnel, supply, repairs and maintenance, travel, etc.

For those who like diving into the universe behind BattleTech, You can also find a lot of information on, which I’ll be making extensive usage.

With that said, I’d like to start a Let’s Play of MegaMek using Against the Bot, which allows you to pit your unit against an unending stream of scenarios featuring greater and lesser numbers of bot-controlled mechs, tanks, helicopters and hovercraft.

The starting year for my game is 3040. The last major war before the Clan Invasions has ended, but in the Inner Sphere, that doesn’t mean much. Low level skirmishing continues to occur endlessly, and there’s plenty of opportunities to make your mark.

This also gives the unit 10 years (10-15 contracts) to get their feet under themselves, expand and train before the Clans come calling and kick the crap out of everyone until Inner Sphere technology and stealing clan technology allows everyone to catch up.

Technology wise, at least in the beginning most mechs will be standard technology, which presents a different set of options and challenges before double heat-sinks changes the heat load for most mechs and all sorts of new technology comes onto the scene. The exception is the occasional SLDF Royal-class mech that someone may be lucky enough to generate with or that can occasionally be found in a special mission. Highly advanced, most of these mechs left with the Clans and served as the technological basis for the highly advanced Clan technology.

Hold Up, What to the Who Now?
For a full description, you need a while to read through For a short version, read this post for a good summary of the factions of the Inner Sphere.

For a short summary of history up to now:

Humanity discovered a faster then light (FTL) technology in 2107 and used it to jump to Tau Ceti, discovering an Earth-like world that was suitable for colonization. This sparked a general rush out into the universe, and humanity expanded across the galaxy. Unlike other settings, no other sapient life was discovered, so mankind’s only enemy among the stars is himself.

It’s not like we need the help killing ourselves off anyway.

 As humanity spread and flourished, interstellar empires rose up. The core worlds, those closest to Earth, formed the Terran Hegemony, who are most important to this history for pioneering a walking tank, powered by a fusion reactor and equipped with an array of energy, missile and solid-shot weapon systems. This was the start of the era of the BattleMech and the Mackie, deployed in 2443 was the first of them. Of course, good things never last, and the design for the Mackie was stolen ten years later and spread to the other nations, who all started coming up with their own designs.

About 130 years later, in 2570, the Star League was formed, uniting the Inner Sphere together under the Terran Hegemony, House Davion (Federated Suns), House Steiner (Lyran Commonwealth), House Kurita (Draconis Combine), House Liao (Capellan Confederation) and House Marik (Free Worlds League).

Humanity entered a golden age of peace, prosperity and advancement that lasted 200 years. However, in the waning years of the Star League the ruling family was murdered by a trusted advisor, Stefan Amaris, a sociopathic monster who declared himself dictator and tried to take control of the Star League.

A brutal civil war broke out, and in the end, Aleksandr Kerensky, Commanding General of the Star League Defense Force ended the rebellion by executing Amaris and his entire family. After that, the heads of the five houses met to decide who would be the new First Lord of the Star League, as the entire ruling family had been murdered. Each, naturally, elected him (or her)self most fit, and after a year of squabbling, they disbanded the council and decided that kicking the crap out of each other was the best way to solve the dispute.

Kerensky, disgusted with the whole situation, took 80% of the SLDF with him and headed out of the Inner Sphere in the direction of galactic north. 270 years later, the Clans will come from the galactic north, proclaiming themselves the true inheritors of the Inner Sphere, and seeking to bring about the rebirth of the Star League under their control.

Meanwhile, in the Inner Sphere, the so-called Sucession Wars will be fought.  The first wars led to widespread destruction due to orbital bombardment and the use of biological, chemical, nuclear and fusion weapons on the battlefield. Particular targets were orbital shipyards and manufacturing centers for BattleMechs and other military hardware.

From 2786 to 3025, the First through Third Succession Wars ended with very few planets changing hands, but widespread destruction driving technology back centuries. The universe in general became pretty grimdark as civilization teetered on the brink of collapse and many technologies in widespread use being irreplaceable and no longer understood.

In 3022, things began to shift however. Houses Davion and Steiner formed an alliance bound by marriage between their leaders, and the other three houses (Liao, Marik and Kurita), likewise formed their own compact.

The Fourth Succession War occurred from 3028-3030, and for the first time resulted in a major shift in borders. House Liao had the crap kicked out of it and was reduced to a rump state, and Kurita also took major losses. The Free Worlds League (Marik) took losses as well, but generally came out better than the other losing Houses.

In 3034, the next major shift in the Inner Sphere occurred, when the Free Rasalhague Republic formed in the galactic north, serving as a buffer between House Steiner and House Kurita. This reversed the Steiner gains during the Fourth Succession War, as most of the worlds they captured were turned over to the FRR.

