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Author Topic: ☼Hexhaunt - Warlock tutorial/Story fort [MDF 34.11]☼  (Read 4204 times)


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☼Hexhaunt - Warlock tutorial/Story fort [MDF 34.11]☼
« on: October 20, 2015, 05:58:22 pm »

A Warlock Story-Tutorial Game


The name of this place is a bane and a lure, drawing both the aware and unsuspecting adventurers, mercenaries, and even vengeful armies, to their doom.

It is a cursed, evil place, at least in the minds of the people who live near it.

Day and night one can see them: Lost souls and zombies wandering amid the ancient graves, insane cannibals patrolling the grounds and prowling for remains to consume. Skeletons move with purpose along the walls armed with swords and bows, sometimes called “The Thin Men” by the dwarves, and “Bonewalkers” by men.

Hundreds died there in days long past, assailing the walls and clashing with the undead amid ancient headstones and mass graves, as the most feared sight was seen: Men and women clad in dark robes over hellish red armor, fighting among the ghoulish cannibals and bonemen armed with fiendish swords and lances that fired boulders of otherworldly stone or sapped the quickness of a man's sword-arm.

These foul sorcerers were believed to be the source of this unpleasantness. Called The Eternal Seers, these evil men and women of both foreign and domestic stock claimed an area of ground oft used to bury those who died in the countless skirmishes and battles between an alliance of dwarves and men and their frogman foes.

But stories of ancient crypts and dungeons haunted by the restless dead always have a source, a beginning, and Hexhaunt is no different, but only those who managed to penetrate its defenses know its history after the coming of the Seers.

And none who have accomplished this feat, have returned.

Until now.


Hello! Welcome to Hexhaunt!

This is a 34.11 story/tutorial fortress featuring Meph's warlocks, who were perhaps his most ambitious project that underwent numerous revisions to get to a satisfying and playable state, as it had numerous problems, including a botched “control” mechanic for skeletons (that the game seemed hellbent on sabotaging,) to a lack of warlocks making late-game “banners” highly unattractive at best.

I'm making this for two reasons: Many people still play 34.11 for one reason or another and will likely continue to do so until the next release when invasions will be properly fixed, and Warlocks never got a proper fort.

Currently they're probably as good as they'll get, as everything appears to more-or-less work as intended: Portals, raiding, everything. Could it benefit with some enhancements? Sure. But it's also a largely finished product, and suitably epic in scale of labor put in.


Caravans are enabled. This was an oversight on my part, but having a civ called “The Bloody Sword” was too good to pass up. I will not trade unless you guys want me to (note, this will result in migrants, but also encourage sieges.)

I will be focusing more on story than tutorial, but I'll do my best to explain things IC and OOC.

I will be trying to keep up with this better than Trampledlantern.

That being said, I work a physically demanding job in a furniture warehouse, and I may not always be possible to keep a good pace.

The calendar speed has been reduced to .25 if memory serves. It will be restored to normal once we have at least the bottom floor of our tower and some barrows with a few skeletal guards on standby ready to go.


That all said, let's get the show on the road! Feel free to lay claim to a warlock, ghoul, or skeleton as well, perhaps partake in some roleplaying or what have you. Anything's possible with these buggers, as they likely come from all walks of life, but do note they are likely human in origin.

Also might try to make some profile pictures for'em.


They had stumbled upon eachother by chance on the road. Seven of them, in all. They had come to they somewhat marshy ground around the great lake called “The Blueness of Humility,” to make use of the ample dead there, victims of wars that had raged for decades.

To their north were numerous tribes of barbarian frogmen, while to the south and within sight of a city belonging to the Empire, were both the lands of uncorrupted men, and far away, barely visible on the horizon, the mountains dominated by the dwarves, though gnomes also called the range home. There were also signs of the ad hoc nests of beak wolves, signs of blendec war camps, and even the strange cuneiform-like symbols used by raptor men to mark paths for their war parties through the Intricate Jungles, amid signs of other peoples nearby.

