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Author Topic: You Can't Die 3!  (Read 9991 times)


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Re: You Can't Die 3! (interactive storytelling game)
« Reply #15 on: October 11, 2015, 09:28:14 pm »

Drive away from danger until the sun begins to set in the west, then triangulate north.

Additionally, save any urine we produce, it'll come in handy.
Muh FG--OOC Thread
Quote from: smirk
Quote from: Shadowlord
Is there a word that combines comedy with tragedy and farce?
Heiterverzweiflung. Not a legit German word so much as something a friend and I made up in German class once. "Carefree despair". When life is so fucked that you can't stop laughing.


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Re: You Can't Die 3! (interactive storytelling game)
« Reply #16 on: October 12, 2015, 11:30:24 am »

Drive away from danger until the sun begins to set in the west, then triangulate north.

Additionally, save any urine we produce, it'll come in handy.
Quote from: MonkeyMarkMario, 2023
“Don’t quote me.”
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Re: You Can't Die 3! (interactive storytelling game)
« Reply #17 on: October 12, 2015, 09:38:42 pm »

Drive away from danger until the sun begins to set in the west, then triangulate north.

Additionally, save any urine we produce, it'll come in handy.
You drive yourself and Aaron out into the Desert. You pass several lone zombies who turn to chase you, but you outrun incredibly easily. You drive until the son starts heading down behind you from its place high in the noon sky. You stop the vehicle and have a talk with Aaron. "We both know that the Rhodium Realm is north of the Erbium Empire." You state. "Yes," Aaron replies. "The sun sets in the west which means we need to turn left right now." You two talk with each other to make sure that you both agree which way West and North are in relation to each other. Both of you are not sure whether West is to the left of North, or to the right. You both agree that West is most remembered to be left of North, which meant that you had to drive with the setting sun on your left side. You turn the motorcycle towards what you hope is North, when you see the hoard of zombies bearing down on you from every direction. The zombies were running towards you and could cut off any direction you could drive to before you get there. There were also too many for you two to kill on your own. The zombies kept running, opening their mouths at the smell of potential victims. You have your Scimitar, which had cooled down by now, the empty pistol and a knife. Aaron had his spear and the sacks of urine that you decided might come in useful.

Drive away from danger until the sun begins to set in the west, then triangulate north.

Additionally, save any urine we produce, it'll come in handy.
Please come up with your own ideas instead of +1 or -1 others. I was hoping that the fun from this story would come from trying to combine many different ideas into one ridiculous action.
"'...It represents the world. They [the dwarves] plan to destroy it.' 'WITH SOAP?!'" -legend of zoro (with some strange interperetation)


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Re: You Can't Die 3! (interactive storytelling game)
« Reply #19 on: October 13, 2015, 04:20:41 pm »

affix spears to bike and ram them.
Eventually when you go far enough the insane start becoming the sane


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Re: You Can't Die 3! (interactive storytelling game)
« Reply #20 on: October 13, 2015, 05:12:49 pm »

Ride with our saber held at generally head height, On the zombies.
Quote from: MonkeyMarkMario, 2023
“Don’t quote me.”
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Re: You Can't Die 3! (interactive storytelling game)
« Reply #21 on: October 13, 2015, 07:23:31 pm »

We need to go quickly before the ring gets too dense with zombies. Go for the biggest gap in the circle and drive, then as they run to close the gap, quickly change directions, spraying them with dirt from the tires, and drift to the side.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You Can't Die 3! (interactive storytelling game)
« Reply #22 on: October 13, 2015, 07:24:40 pm »

+1 to all of the above
Quote from: MonkeyMarkMario, 2023
“Don’t quote me.”
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Re: You Can't Die 3! (interactive storytelling game)
« Reply #23 on: October 13, 2015, 07:32:23 pm »

+1 to all of the above

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
"'...It represents the world. They [the dwarves] plan to destroy it.' 'WITH SOAP?!'" -legend of zoro (with some strange interperetation)


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Re: You Can't Die 3! (interactive storytelling game)
« Reply #24 on: October 13, 2015, 09:51:26 pm »

Jump over the zombies
affix spears to bike and ram them.
Ride with our saber held at generally head height, On the zombies.
We need to go quickly before the ring gets too dense with zombies. Go for the biggest gap in the circle and drive, then as they run to close the gap, quickly change directions, spraying them with dirt from the tires, and drift to the side.

