"There's a drink woman standing at the bus stop at the end of the street". Did you mean DRUNK woman? As said man we grammer nazi's like our words well done. Good start though.
yep that was a miss type.
You are what you eat. I would rather not test the effects of drugs or alchohol in blood when consumed. Let's break into a hospital.
You don't really want to test the effects of drugs or alcohol in blood when consumed.
The hospital, you know they have what you want, blood.
You have no complex plan of how your going to get the blood, so you just walk in the front door.
You keep up a fast pace as you follow the signs towards the store rooms.
The store room is empty and you quickly pull a few bags from the freezer filling your pockets with blood bags.
Shutting the freezer door behind you, you turn and walk straight out of the hospitable.
Back in your car, you tear the packs open with you teeth hungry for blood.
Cold and with a after taste of chemicals it's an unpleasant meal but your hunger is stated for now.
As you finish the last of your meal a car pulls up the street in front of the hospital.
Two large men get out both of them in black suits and sporting full beards.
One of them sniffs the air, "It's near by" he's across the street but some how you can hear him fine.
He start to walk towards a girl, reacheing inside his jacket for the large lump under his shoulder as he get closer.
As you turn on the engine, the other man looks straight at you and chill runs down your spine.
He knows and he's no man He starts to reach in side his jacket as well.
Strangers in the night.
Andy Anderson
Aged 34
A tall and bald man with square glasses, skilled in engineering and piloting.
44 Auto Mag pistol
Wallet ($154)