"Welcome, new students! I am the Headmistress of this school, and I will be giving you your introductory assembly. We had a bit of a schedule slip, as I'm sure Rosabel told you, so I apologise for the delay. Hopefully you've all started getting to know each other!" She pauses for a second, expression becoming more sombre.
"Now, we all know why you're here, but I feel led to make a few things clear.
Our aim here at New Moon is to help young people like you live happy, productive lives, as it is at most schools. We offer excellent classes, high-quality facilities, and full board for our students." Another pause. "Of course, that is where I would stop were you all mundane. You are not. Our aim for you is the same: helping you lead happy, productive lives. Our methods, however are different. The school will provide you with a grounding in both wider supernatural society, such as it is, and in mundane society.
Our end goal for you is for you to be prepared for later life. It merely happens you require a little extra effort to prepare for that."
She looks to be thinking about something for a second, then smiles again.
"Miss Rosabel will now go over the rules here. Then I will take any questions you may have. I'm aware how brief I was, but for this first week, you will be taking no classes other than a few introductory ones, and you are welcome to visit me in my office. Speaking of which, maps are in your dorms. Now, Miss Rosabel."
There's a brief pause while Miss Rosabel adjusts her notes et cetera.