Thanks for advice, but...
Board game is speeded up to the MAX. If 12 players can do a turn (w/o battles) within 30 seconds, I think I achived my goal. Even with battles on tactical maps (with big armies), turn will consume around 10 minutes at top. I should mention, that - instead of cards, I have made chart with 1044 calculations and friend of mine wrote program, which helps calulates single unit fight outcome. I asure you, I worked on this over 14 years, made 10 total versions of this game, took me 6 years to solve all internet issues, including player dropped, not being able to play, ect. Last 11 months I was doing around 250 various tests, with friends, to simulate internet enviroment and all possible behaviors that came to our minds.
As it goes to be a competitor to EUVI, TW series and CKII (this one I know less): for sure at graphic level I can not compete with TW, because game desing doesn't include 3d models of armies (man, particular): but vast possibilities and unique type of game play could (I hope!) make it up, along with some fine art graphics and great climax of the game, both in multi and single player (which is, again, unique to this genre afaik).
game would look like... this:
As you see, there is not much 3d, except world map. Lag issue was great solved in FOnline, where 250 palyers can play at one time and single server can handle it - based on my experience with net code (which is very small, but still is) my game would use same bandwitch, or a bit lesser.
Game session, when it comes to the BIG internet game would look like this (I have few versions ready to be made, but it all depends on playerbase and actually what they would preffer): Session is 24/7, lasts around 10-16 days (for 1 game). Dedicated game is running all time, but real turns, where players can do all actions will take place within 2 hours window (minimum turn rate= 6, maximum, 20 turns). All time beyond this window is negotiations, charts viewing, wargaming with tactical battles (tests, lessons, competetition ect - there is plenty things to do, actually...). Time of window and all details can vary, like I said, depends on what players want and how it will suit them.
Minimum playerbase for BIG game is around 30-40 to make it smooth, but it could run with just 8 players w/o problem (again, I developed this system more then 6 years strictly as internet game, made 4 systems for that, which - as for this day - are unique in any way, and I am aware of that - but its hard to explain all without giving them "away", if you know what I mean).
I believe it could compete with most games at gaming level, but I might be wrong - I am an... old date, and what I like may be different for younger players. Such discussion can reweal me being wrong about my project, or can make me think I am going the right path.