Making a Character
There are Six steps to making a character in this game
1) Determine Statistics
2) Determine your age
3) Chose an Occupation
4) Assign your Skills
5) Chose a Background
6) Equipment (though 5 and 6 are interchangeable)
I'll go through this one by one
1) Determine Statistics
Now when I give you an array you will see a bunch of numbers
65, 45, 40, 30 25 (80, 70, 55) -75
The first Five numbers are assigned to an attribute of your choice between: Strength, Constitution, Dexterity, Power, and Appearance
The Next three numbers are the same but are chosen between: Size, Education, and Intelligence
The final number of Luck and, because it is alone, cannot be chosen.
When you finalize them you will also want to achieve the "Half" and "Fifth" of them, rounded down. I will explain why in a future tutorial.
The attributes are mostly self-explanatory but let me go over them one by one.
-Strength: Your physical strength, if you ever need to push, pull, or lift something this will tend to be what you will use.
-Constitution: Your health, vigor, and stamina. If you are poisoned, exhausted, or dangerously injured it might call for a constitution roll
-Dexterity: Your agility, reflexes, and flexibility. Picking up something on the run or squeezing through a tight passage might call for a dexterity roll. This also Directly determines your initiative.
-Power: Your willpower, magic resistance, and magical power. Resisting torture, preventing yourself from being possessed, or casting a spell might call for a Power roll.
-Appearance: Your allure, beauty, and just darn rugged charms. People are more naturally attracted to attractive people.
-Size: How big you are whether it is because of height, fat, or muscle. Typically not rolled but might be called upon when the situation calls for it.
-Education: This is your schooling and pool of academic and trivial knowledge that you memorized. 60 = highschool, 70 bachelors, 80 masters, 90 doctorate.
-Intelligence: Your thinking ability, learning ability, and problem solving.
Education tends to be used for occupational skills, while intelligence is directly used for personal interest skills.
-Luck: Your force of luck. Rolled when things are in the hands of fate. As well if something is going to happen to one person, it will usually default to the one with lowest luck.
Secondary Attributes based on these are
-This is essentially your bonus for being big and strong, or your penalty for being small and weak. This determines not only your damage bonus for melee BUT there are bonuses and penalties associated for using "maneuvers" on opponents of different builds (and something 3 builds larger then you, it impossible to grapple)
-Strength + Size
- 2-64 = build -2 and a -2 damage penalty
- 65-84 = build -1 and a -1 damage penalty
- 85-124 = build 0 and no damage bonus
- 125-164 = build 1 and a 1d4 damage bonus
- 164-204 = build 2 and a 1d6 damage bonus
Builds above 2 exist, but they are above human.
How many yards you can move in a single round UP to five times this value.
-Determined by: Dexterity, Strength, and Size
-Movement starts at 7. If Dexterity or Strength are higher then size it is 8, if both are higher then size then it is 9.
-Age 40 and higher can lower this value.
Hit points, the numbers that determine how much damage you can take before perishing.
-Determined by: Con and Size
- (Con+Siz) / 10
-Note that if you take half hp in a single attack you become wounded.
-As an extra reference a single bullet wound from a typical pistol does 1d10 damage
Your mental health and connection to the land of the sane.
-Starting Point determined by: Power
-This starts at your power rating.
-The maximum Sanity one can have is 99 - Cthulhu Mythos skill.
-Magic Points
Used for Spells, though not really important yet or possibly ever
-Determined by: Power
- Power / 5 (round down)
2) Determine You Age
You actually have quite a few choices when it comes to your age. If you don't want to mess with your statistics then don't worry, ages 20-39 have you covered.
Because I'd feel guilty if I just copy and pasted entire sections of the book wholesale... I'll just give a basic overview. Each age category removes stats from your physical attributes (including appearance) but also gives you chances to improve your education.
After you chose your age and have allocated your attributes, I'll tell you what you need to adjust.
3) Chose your Occupation
This is quite simple you need to basically chose your job and the list of jobs in the book are quite large so just tell me the occupation you are interested in and I'll find it. However there are important aspects of it. Lets show the Dilettante and exclude the fluff text.