It was happenstance that lead them to eachother, the group meeting at the site of a raided caravan.

They pillaged what little remained from the caravan – it wasn't much, being mainly overlooked food and coal. Bach tethered his slaves to the wagon and made them go – the drow needed no prodding, her spirits totally broken or perhaps Stockholm’s Syndrome had taken hold of her long ago. The goblin, meanwhile, had to have a red-hot spoon jammed in his chest several times before he agreed to haul the wagon-load of supplies.

It was a week's travel before they arrived at the old cemeteries. Bach had his two minions untethered, and the group had an informal vote which elected Bell as leader for the time being, as they set about their work.


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Re: ☼Hexhaunt - Warlock tutorial/Story fort [MDF 34.11]☼
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2015, 05:58:49 pm »

Our availables, some pre-named.
"First-Years" are the initial migrants.
"Apprentices" are All warlock migrants from year 2 onwards.
"Field Warlocks/Witches" are those who take to the battlefield directly.

Bell Dawndistance - Overlord; Field Witch. [NPC]
Bach - Terror's Conductor; Field Warlock.
Kate - Slayer of Lab; Field Witch.
Mia Starsong - Baroness of Tagdaran.
Ralof - Fleshmonger (CMD Equivalent.)
Aki Falmansire - The Black Widow; Mistress ("Law" Enforcement.)
Mirkweb - Witch
Falkner - Dig Crew Foreman
Aurelia of Reichland - Witch
Rio - Witch; Wife of Hathur
Hathur - Warlock; Husband of Rio
Marik - Keeper of Secrets (Admin.)
The Archeologist - Duh.
Cross - Former Nobleman.

9 First-Year Warlocks
14 Apprentices

Ghouls put down by do-gooders: None, for now.

Stozu - Ghoulified goblin captive, leads a force of ghouls and zombies. Uses an ironbone scourge and wears fur armor in battle.
Beakie - Ghoul found roaming the graveyards, doesn't remember his name. Killed a beak wolf, hence the name.  Wields a bone scourge and wears leather armor in battle.
Bahel - Human ghoul expierimented on in the past. Has two heads and four arms.  Wields a bone scourge and wears leather armor in battle.
Pumik - Seems to be the companion of Bahel. Normal ghoul. Wields a bone scourge and wears leather armor in battle.

Other Ghouls: 3

Donovan - Head weaponsmith; Manservant of Cross.
Walker - First built skeleton; beak wolf head.
Shambles - Cryptlord.

0 "other" Fighting Skeletons
0 "other" Work Skeletons

Zombies destroyed by do-gooders: None, yet.

Imp - Zombie; Imp-Fister.
4 Ghoul meatshield zombies
3 Work zombies


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Re: ☼Hexhaunt - Warlock tutorial/Story fort [MDF 34.11]☼
« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2015, 05:59:14 pm »



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Re: ☼Hexhaunt - Warlock tutorial/Story fort [MDF 34.11]☼
« Reply #3 on: October 20, 2015, 05:59:47 pm »



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Re: ☼Hexhaunt - Warlock tutorial/Story fort [MDF 34.11]☼
« Reply #4 on: October 20, 2015, 06:01:05 pm »

[Post at your leisure. Let's get going.]

The group sat around a campfire, early in the morning. None had any idea of what to do, since they lacked tools and minions to get anything substantial done.

“Do any of you guys know how to build a loom?” Bell said rather suddenly.

Bach looked at her in confusion. “What sort of stupid question is that? Do we look like weavers to you?”

“Shut up Bach. I'm asking because look, in the shrubbery.” Bell pointed to thick webs adorning the area in patches. “We have something we can do!”

Mia raised her hand, albeit reluctantly. “I may have some skill at the task, actually. I'll need some wood to build a simple loom, but if  it's viable, I can collect it.”

“Excellent!” Bell said, clapping her hands. “Falkner! Aurelia!” She practically shouted the names as she whipped around.

