With heartfelt apologies for the delay, here is
Episode 19 of Farming Valley, wherein I show you folks around my other, more secret, more betterer farm that I've been secretly building for a while now. I also get lost in a hedge maze. Which I built. I prefer to think of this as proof of my hedge maze building skills rather than of my inability to solve hedge mazes.
The reason for the delay, however, is a happy one, in the end. I have finally learned how to render my videos in HD, and the difference is really wonderful. Yesterday I had some growing pains as I clicked a few incorrect settings, erm, several times in a row, and lost many hours to wasted exporting from Adobe Premiere. But I've finally gotten it right (and saved the settings as a preset to eliminate this nonsense in the future), and from now on, my videos shall be much better quality than they've been in the past! Finally!
For those who don't follow
me on Twitter, I've also had to apologize again for missing another Monday. I've been thinking it over and for the time being, Mondays just kick my ass far too hard to leave me any energy for YouTube, and that's not likely to change until the end of the school year. So I'm officially changing my update schedule to Wednesdays and Fridays, with Mondays happening only when I have the time/energy to make it happen. I do promise, however, that once the school year ends and I quit teaching at long last, my update schedule will increase tremendously. And I. Cannot. Wait. Until that happens.