Occupation Skill Points: EDU Χ 2 + APP Χ 2
Credit Rating: 5099
Suggested Contacts: Variable, but usually people of a similar background and tastes, fraternal organizations, bohemian circles, high society at large.
Skills: Art/Craft (Any), Firearms, Other Language, Ride, one interpersonal skill (Charm, Fast Talk, Intimidate, or Persuade), any three other skills as personal or era specialties.
Reading the Job!
-Occupation Skill points: This is how many skill points a job gives you. You MUST put it in the skills given to you by your occupation (but this includes Credit Rating).
-Credit Rating: How many occupation skill points MUST go towards credit rating.
-Suggested Contacts: This is just ideas for the background creation.
-Skills: The Occupation skills
4) Assign your skills
Ok now for you to assign your skills, now there are two general steps. The first is you need to deal with your Occupation Skill points and then you need to assign your Personal Interest Skill points
-Occupation Skill points are determined by your job. The Dilettante that I listed earlier has EDU x 2 + App x 2, but it is unique to every job.
-Personal Interest Skill points are determined by your intelligence. This is always your intelligence x 2
Occupation Skill points must be spent on occupation skills, Credit rating, and nothing else. You also must spend occupation skill points within the minimum and maximum of the occupations Credit Rating.
AFTER you spend Occupation skill points you can then spend personal interest skill points. These represent your personal interests and can be spent anywhere even occupational skill points and credit rating.
-Note: You CANNOT spend points on Cthulhu Mythos. You know exactly nothing about it.
Once you get their final level you must also get their Half and Fifth values.
-Reading the skill point entry-
So you are probably looking at the skills and seeing something along the lines of
-Drive Auto (20%)
-Language (Own) (Edu)
These are essentially the "Starting skill level" of these skills. So if you put 1 point into Drive Auto, it becomes 21%. Language (Own) uses your education to determine its starting point, but if education goes up Langauge (Own) goes up by the same number of points, so do not be afraid about investing in them.
-Skill Explanations-
These are just skills with uses that might not be obvious.
-Fighting (brawl): This includes hand to hand combat, knives, clubs, Tasers, pepper spray, and other forms of improvised weaponry, so long as it is melee.
-Psychology: This is your ability to read others.
-Psychoanalysis: Your ability to treat others who have mental illness.
-First Aid: The ability to stabilize and treat others on the spot in emergencies.
-Medicine: Long term care, surgery, and medical analysis.
-Occult: Fake knowledge of the supernatural. Though... not everything is as fake as it seems.
-Fast Talk: Essentially conning and lying.
-Persuasion: Logical rhetoric and convincing
-Charm: Winning someone over
-Intimidate: Threatening someone
-What do the skill percents mean?-
Alright on a mechanical level if I ask you to roll a skill you have to get the percent of your skill or under to succeed. Simple? Indeed. If there are extenuating circumstances that make the situation easier or more difficult I might make you roll more dice and either use the highest or lowers among them.
Yet what about the half and fifth?...
-Half: hard successes. If the task is very difficult I will ask for a hard skill roll OR it simply means you did better then expected.
-Fifth: Extreme Success. These are nearly impossible tasks. OR it means you succeed in a stellar fashion and determines critical success.
In skill contests the better success typically wins unless noted otherwise.
Yet even the percents mean something
01%05% Novice: Complete amateur.
06%19% Neophyte: Beginner with a small amount of knowledge.
20%49% Amateur: Possesses some talent or rudimentary training (hobby level).
50%74% Professional: Allows a character to eke out a living from the skill. Equivalent to a bachelors degree in a specific subject.
75%89% Expert: Advanced expertise. Corresponds with a masters degree or Ph.D.
90%+ Master: Among the worlds best in the skill.
-Credit Rating-
Credit Rating is essentially your assets, money, and often income in some way.