The final war to occur was the War of 3039, which ended in a stalemate. House Davion stood to make major gains against the war-weary and reorganizing House Kurita, but called off the war when the brilliant tactics of the Kurita General of the Army (and heir apparent) Theodore Kurita created a bluff that the Draconis Combine was in a far better position that it really was.

For all that the next decade would come to be called the decade of peace, peace is a relative term. The great houses skirmish endlessly along their borders, and intrigue within one of the great star nations can pit one noble against another on the battlefield. Pirates are also an ever-present threat, as the star systems on the map are only the settled ones, and many other stars can serve as a temporary lair for pirates to strike from. There is plenty of work for mercenaries, and that is where we come in.

What’s the plan, then?
This is going to be a hybrid Let’s Play, combining screenshots and after-action reports with sections of creative writing. The game will focus on a mercenary unit and its campaigns as it pursues the almighty C-bill.

Generally speaking, more content should be posted once or twice a week, and will cover a couple weeks of in-game time.

Forum goers will be able to submit their name, callsign and history to be included in the unit as more mechwarriors sign up and new mechs are acquired. You will also be asked to vote between available contracts and other important decisions as they come up.

Death is a very present possibility - no matter who you are, a missile to the cockpit can end your career in a single unlucky round.

The first step in the Against the Bot campaign system is to create the initial company. It consists of 12 MechWarriors (with or without mechs) and 12 support personnel – in this case, 10 MechTechs (to fix the mechs), a Doctor (to fix the people) and an Administrator (to fix the paperwork.)

If you’d like to submit a character, reply to the thread with the information below:


Nation of Origin:


If you want a random nation of origin, roll 1d20:

Something to think about in the bio: How did you come to possess a mech? Why are you a mercenary? And why are you joining a brand new outfit instead of an established unit?

Player Characters
Captain Han "Rebel" Zoku - Hanzoku
Lieutenant SG Jack "Euchrejack" Eustance - EuchreJack
Lieutenant SG James "Knave" Brenner - Knave
Lieutenant JG Zhou "Anvil" Smythe - Anvilfolk
Sergeant Konrad "Little Dog" Lai - RedKing
Corporal Roger "Raptor" Williams - GentlemanRaptor
Private Kevin "Neonivek" Collider - Neonivek
Private Alexander "Thermo" Roberts - Taricus
Recruit Xidonius "Lil Brother" Oniislyvia - Xardalas
Recruit Martin "Lucky Bastard" Johnson - Rince Wind

Current Unit Formation
« Last Edit: November 09, 2015, 03:44:04 am by Hanzoku »


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Re: Let's Play MegaMek (Against the Bot campaign)
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2015, 09:32:14 am »

Sweet! PTW!

Are you thinking of having people pilot their own mechs by connecting through MegaMek? I mean, whenever possible at all.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's Play MegaMek (Against the Bot campaign)
« Reply #2 on: October 28, 2015, 01:05:19 pm »

While that would be awesome to arrange, I wasn't planning on it, no. I live in Europe and play when there's spare time to do so, so arranging a specific time that players in the U.S. could also join would be pretty difficult for me.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's Play MegaMek (Against the Bot campaign)
« Reply #3 on: October 28, 2015, 01:40:55 pm »

Yeah! Nobody lets you know how difficult it is to run a transoceanic mercenary band, do they? It's all fun and games (and lasers and death) in the books, but this is how it is in real life!

Anyway, I'll be looking closely at this :) Been doing my own MekHQ campaign. Fun fun fun. Although hard hard hard, at times.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's Play MegaMek (Against the Bot campaign)
« Reply #4 on: October 28, 2015, 02:10:12 pm »

Awesome, I've no time for Bio writing, but dwarf me!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's Play MegaMek (Against the Bot campaign)
« Reply #5 on: October 28, 2015, 09:11:43 pm »

I've been staring at MekHQ the past few days  :) , so this is just what I need:

Name: James Brenner
Callsign: Knave
Age: 28
Birthdate: june 1
Gender: Male

Nation of Origin: Lyran

Bio: Born the youngest of 5 sons to a relatively important Lyran planetary noble, James was never going to be in-line to gain a title of note, but that didn't stop his father from pushing him into a career in the military; using his influence he managed to secure a spot for the young James at the prestigious Nagelring Academy. Not one to follow protocol, he was often singled out by the other noble-born cadets for associated with those of common birth. His refusal to play the social ladder game probably hurt his final standing, though his instructors noted he was a competent pilot with a calm demeanour and a good head for tactical thinking - it's a well-known fact that social standing is much more important than skill to get ahead in the LCAF.

