So, Warlocks.
I embark with the alchemy embark, plus 7 picks and 8 slaves in an area with a river and flux stone. This lets me create the philosopher stone (cheap & early steel/mithril etc) as well as 10 books. The rest of the points typically go into a random crop for shredding later on.
First thing I do after embark is enable all crafting, stone, and farming skills as well as mining. Then I dig up/down stairs straight down to stone, and then one more layer. There, I dig out a 9x9 area centered around the stairs so I can build two masons workshops, two crafters workshops, butchery, tannery, and soul siphon. Then, I butcher all the prisoners as I dig out my dining hall, using it as temporary food storage. I set 'make rock blocks,' 'make rock hourglasses,' and 'make totems' to repeat and build the stonecutter to create a few tables and beds. I also make a bunch of stone block barrels to store the ~500-800 meat that I'll have.
I also dig out a 5x15 next to the butchery and soul siphon where I create a dark altar, demonic attorney, and hoardmaster's quarters. I set construct skeleton to repeat and deactivate mining from all my warlocks but 1 who has all other labors deactivated until I create a pylon, activating mining for the first 6 skeletons created. Following this I dig out an area from the river or some ponds and make a well (rope from tannery) since warlocks don't need booze.
After the well I wall up my entrance and make a mechanized bridge that I can close from my dining hall. I make another 9x9 area for 6 jeweler's workshops and 2 gemcutter's shops. I cut stones into gems and then merge the gems into large gems, which can then be traded for souls in the hoardmaster or used to construct pylons. 5 souls is 1 blood goat, which is equal to 1 skeleton. Around 6 of my warlocks will do nothing but cut gems.
Note: The 'Praying' labor is needed for many things, such as getting souls from graveyards and dark altar reactions.
With six skeletons and a warlock miner I'll typically strip mine a massive area using channel because it mines 2 layers at once. Later on I create a crap ton of every kind of furniture to lavishly decorate large rooms for each warlock to keep them happy. I also set orders -> refuse -> warlocks gather refuse from outside to yes so my skeletons will drag in anything that I kill topside if I happen to get a ghoul. I just keep making skeles while keeping myself walled off to work on my military. Warlocks are 100% self sufficient if they have souls, and if you ever run out of rocks just make a crap ton of graveyards (16+) and put a skeleton on them to permanently run the gather souls reaction.
I'll generally start working on my books through the central library, using ash from the crematorium/clothier combo to make ink and setting up shredders and my philosopher stone for creating rare metal to shred (bone can be turned into flux from one of the workshops if you haven't found any/didn't embark with any on your map) for spell reagents. You can deconstruct any library to get your books back, so feel free to experiment and do whatever strikes your fancy.
For military I upgrade skeletons. I'll mine some ore and build a smelter, buying wood to burn into fuel from the attorney if I don't get any fuel stones from mining. Then, I make two anvils and the corrupted forge. To get ash for Ironbone I'll build a clothier and a crematorium. I'll buy a ton of blood goats, setting a skeleton to milk them on repeat. Sometimes I'll turn meat into barrels through the Blood Winery as well. I'll typically breach the caverns and create a large area in my soil layer for them to graze, with the workshop set up nearby. Then it's just bloodsteel and a soul for dreadnaught metal. For masterwork dreadnaught armor I'll upgrade a high creativity attribute skeleton to legendary through the inscription studio. I don't know if it does anything on top of dreadnaught, but I'll also make rune robes from the fleshsmith for them to wear. I'll generally find amusement in sending in one of these rightfully named crypt lords to take on multiple sieges at once.
For weapon skill I give them a training weapon and raise some non-civ member (loyalty cascades are evil) undead with the circle. I'll have the skeletons attack the undead while wearing armor and a shield with the training weapon, and this typically raises them to legendary after awhile. Then I'll pump up their attributes to godly levels with soul syphon. If you have enough of these uber dreadnaught skeletons you can even take on the HFS.