0 is penniless
1-9 is poor
10-49 is average (average is kind of Lower class)
50-89 is wealthy
90-98 is Rich
99 is Super Rich
Accounting (05%)
Acting (05%)see Art/Craft
Animal Handling (05%) [Uncommon]
Anthropology (01%)
Appraise (05%)
Archaeology (01%)
Art and Craft (05%) [Specializations]
Artillery (01%) [Uncommon]
Astronomy (01%) Science
Axe (15%) Fighting
Biology (01%) Science
Botany (01%) Science
Bow (15%) Firearms
Brawl (25%) Fighting
Chainsaw (10%) Fighting
Charm (15%)
Chemistry (01%) Science
Climb (20%)
Computer Use (05%)
Credit Rating (00%)
Cryptography (01%) Science
Cthulhu Mythos (00%)
Demolitions (01%) [Uncommon]
Disguise (05%)
Diving (01%)
Dodge (half DEX)
Drive Auto (20%)
Electrical Repair (10%)
Electronics (01%)
Fast Talk (05%)
Fighting (varies) [Specializations]
Fine Art (05%) Art and Craft
Firearms (varies) [Specializations]
First Aid (30%)
Flail (10%) Fighting
Flamethrower (10%) Firearms
Forensics (05%) Science
Forgery (01%) Art and Craft
Garrote (15%) Fighting
Geology (01%) Science
Handgun (20%) Firearms
Heavy Weapons (10%) Firearms
History (05%)
Hypnosis (01%) [Uncommon]
Intimidate (15%)
Jump (20%)
Language (Other) (01%) [Specializations]
Language (Own) (EDU)
Law (05%)
Library Use (20%)
Listen (20%)
Locksmith (01%)
Machine Gun (10%) Firearms
Mathematics (01%) Science
Mechanical Repair (10%)
Medicine (01%)
Meteorology (01%) Science
Natural World (10%)
Navigate (10%)
Occult (05%)
Operate Heavy Machinery (01%)
Persuade (10%)
Pharmacy (01%) Science
Photography (05%) Art and Craft
Physics (01%) Science
Pilot (01%) [Specializations]
Psychoanalysis (01%)
Psychology (10%)
Read Lips (01%) [Uncommon]
Ride (05%)
Rifle (25%) Firearms
Science (01%) [Specializations]
Shotgun (25%) Firearms
Sleight of Hand (10%)
Spear (20%) Firearms (or Throw)
Spot Hidden (25%)
Stealth (20%)
Submachine Gun (15%) Firearms
Survival (10%) [Specializations]
Sword (20%) Fighting
Swim (20%)
Throw (20%)
Track (10%)
Whip (05%) Fighting
Zoology (01%) Science
[Specializations]: This denotes a skill that isn't taken on its own. You do not take Science you take... Science (Chemistry)
[Uncommon]: These skills are so uncommon even the standard 7th edition character sheet doesn't list it.
-Firearm, Fighting, Science, Art/craft: These are specializations that are often referenced in jobs.
-Note: Firearm (Shotgun/rifle) is the same skill, I'll chalk it up as an error.
However that features a lot of redundancy and some skills actually go together, this is just what the character sheets show. You should have these on your final character sheet even if you don't put a single skill point into them.
Accounting [05%]
Anthropology [01%]
Appraise [05%]
Archaeology [01%]
Art/Craft [05%] (Speciality)
Charm [15%]
Climb [20%]
Computer Use [05%]
Credit Rating [00%]
Cthulhu Mythos [00%]
Disguise [05%]
Dodge [Half-Dex]
Drive Auto [20%]
Electric Repair [10%]
Electronics [01%]
Fast Talk [05%]
Fighting (Brawl) [25%]
Firearms (Handgun) [20%]
Firearms (Rifle/Shotgun) [25%]
First Aid [30%]
History [05%]
Intimidate [15%]
Jump [20%]
Language (Other) [01%] (Specialization)
Language (Own) [EDU] (Specialization)
Law [05%]
Library Use [20%]
Listen [25%]
Locksmith [01%]
Mechanical Repair [10%]
Medicine [01%]
Natural World [10%]
Navigate [10%]
Occult [05%]
Operate Heavy Machine [01%]
Persuade [10%]
Pilot [01%] (Specialization)
Psychology [10%]
Psychoanalysis [01%]
Science [01%] (Specialization)
Slight of Hand [10%]
Spot Hidden [10%]
Stealth [20%]
Survival [10%] (Specialization)
Swim [20%]
Throw [20%]
Track [10%]
-Note that a "-" refers to spaces left for more specializations then one.