Aurelia flatly asked her what she wanted, and Falkner nearly fell out of his seat in the wagon, blurting out that he was entirely awake and “hadn't fallen asleep or anything!”

Bell simply marked out a spot, pointed to the mining picks sitting in the wagon, and said “Dig.”

After a brief discussion of why they needed to dig, they set to work, bringing a small stock of food and wine with them. Four days later, Falkner came back up, stating they had hit basalt, galena ore, and to Bell's delight, Obsidian!

He was somewhat impressed by the set up of some minor metalworking stations. However, one forge looked... Wrong. Corrupted even.

Bell said she knew how to make metals from nothing but ash, bones, and blood. Bach then pointed out they had no bones.

Bell decided to rectify this situation and told Bach to set up a butcher's shop and tannery with the bags of tools on the wagon while she grabbed the only real weapon between them: An old and slightly green  staff of some kind, apparently made from bronze.

Before long, she returned, dragging slain wolves behind her and blood dripping from her staff. At her direction, Aki created a metal known to many people as “Ironbone,” and made coke from the anthracite they had taken from the wrecked caravan. Bell then revealed they could possibly make something even more potent with the blood barrels on the wagon and more fuel.

Bach managed to process the wolf remains, yielding decent-quality furs; using basalt to make simple “hourglasses,” Aurelia built an odd contraption at the same time. The device, which she called a Soul Siphon, was based upon the design of a fell Lich in her homeland whom she had “learned much from.”

The stone blocks had runes carved in them, and a small altar underneath an oversized hourglass suspended over it. Ith some queit incantations, the runes glowed purple and blue and the wolf souls were brought to it, the device siphoning the souls into the additional hourglasses.

The found themselves in possession of five blue-glowing hourglasses that emitted faint howls, as well as multiple pelts and ten ingots of the odd off-white metal. Bell was also quite proud of the fact she'd had a chance to kill something.

“Alright!” Well, since we struck Obsidian, thank you by the way Falkner, Aurelia.” Bell nodded to the two. “We have two choices. Aurelia has knowledge of a device called the Ethereal Gate. Says her old master taught her how to pull stuff from other dimensions!”

“Well, it's more like yanking things out of a... Pocket dimension, really. Frankly, I don't know who makes the items or why.” Aurelia said, holding up a hand. “For all I know, we're stealing from some eldritch god.”

The group laughed her off though, and even the goblin slave got a laugh from it, saying he had seen a dark god. “They ain't so tough if you got a good sword,” was what he had to say of it.

“Or uh... Fancy glowin' sticks, as the case might be.” He added.

“Anyway, we could also do things the old fashioned way, and use that pretty obsidian for the task of building a fortress.”


A week had passed since digging into the cold obsidian had commenced. Bell had decided they would get a proper holding area built first. “We need somewhere to put Stozu afterall.” Sshe said, as she gave Falkner and Aurelia a map with the design she had in mind.

Before long, a chamber was dug out and Bell had set to work setting up the cell. But, she noticed something in the wall. She called Aurelia over and asked her about it.

“It's the damnedest thing actually. We have no idea!” She said, gesturing to the large nondescript... Something, that they had pried out of the wall. “It's the second one we've found.”

“Huh,” Bell mused for a moment. “Think there might be an old dwarf settlement here?”

“Well, there's all these strange relics-” Aurelia was cut off when Faulker called from a room that he found “another one!” “All these strange relics,” She continued, after an irritated sigh. “All contained in obsidian. My guess? Probably.”

Bell tapped the strange object and crossed her arms. “Probably the aftermath of some magma pumping incident.”

“Agreed. So. What do we do about Stozu?”

“What about him?” Bell was taken aback by that. Stozu hadn't tried to run at all!

“Well, he's bound to make a run for it eventually.” Aurelia said, gesturing to the under-construction cell. “And even a proper cell won't hold him long.”

“Oh! Well, if that's a concern then I know what to do with him.” Bell said with a fiendish grin. “But we'll need a traction bench and some torture implements.”