You speed off towards the biggest gap in the ring. The zombies immediately close it and bunch up in that area. In transit, Aaron holds the spear on the handlebar of the Motorcycle, to use as a sort of pike. Right before you reach the zombies, you hit the brake and turn hard left, you then accelerate again letting the rear tire spin in the sand, sending volumes of sand into the zombies clustered there. As you recover from the drift, you stick your Scimitar off the the side, at head level, and decapitate two of the monsters as you circle around. The pack of zombies that you sprayed sand on are slightly tangled up on each other, but one breaks out and charges you two. You charge him back, and Aaron jabs his chest with the spear. The zombie drags along the ground, held up by the spear. But his legs fall under the front tire, a new force is applied on the spear and it is unable to bear the strain, and it snaps. The zombie begins to fall to the ground, but you two ride up his body while it is still falling, making the zombie a ramp which you two use to fly over the clump of zombies, hang in the air for a few seconds, and land outside of the ring, which was now more like a large clump of death. With one more look back, you drive north again.
You drive for several hours, and neither of you have any food or water. The sun begins to set in the west, but there is no sign of civilization. You know that once the land goes dark, there would be know chance of survival. However, despite your best efforts, the sun goes down without you finding the Rhodium Realm. However, the darkness may have been a blessing in disguise. "There, off in the distance, I see firelight!" Aaron points to the left. You follow his gaze and see the same thing. You turn the motorcycle towards the light, barely avoid a zombie who you didn't see in the dark, and drive towards the promise of a safe haven. Unfortunately, you are close enough to make out a wall similar to the one in the city where you escaped from and a closed gate when the engine of the motorcycle sputters and stops. It had run out of gasoline. You two instantly grab whatever you had and run for your lives towards the gate. You hear zombie footsteps behind you and they sound like they are getting closer and closer. You hear more zombie hisses to either side. You hear Aaron scream "HELP" hoping that the people of the city would hear. You two have halved the distance to the gate when you hear Aaron scream again. A zombie had grabbed his legs and made him fall. It was the same zombie that you narrowly avoided while on the motorcycle. You see the silhouettes of more zombies to every side except towards the gate. They are still pretty far away, but closing the distance fast. Aaron is unarmed, and desperately holding the zombie's head away from his body, but he won't last long. You have your Scimitar and the knife.
"'...It represents the world. They [the dwarves] plan to destroy it.' 'WITH SOAP?!'" -legend of zoro (with some strange interperetation)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You Can't Die 3! (interactive storytelling game)
« Reply #25 on: October 13, 2015, 10:04:45 pm »

Attempt to use our latent powers to telekinetically crush the zombie's skull, presumably while dashing to save him more practically.
Muh FG--OOC Thread
Quote from: smirk
Quote from: Shadowlord
Is there a word that combines comedy with tragedy and farce?
Heiterverzweiflung. Not a legit German word so much as something a friend and I made up in German class once. "Carefree despair". When life is so fucked that you can't stop laughing.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You Can't Die 3! (interactive storytelling game)
« Reply #26 on: October 14, 2015, 07:50:55 am »

THROW THE SEMITAR, this is bound to work
Quote from: MonkeyMarkMario, 2023
“Don’t quote me.”
nothing here.

Dustan Hache

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Re: You Can't Die 3! (interactive storytelling game)
« Reply #27 on: October 14, 2015, 08:15:10 am »

I figure at some point, you're just gonna run outta fucks to give and just off yourself whenever you get hurt at all. It's not like there's any downsides to it. Hangover? Suicide will fix that. Stubbed your toe? Suicide. Headache? Suicide. Papercut? Suicide.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You Can't Die 3! (interactive storytelling game)
« Reply #28 on: October 14, 2015, 07:54:34 pm »

Scimitars are not good throwing weapons. Instead, use the weapon's curved blade to launch our knife at high speed into the zombie.

Assuming we didn't develop latent psychic powers. :P
Muh FG--OOC Thread
Quote from: smirk
Quote from: Shadowlord
Is there a word that combines comedy with tragedy and farce?
Heiterverzweiflung. Not a legit German word so much as something a friend and I made up in German class once. "Carefree despair". When life is so fucked that you can't stop laughing.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You Can't Die 3! (interactive storytelling game)
« Reply #29 on: October 14, 2015, 09:31:55 pm »

THROW THE SEMITAR, this is bound to work
Scimitars are not good throwing weapons. Instead, use the weapon's curved blade to launch our knife at high speed into the zombie.