5) Chose a Background
While you might thing this is where you write out your character's background... this isn't exactly what it is referring to (though I would prefer you to provide one anyhow).
Backgrounds are continuously updated and reworks in Call of Cthulhu as your circumstances change and your war with the supernatural continue on.
There are multiple sections of a Background and here they are:
-Personal Description: What you look like
-Ideology/Beliefs: What idea drives you or paints your view of the world?
-Significant People: An important person to you, whether positive or negative
-Meaningful Locations: An important place
-Treasured Possessions: an important object
-Traits: a personality quirk or trait important to your character.
There is also
-Injuries and Scars:
-Phobias and Manias:
-Arcane Tomes, Spells, and Artifacts:
-Encounters with Strange Entities:
These last four do not have to be filled out at all. Unless you already have some sort of old injury just leave these blank for now.
The key to your backgrounds is you want them to be SPECIFIC and to carry strong emotional weight. These are not simply things they enjoy, these are the building blocks of their life.
So if you have a Wife, give her name. Describe her and your feelings towards her. Use Love instead of Like, must instead of prefer. If they are an item or location, where are they?
There should only be one per section as your "most important". You also do not have to fill out a section if you do not wish to.
Once you are done make sure you signify your "Key background" in some manner. This background is the most important to your character, spending time with it is much more beneficial then other backgrounds, as is the loss of losing it. While I can remove, amend, add, and destroy your other backgrounds... I cannot touch your key background without your character being present.
Examples of Background!
Person 1
Personal Description: Youthful face with the eyes of an old man.
Ideology/Beliefs: I pride myself on keeping a balanced chequebook.
Significant People: My grandfather; I think he may have married a witch.
Traits: I love deciphering old tomes, often forgetting to eat and sleep.
Person 2
Personal Description: Prim and proper dress; business-like.
Ideology/Beliefs: I hate injustice.
Significant People: I will find the man responsible for my father's murder.
Meaningful Locations: Im most at home in the Orne Library.
Treasured Possessions: My collection of first editions
Person 3
Personal Description: Studious-looking, clipped beard.
Ideology/Beliefs: I will rival H.G. Wells as a famous author.
Significant People: My mother; I call her every day.
Treasured Possessions: I never go anywhere without my trusty ink pen and notepad.
Traits: Loves to gossip.
6) Equipment
Now that you have your credit score you now know your three scores.
There are five spending levels
(CR 0) Penniless:
-Cash: $10
-Assets: 0
-Spending Level: $10
(CR 1-9) Poor:
-Cash: CR x 20
-Assets: CR x 200
-Spending Level: $40
(CR 10-49) Average:
-Cash: CR x 40
-Assets: CR x 1000
-Spending Level: $200
(CR 50-89) Wealthy:
-Cash: CR x 100
-Assets: CR x 10,000
-Spending Level: $1000
(CR 90-98) Rich:
-Cash: CR x 400
-Assets: CR x 40,000
-Spending Level: $5000
(CR 99) Super Rich
-Cash: 1 million
-Assets: Over 100 Million
-Spending Level: $100,000
What do these numbers mean?
-Cash is the amount of liquid money you have, whether it is on you or not. This includes your savings.
-Assets are the amount of money you have tied in assets such as your house and car
-Spending Level is how much you can spend daily without needing to keep track.
For this game I do want a exact tally of what you are bringing to the mansion. While "Weeks worth of clothes" is fine. Though bullets or magazines need to be specific.
As well try to be realistic about what you would bring to this lodge. I doubt you brought your entire stash of C4.
The game does bring an entire list of weapons, guns, and items... But for now just be reasonable with your purchases and I'll tell you anything you need to about it.