Aurelia looked suddenly quite uncomfortable. “Well, Bach made some... But er, I think they may have been meant for Birza.”

“Okay... Well, I have an idea then.”


The grin widened “We'll just turn him into a ghoul!”

Alright! So, we have an intro, and a first update!

A note for when they get updated or if you wanna just fiddle with them on 34.11 for a time Meph, a single standard squad lead by any warlock would go a long way for the early game.

At present we've gotten some basic stuff going, but it'll get relocated in short order. We have 10 ironbone (soon-to-be bloodsteel) bars, a few souls, and a place to keep our two prisoners, Birza and Stuzo, alive. Stuzo is slated to be corrupted into a ghoul once I build a corruption chamber.

We also have a few souls which gives a small number of options: Empower Bell so she's a better fighter, make some dreadmetal, build an ethereal gate, or build two skeletons and a necromantic shrine to build them in.

Next project I do intend to do is instating Bell as Overlord, as such her accommodations are under construction.

Calender is running at .25 normal time, and I may eventually revert to a journal format when I actually pick a warlock of my own.

So what'll It be ladies and gents? Wanna see skeletons made, should we build a gate and focus on building a keep? Build graveyards to harvest souls from? Focus on basic necessities? What'll it be after the overlord is taken care of?


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Re: ☼Hexhaunt - Warlock tutorial/Story fort [MDF 34.11]☼
« Reply #5 on: October 20, 2015, 06:02:59 pm »

Quote from: MonkeyMarkMario, 2023
“Don’t quote me.”
nothing here.


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Re: ☼Hexhaunt - Warlock tutorial/Story fort [MDF 34.11]☼
« Reply #6 on: October 20, 2015, 06:08:21 pm »

Hey Splint?

How many fortresses does this make now? :P


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Re: ☼Hexhaunt - Warlock tutorial/Story fort [MDF 34.11]☼
« Reply #7 on: October 20, 2015, 06:16:51 pm »

Hey Splint?

How many fortresses does this make now? :P

Pffffff.... Probably like... 12 or something.

This was more a matter of wanting to do something different and the poor lil 'locks gettin'  no love :P

Trampledlantern and Riverrun will get their turns. Soon.

Very soon.

EDIT: They also didn't have anything resembling a proper tutorial, so I thought "let's kill two birds with one stone!" after consulting the masterwork subforum.


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Re: ☼Hexhaunt - Warlock tutorial/Story fort [MDF 34.11]☼
« Reply #8 on: October 21, 2015, 12:50:40 pm »

Normally I wouldn't go with trade as warlocks, but since this is going to be a tutorial, having useless wizard peasants that don't do work a larger than normal amount of warlocks will help. After all, you can show off the end game reactions like banners without gimping yourself in the long run.


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Re: ☼Hexhaunt - Warlock tutorial/Story fort [MDF 34.11]☼
« Reply #9 on: October 21, 2015, 12:58:17 pm »

Normally I wouldn't go with trade as warlocks, but since this is going to be a tutorial, having useless wizard peasants that don't do work a larger than normal amount of warlocks will help. After all, you can show off the end game reactions like banners without gimping yourself in the long run.

That's what I was thinking myself, though I won't trade until probably next winter.

An update is ready sand some screenies, will get it up once I'm home from work.


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Re: ☼Hexhaunt - Warlock tutorial/Story fort [MDF 34.11]☼
« Reply #10 on: October 21, 2015, 05:48:28 pm »

Summer arrived without many noticing, but by then the days seemed to crawl by. A proper holding area had been built, and it was inaugurated with Stozu's demise, though rebirth might be more appropriate. Not a week later, a traveling group of dark wizards – mercenaries – passed through the area and at the prospect of finally having a real home, decided to stay.

The troupe consisted of the ghouls Bahel and Pumik, who joined Stozu as hunters.

Cross, a dispossessed nobleman of the empire, and his skeletal manservant Donovan.
Marik, the scribe of the group.
Three witches and a warlock whose names Bell struggled to recall, and a small cluster of prisoners.