Assuming we didn't develop latent psychic powers. :P
Attempt to use our latent powers to telekinetically crush the zombie's skull, presumably while dashing to save him more practically.
Time seems to freeze. The zombie had crawled on top of Aaron, and it was only Aaron's desperate shoving at the zombies face and neck that kept him from getting bit. You remember some of the Erbium religious shamans performing terrible acts like crushing a slave's head with only a single word. You try to say the same word at the zombie, but nothing happens. Either you forgot the magic words, or the shamans used some sort of trickery in their acts. You place the knife on your scimitar and sling it off towards the zombie. The Knife hits the zombie in the mouth just as it was coming down to bite Aaron so that the knife hilt hits Aaron's neck, rather that the teeth. The zombie takes a moment to rip the knife out of its throat and comes down to bite again. Aaron, who seemed to be choking on something, was helpless. You throw your scimitar in desperation.
It was bound to work.
The Scimitar spins in every direction before impaling the zombie through one eye hole and into the brain. The zombie collapses onto Aaron, who had recovered and started to stand up again. You help him up, pull the scimitar out of the head, and run after Aaron. More lights around the gate had turned on, and you could see several silhouetted people atop the wall. You scream "HELP" again and someone on top of the wall relays the words to men in the gatehouse. The portcullis slowly raises up, and many soldiers with far-reaching pikes make a wall of spikes in the doorway. The men open a small gap for Aaron, who was ahead of you, to run through. You hear the sounds of zombies running behind you and to the sides. You see their shadows slowly gaining on yours, and you hear their moans getting slowly louder and louder. Right towards the end, your body summons more strength then you knew it had, and you charge through the small gap in the pikes. The men on either side quickly fill the hole and the zombies chasing you get impaled on the wall of death to be decapitated by a Naginata. The zombies further back see the high death rate of their comrades and the virus that controls them decides that the certainty of death was not worth the slight chance of infecting new humans. The zombies back away. The men slowly step back, and the portcullis is closed.
You spend the night in a room very similar to the one you woke up in at the beginning of this day. It had many small, uncomfortable beds packed close together, but after the events of the day, you were happy to be able to sleep in peace. However, you wake up in a different room than the one you slept in. Aaron was not in it. Instead, there were three men who were dressed in rich clothing. They introduced themselves as Joab, Naboth, and Jubal and they and asked you several questions. The one who was named Joab told you, "we have already questioned your brother. We wish to make sure that your stories are straight. Where did you come from yesterday, and how did you get here?" You tell him about your life as an Erbium slave and the crazy travel to the Rhodium Realm. You suddenly become terrified, "This is the Rhodium Realm, right?" "Of course it is! If this was the Erbium Empire, they would have let the zombies have their way with you. Those savages are so caught up in their religion that they don't have time to follow any of the morals that their religion dictates. They only follow the laws that suit their needs, those Bastards are barely even human. Now, your story matches the onewe recieved from Aaron, and we wish to welcome you into the Rhodium Realm. We do things a bit different here. If you want food or a place to sleep, you will have to choose a field to work in. You will be unable to pick a new one for a year, so if your superior finds you dissatisfying in your job, you will be outed and probably starve. If you do well, however, you can be promoted based on merit and achievement. The higher position you obtain, the better food and sleeping area you will be able to afford. Us three are needing some more men. I am the General of the army, Naboth is the master of the farmlands, and Jubal is the head musician. If you ever become rich enough, you could hire his men and women to entertain you if you wish. But before you make your choice, I would like to see your skills in battle. Come with me." With that, Joab led you outside where you see a zombie in a cage. "If you want to join the army, you will have to kill a zombie with no weapons to prove your mettle. As long as they don't bite you, you will not become one of them." "I'll do it." You say confidently. Joab makes you leave your scimitar and empty pistol on the table nearby. Many other soldiers, both male and female, gather round to watch you. You are lowered down a tube in the center of the cage. The zombie becomes excited and starts reaching through the metal slats. Finally, you reach the bottom. There are four doors, one on each side of the tube, So that the zombie won't be blocking all of them. Once you open the door, you would be inside the cage with the zombie. You are completely unarmed.
"'...It represents the world. They [the dwarves] plan to destroy it.' 'WITH SOAP?!'" -legend of zoro (with some strange interperetation)
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