After graduating he was assigned to the 4th Lyran Regulars where he served as a lance commander until the most recent conflict in 3039. After the defeat, he returned home to news that his father had passed. Using his inheritance, he mustered out and purchased a mech of of his own. Travelling to the nearest merc hub to try his hand working with a group where skill was everything, and social status meant nothing. In conversation he is always careful never to bring up his noble upbringing, and will never use it as a way to get ahead in a situation.

Roll 2d6 (A dice roller can do so): 7
Roll 1d1000 (you can use to do so): 697
« Last Edit: October 29, 2015, 11:46:21 pm by Knave »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's Play MegaMek (Against the Bot campaign)
« Reply #6 on: October 29, 2015, 07:31:57 am »

Current as of February 5, 3041



Command Lance
Captain Han "Rebel" Zoku (4/4) - BLR-1G BattleMaster (Hanzoku)
Corporal Kevin "Neonivek" Collider (5/5) - SCP-1N Scorpion (Neonivek)
Corporal Martin "Lucky Bastard" Johnson (5/5) - SHD-2K Shadow Hawk (Rince Wind)
Corporal Bohuslav Demitra (5/5) – TDR-5S Thunderbolt

Battle Lance
Lieutenant SG James "Knave" Brenner (4/4) - CRB-20 Crab (Knave)
Corporal Alexander "Thermo" Roberts (5/5) - GRF-1N Griffin (Taricus)
Corporal Electra Maximos (4/5) – CN9-A Centurion
Corporal Roger "Raptor" Williams (5/5) - QKD-4G Quickdraw (GentlemanRaptor)

Jack’s Recon Lance
Lieutenant SG Jack "Euchrejack" Eustance (3/4) - WLF-1 Wolfhound (EuchreJack)
Sergeant Konrad "Little Dog" Lai (4/4) - JR7-F Jenner (RedKing)
Corporal Arnaud Faye (5/5) - HNT-152 Hornet
Corporal Marie-Francoise van Zelst (5/4) - STG-3G Stinger
Sergeant Steven Ho (Gunner) & Sergeant Zanta Paki (Pilot) (4/4) - H7 Warrior Attack Helicopter

Zhou’s Recon Lance
Lieutenant JG Zhou "Anvil" Smythe (5/5) - TLN-5V Talon (Anvilfolk)
Master Sergeant Ernesto Araújo (2/4) - LCT-3V Locust
Master Sergeant Cristian Chwalkiewicz (3/3) - STG-3R Stinger
Corporal Xidonius "Lil Brother" Oniislyvia (5/5) - PHX-1 Phoenix Hawk (Xardalas)

Available Mechs
WHM-6K Warhammer
PHX-1 Phoenix Hawk

Available Vehicles
LRM Carrier (Standard)
Hetzer Wheeled Assault Gun (Standard)
Hover APC (LRM)
Pegasus Scout Hovertank (Standard)

Honor Roll
7/29/3040 - Corporal Fatima-Luisa Dedoro - 1 Missions - 2 Kills


Han Zoku – 6 Shares – 341,351.49
James Brenner – 5 Shares – 289,347.57
Jack Eustance – 5 Shares – 289,347.57
Zhou Smythe – 3 Shares – 174,545.74
Ernesto Araujo – 4 Shares – 201,149.20
Konrad Lai – 3 Shares – 180,005.74
Xidonius Oniislyvia – 2 Shares – 119,003.83
Alexander Roberts – 2 Shares – 119,003.83
Electra Maximos – 2 Shares – 96,174.60
Martin Johnson – 2 Shares – 119,003.84
Kevin Collider – 2 Shares – 119,723.83
Marie-Francoise van Zelst – 1 Shares – 62,501.91
Roger Williams – 2 Shares – 118,373.83
Arnaud Faye – 2 Shares – 119,003.83
Bohuslav Demitra – 3 Shares – 110,018.06
Cristian Chwalkiewicz - 4 Shares - 79,773.84

« Last Edit: December 21, 2015, 05:28:02 am by Hanzoku »


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Re: Let's Play MegaMek (Against the Bot campaign)
« Reply #7 on: October 29, 2015, 08:23:50 am »

Screw it, why not!