These were a captured gnome caravaneer, a drow (indicating the wizard had likely come from Bach's homeland, and two goblins. They also had a strange little creature called a “Mephit” by Cross.

The prisoners were dragged one at a time into the interrogation room, and the foul wizards found several items hidden in some fashion on their person: A sledgehammer, a cut gem, a bow, and best of all... Information.

A church, a caravan route, and village all had routes, defense, and so on detailed in goblin script; evidntly Nobgost, one of the goblin prisoners, had been a courier for a raiding party.

“This is very good indeed... I think we'll need to make use of this later down the line!” Bell said with a sing-songy voice. The goblin just cursed at her before being backhanded into a crude file cabinet.

“Now now, darling. No need to use that language.”


It hadn't taken long for a decision to be made. A gate, then a shrine to build skeletal minions would be built. But over the course of summer, Bell (being the only one armed,) demanded extravagant housing for herself.

They complied, if only grudgingly. She had coaxed three more souls out of a part of the graveyards, and a small offering of meat had somehow netted them a ghoul. She had credentials, in effect, while the rest of them had none in contrast.


Bell wasn't pleased at the information that bloodsteel had gone missing, leaving them with only one (it had taken far more than she thought to make just two.) The fact kobolds were in the area didn't surprise her though.

A battlefield and graveyard littered with easily-pinched equipment was bound to attract them. She simply demanded more souls be found, to make up for the escape of three kobolds.

In the hopes of getting even more souls, Bell ordered Stozu's bunch of stinking cannibal lunatics to hunt whatever wildlife was available. This in turn, was shown to be a flock of kiwi and a small pack of bobcats. Not much, but at least some meat might be had from the creatures.

As the hunt concluded, a small bunch of wizards appeared, having come to the area for the same purposes. The whole bunch were put to work smoothing the walls of Bell's manor, while the kiwi yielded souls which were swiftly put to use in opening a gate and building a shrine – which was promptly used to raise four zombies to help with the menial work.

But it was slow work and it was well into the Fall season when Bell was satisfied. By that time Aki had become “Mistress” and Marik had taken the duty of “Keeper of Secrets.” Bell had felt the title a bit dramatic, but fitting enough.

In the meantime, Mia fashioned crude hide armor for Stozu's ghouls, and a bone scourge found in Nobgost's pants months ago was given to the Ghoul Master, and Bell informed all that she was to be called Overlord Bell from now on.

In response (or perhaps due to her lack of sleep,) Marik became strangely withdrawn from her fellow spellcasters, and seized a bundle of bones from a ghoul who was gnawing on them, and set to work.

The result was an unimpressive looking, if flawlessly designed, animal trap made of bone.


As winter passed, it was decided to make a dedicated place to make the necessary weaponry and armor the group would need to slay nosy adventurers, and the metal they did have be moved below, away from the prying greedy mitts of kobolds. To that end, several ironbone anvils were cast in their makeshift smelter and s space carved by the zombies over the course of a month.

They spent another digging spaces to store the silk Mia collected earlier that year, and the furs and hides from the wolves and kiwi.

Bell was pleased overall, as was Aki and Marik. Everyoen else was content, though constant verbal squabbling happened between the ghouls under Stozu and the necromancers. In fact, it was one such shouting match by the now sun-damaged and shabby-looking wagon that a zombie stumbled in, a bucket of water in hand an a look of concern on its face.

“What is it?” A warlock asked, confused that the shambler had shown any sort of emotion.

“Bite-dogs,” It managed to moan. “Hunting. Will bite masters dead if masters don't dead them first.”

“Oh man, his verbs are all kinds of fucked up...” Cross mumbled.

“Well, what do you expect of a half-rotten soulless monster?” His thinman aide said to him, his voice sounding hollow, or as if it had a slight echo to it. “Shall I get your blade sir?”

“Do it. And find someone to use that staff the dwarf had.” Cross said, gesturing for the bonewalker to go.

