btw major update for the troop mobilization script. If you're put off the game by needing to click 100's of little boxes to move armies around, I wrote this script for you.,5895.0.htmlIt's a greasemonkey/tampermonkey thing so you should get one of those plug-in systems working on your browser. I might write more detailed instructions about that later.
This basically gets rid of the form controls on the bottom and replaces them with a floating control bar near the top. This has many more features than the bottom controls, and also has more smarts to avoid sending blank forms, and to trim all unnecessary cruft from the form. This effectively doubles the number of troops you can order per page load, and means you should
never come across the dreaded PHP_vars error message, even if you mobilize more than 100 troops at once. The limit is now 199.
Basic usage to mobilize up to 199 troops in a town with this is to click "Apply" then click "Issue Orders". For "set as militia" you have to manually choose that from the actions drop-down menu. That was to avoid making it too easy to accidentally set your army as militia in a town you don't control.
Other than that basiv usage is to select a command, select number of orders to send, allowed groups, allow XP range, whether to apply the order to not-hungry/hungry/starving, not-wounded/wounded, which weapons to allow, which armor to allow and which equipment to allow, then batch apply a command to the whole lot. You can then switch to a different command, change the filter etc. It looks best with Firefox however, but still works fine in Chrome.