Name: Zhou Smythe
Callsign: Anvil
Age: 29
Birthdate: 13th December
Gender: male

Nation of Origin: Liao

Bio: family's half CC, half FS (hence the name). I had a pretty regular career path in the CCAF, as far as mechwarriors go. Your regular, non-descript mechwarrior grunt, that'd be me! My particular unit in the CCAF got caught up in a lot of the Liao family's incompetent plans. Over time, most of the people I'd known in my unit died or were captured in combat, and I slowly came to realise how the Liao family was manipulating the press to sugar-coat all of their terrible decisions and failed actions. It dawned on me that the people who were commanding us weren't the benevolent rulers they claimed to be, and were instead petty and conniving, with very little thought for their armed forces or citizens. So, after a particularly bloody border skirmish where I was the only left out of my lance, I just punched out and waved the proverbial white flag. I used that opportunity to defect. Maybe I wandered around, or maybe I just joined this unit (that I was fighting against?).

Roll 2d6 (A dice roller can do so): 7
Roll 1d1000 (you can use to do so): 717
« Last Edit: October 29, 2015, 08:25:33 am by Anvilfolk »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's Play MegaMek (Against the Bot campaign)
« Reply #8 on: October 29, 2015, 08:55:36 am »

Welcome aboard, your roll comes out to a Shadow Hawk. I like the mech, but I tend to think it lacks the punch of some of the other models, with its weapons split too far across long, medium and short ranges. It can always hit you with something, but it's not a good knockout mech.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's Play MegaMek (Against the Bot campaign)
« Reply #9 on: October 29, 2015, 09:22:43 am »

I shall continue my glorious career of peppering enemies however far they are, taking down none of them, but secure in my knowledge that if the battle went on until infinity, I might have won!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's Play MegaMek (Against the Bot campaign)
« Reply #10 on: October 29, 2015, 09:31:39 am »

Eh, I've had a good run of success in an earlier campaign kicking vehicles to death with a Shadow Hawk.  ;D

Also, your starting mech isn't the final one - if anyone has a favorite mech or mech type they'd like to pilot, say so and I'll do my best to arrange it once enough funds to cover mech purchases are in place.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's Play MegaMek (Against the Bot campaign)
« Reply #11 on: October 29, 2015, 02:25:49 pm »

Name: Jack Eustace
Callsign: EuchreJack
Age: 35
Birthdate: August 24th
Gender: M

Nation of Origin: Free Rasalhague Republic

Bio: Was an officer in the Free Rasalhague Republic, but that nation's policies of strict neutrality gave limited combat time to a young, ambitious man.  Plus the military tech of the Free Rasalhague Republic was "meh".  On the plus side, Jack has extensive knowledge of the relatively low tech mechs that starting mercenary companies typically use, and has mostly fought pirates and criminals fielding similar low tech mechs.  But he learns fast, better believe that.

I'd like the Wolfhound.  It packs quite the wallop for something designated a "light mech".

The biggest advantage of the Shadow Hawk is it's survivablity:  It just won't die, even though most player rightfully expose it to as much danger as possible (it is usually the least-valuable mech in any lance, so I always used it as an "initiative sink" aka the first unit I moved because it would have the least outcome on the battle, plus its weapon mix meant it could shoot something at any range)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's Play MegaMek (Against the Bot campaign)
« Reply #12 on: October 29, 2015, 02:43:01 pm »

Name: Xidonius Oniislyvia
Callsign: Lil Brother
Birthdate: Octobor29

Nation of Origin: Unknown

Bio: Abducted by a pirate raid from his planet of origin. Within the group he was used mostly as labor for them and 'amusement' for the pirates. On the day the pirate forces that had been holding him prisoner were wiped out, he managed to locate a intact mech that had survived the attack hidden in a partial wrecked building. Desperate for the almighty c-bill, he took it and signed up the first merc company he saw. No combat experience at all! And very minimal piloting experience.

2d6: 9
1d1000: 511
« Last Edit: October 29, 2015, 05:23:28 pm by Xardalas »


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Re: Let's Play MegaMek (Against the Bot campaign)
« Reply #13 on: October 29, 2015, 03:39:23 pm »

Hah, funny enough you rolled the Wolfhound when I generated a character for you. How a former member of the FRR army ended up with a new FedCom mech is going to be an interesting story for over drinks.

Xardalas - Good start, and I'm sure we can find a good home for your character in the company. Don't forget to do the 2d6 and 1-1000 rolls - they help determine what sort of mech you 'liberated' from the pirates.
« Last Edit: October 29, 2015, 04:05:50 pm by Hanzoku »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's Play MegaMek (Against the Bot campaign)
« Reply #14 on: October 29, 2015, 05:23:40 pm »

Hah, funny enough you rolled the Wolfhound when I generated a character for you. How a former member of the FRR army ended up with a new FedCom mech is going to be an interesting story for over drinks.

Xardalas - Good start, and I'm sure we can find a good home for your character in the company. Don't forget to do the 2d6 and 1-1000 rolls - they help determine what sort of mech you 'liberated' from the pirates.

Edited it in.
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