BF Strain (Black Fever)This strain of Rotters were the ones who died during the 'Black Fever', which struck worldwide shortly before the dead and near dead began to rejuvenate and revive. While this strain lack great strength or speed, they do seem to be slightly more intelligent than the rest of their kind, and are often found following stronger strains, feeding on kills.
[BF1A]Fleshwounds 2/2
Attacks: Claws (2 damage), Bite (1 damage, ignores protection, Infectious)
Abilities: Pathetic (Performing any action/attack against these rotters is done with a +1 bonus. They take a -1 penalty to all actions)
World Lore: Many survivors refer to them as 'mooks', or 'dupes', since they follow stronger Rotters like minions. They are easily dispatched.
[BF7A]Fleshwounds 4/4
Attacks: Claws, Melee Weapon (Random), Bite (1 damage, ignores protection, Infectious)
Abilities: Break In (This Strain can remove safehouse barricades if given enough time)
World Lore: BF7A's are remarkable for their high intelligence and problem solving-almost equal to primates-and they often wield weapons, if they can remember what they are. Called 'Thugs' sometimes by survivors, they are a priority target when defending a fixed position-even one of them can pry the locks or chains off a door in time, or knock a hole in a fence to allow the others to follow.
HC Strain (Hazard Contaminant)This strain of Rotters were at first called 'Hazards', for lack of any better term. During the chaos of the short lived 'regeneration era', badly injured humans who would have otherwise died were twisted into these energetic, violent rotters-alive, but with nothing of their former personality or self control.While BF variants are slow and lethargic, Hazards are capable of bursts of speed and movement-while frailer than most of their kind, they are much more dangerous is allowed to close the distance...thankfully, they are somewhat dull and difficult to attract the attention of-often being so incredibly single minded they will not notice anything else going on around them.
HC1RFleshwounds 4/4
Attacks: Claws (2 damage), Bite (1 damage, ignores protection, Infectious)
Abilities: Speedy (This strain always takes two seperate attacks in melee, and rolls to 'Run for it' against them take a -1 penalty), Inattentive (Rolls to trick or sneak past this strain gain a +1 bonus)
World Lore: Unimaginatively called 'Runners' or 'Sprinters' by survivors-needless to say, killing them off first is a good idea...or not fighting them all.
Fleshwounds ??
Attacks: ?
Abilities: ?