In previous attempts at breeding crocodilians, I thought it would be very cool if the enclosure included a pool for the crocodilians to swim in that also doubled as a drowning/murder pit. Both the breeding attempts and the pool failed, but for different reasons. I'll ask questions about exotic animal husbandry later when I actually have exotic animals, but right now I'd like to just get a crocodile enclosure set up, so at the moment I have 2 questions:
A) Is it even possible to set up a pasture with a swimming pool and if so, how? For the record, my previous attempt was to make a pasture, dig a 1 layer hole in it then fill the hole 7/7 with water.
B) How can I set up a control system with levers and pressure plates so that the floodgates will open on my command, close once the pool is sufficiently deep, then open again if the pool needs more water? I had previously used a control system with one lever (used to open the floodgates initially) and one pressure plate (used to close the floodgates once the tile furthest from them was 7/7 deep) and while the logic was theoretically, it didn't work in practice. *EDIT* If the only way to give crocodiles a swimming pool is to flood their pasture AND crocodilians are happy to lay eggs in a 4/7 flooded nestbox, then I will need to be able to adjust the level of water in the pasture; in one option, the dwarves will refuse to path to the nestboxes (so 4/7) and in the other they will path to the nest boxes. Switching between the two options will conveniently let me designate breeding seasons and egg harvesting seasons.