After a few minutes, Bell emerged with Bach, both with staffs in hand, with the other two ghouls and Cross's crudely fashioned obsidian wraith-blade.

“Master, as you requested.” Donovan handed his master the weapon, and stepped away.

Bell proded Cross as he headed for the pack, stopping him from running off before everyone was ready. “What's this about “bite-wolves” Cross?”

“That corpse says what I assume it meant to be beak wolves are here. Probably looking for corpses.” He said, sounding annoyed.

“In fairness sir, there are a few roaming around here fetching water and mining.” Donovan said, holding up a meatless hand before Bell could reply.

“We were here first. They'll have to fight us for this patch of dirt and dead bodies.” Bell said, the sigil on her staff sparking to life with purplish light.


The battle had been swift. It was a decently sized pack, perhaps 16 in all, facing a paltry 7 individuals.

They were lead by a particularly large beak wolf, which the many-limbed and two-headed Bahel singled out and charged! It had bit her on a lower arm, but the ghoul simply punched it in the head and hurled it away, and the beast found itself moving sluggishly thanks to a spell that sapped its agility cast by Cross from his wraith-blade.

Bahel fell upon it with a furious onslaught of punches and biting, violently shaking it around and showing the creature how it felt to be chewed on. The rest of the pack, seemingly horrified by the display and the mangling of their leader, turned their charge away from the warlocks and ghouls, though a few stood and tried to fight, getting blasted with impossibly fast pebbles from Bell and Bach's staffs as the reward for their bravery.

Bell had dealt the killing blow to two, and in the frenzy of biting and bludgeoning, nobody really knew who killed the other victim, though it was believed to be Stozu, since he had saved Cross's life, as the warlock had sustained injuries to both legs and his right hand. It wasn't anything permanent according to Ralof, their hastily appointed Fleshmonger, but it was still rather unpleasant for Cross.


Everyone sat in Bell's throne room. There was some discussion amongst even the zombies (who were lauding one among them who'd been given an actual name: Imp, after the forest imp it had dutifully punched to death for his masters. A new skeleton had been put together using a beak wolf's head, and there was grumbling about lack of housing for the spellcasters when the ghouls had small alcoves to themselves to sleep in.

However, Bell stepped up onto the raised throne's platform, and shouted for everyone to “Be silent, worms!”

She quickly dispensed several bucklers and scourges to honor the ghouls who fought for the crypt, and raised a question to them all: What do we do about weapons?

“None of us know how to make proper weaponry,” The blonde said as she crossed her arms. “We need weapons made from sturdier stuff than what we have. I'm open to suggestions.”

Aurelia clapped her hands and piped up with “I have a solution!”

Everybody seemed to have the same thought Bell did as they looked at her. “My, that was... Quicker than expected, actually.” The overlord said. “Let's hear it.”

“Well! I happen to have a few old manuals for various metalworking skills, and the design for a device called an Inscriptor from my master.” She smiled as she stepped forward in front of the gathered crowd. “Now, normally we only used it to carve runes into our armor or weaponry. But! Perhaps we can use it to impart skills in the thin men amongst us?”

Donovan and “Walker” as the group had taken to calling the new skeleton looked at eachother, and then back at Aurelia. Donovan spoke up, stating he didn't like the idea of someone taking a chisel to his bones, to which Walker nodded in agreement.

Cross put a hand on his manservant's shoulder. “My friend, the risk of damage outweighs the possible benefits.” He smiled at the undead servant. “Just think of it, perhaps in an instant you could be an equal to any journeyman or master smith!”

After a small amount of internal deliberating. Donovan finally nodded. “Fine then. If only because you need a better sword, sir. And it wouldn't do to give you some peasant's cheap rusty iron sword.”

Bell also made it known some sort of shady merchants had passed by, and the leader had said that “many apprentices would find this place appealing, or some nonsense.” Everyone laughed it off. There was no way there were more than who was here, right?

