...Officially-speaking, though, the Void is a realm where we try something new. The border regions and disconnected regions belong to the Void and can be taken if no Void characters are around. If they show up, you run - or become infected and you and your estates join the Void. The Core territories, the Forsaken Zone, is a NO-GO zone - you don't even dare try to go there or you're INSTA-infected. The void pretty much harrasses border settlements as if we were zombie pirates, looting and killing militia, sometimes taking towns if its been long enough and they're actually independent, and just exists to give players a structured enemy to make things interesting. There is a certain status-quo we've established so that the Void doesn't expand aggressively and accidentally involve people who don't want to participate in the RP, and to prevent others from abusing the rules and simply conquering the Void's territory in one swoop. The Void is actually ridiculously weak - its just the RP, really, that makes them seem strong. I should know, I'm one of its interim rulers. The whole idea is just to make the game more fun
See just how many people we can get involved in this crazy RP, whether for or against us.
Right now we've hoping to get all you guys into the Void so we can start organizing campaigns against the mortal realms
I may be leading y'all as your Daemonic general quite soon. So cmon up and join the Void. Bust out your apocalyptic name generators, dredge up your lists of famous demon names, invoke the horsemen of the apocalypse and join the undead fun!