Alright, so we have an inscriptor, proper food storage, some low-level production, and all necessary nobles set up. The Mistress, Fleshmonger, and Keeper of Secrets all need baron-level requirements it seems, plus some extra furniture.

The Inscriptor works by using any 3 cut gems and a soul to boost a noncombat skill by 3 for skeletons. So this means we can easily boost a skeleton to legendary, but it does cost us souls and gems to do so. Thankfully cut stone works just as well, and we happen to have enough spare souls sitting around that we can quickly level Donovan so he can provide decent weapons for us. It seems to use the engraver skill to impart those boosts.

Unshown is the fact we now have the bottom part of a keep built, complete with working gate and bloodwinery. Once we have bloodwine production up and running we can seal up and only leave if we need wood, meat, or want to fight. Right now we're living on water drawn from the Blueness of Humility.

Speaking of which, I'm going to make a few fodder zombies armed with pitchforks and chuck them into Stuzo's squad. I figure they could use a little padding. We also fought off our first attack and for once it wasn't armored humans or dwarves! Cross did get the ever loving shit bit out of him, but he was strong enough to break the bite-holds on his arm and legs.

Sorry I didn't do any of my usual fancy writing for a battle, but it ended so quickly that it was barely worth what I could get out of it.

Any thoughts so far? Anyone? Been helpful at all?


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Re: ☼Hexhaunt - Warlock tutorial/Story fort [MDF 34.11]☼
« Reply #11 on: October 21, 2015, 06:12:42 pm »


It has been determined that Trump is an average unladen swallow travelling northbound at his maximum sustainable speed of -3 Obama-cubits per second in the middle of a class 3 hurricane.


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Re: ☼Hexhaunt - Warlock tutorial/Story fort [MDF 34.11]☼
« Reply #12 on: October 21, 2015, 07:17:45 pm »

Good ol' writing so far. Like the way you worked in "this is how the game works" while keeping it in context.
What are your plans so far for building, though? I see you throwing around the idea of a keep- are you going something similar to your normal dwarf builds, or are you aiming for a necro tower style?



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Re: ☼Hexhaunt - Warlock tutorial/Story fort [MDF 34.11]☼
« Reply #13 on: October 21, 2015, 07:37:56 pm »

Good ol' writing so far. Like the way you worked in "this is how the game works" while keeping it in context.
What are your plans so far for building, though? I see you throwing around the idea of a keep- are you going something similar to your normal dwarf builds, or are you aiming for a necro tower style?

Yeah, I'm doing my best to still tell an actual story of sorts while still showing off some of the functions.

As to building, my plan is something along the lines of a central "Tomb Complex," which serves as our dungeon proper, akin to a typical dwarven fort, but with more screaming, evil magic, and cannibalism (since the 'locks aren't picky as to where their edibles come from it seems.) The keep is going to be styled vaguely off of a step-pyramid or ziggurat, being 3 z's high, and surrounded by a 2 block wide wall with fortifications and some watch towers 4 z's high. Might even design a few to deliberately look partially crumbling and overcome by plantlife.

There's also a plan to have it surrounded by graveyard workshops and multiple smaller Barrows - stone imitations of burial mounds that act as the crypts and barracks of our various Cryptlords, where they'll train with their fellow skeletons and storm out when invaders show up trying to pinch our nicknacks.

Our ethereal gate can accommodate all of this construction, albeit at a slow pace once I use up our existing stock of existing black blocks.


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Re: ☼Hexhaunt - Warlock tutorial/Story fort [MDF 34.11]☼
« Reply #14 on: October 21, 2015, 08:55:24 pm »

Cross put a hand on his manservant's shoulder. “My friend, the risk of damage outweighs the possible benefits.” He smiled at the undead servant. “Just think of it, perhaps in an instant you could be an equal to any journeyman or master smith!
One of these is backwards?

It has been determined that Trump is an average unladen swallow travelling northbound at his maximum sustainable speed of -3 Obama-cubits per second in the middle of a class 3 hurricane.
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